13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (2024)

Before you resign oats to the “just for breakfast” club, let’s pause and reconsider. That big ol’ bag of oats in your pantry? It’s practically a magic ingredient waiting to jazz up more than just your morning routine. Beyond their go-to role in kickstarting the day, oats are ridiculously versatile and can sneak their way into anything from crunchy granola bars and hearty burgers to sneaky chocolate truffles.

Discover the joy of playing “oatside” the traditional bowl with these creative recipe ideas and see just how fun and filling oats can be, all day long.

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (1)

Make Your Own Energy Balls

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (2)

Oats are the perfect base for energy balls because they’re packed with fiber and can be mixed with nuts, seeds, and sweeteners for a quick, healthy snack. Ideal for a pre-workout boost or a midday pick-me-up.
Try this Recipe: Energy Balls

Bake Up Some Cookies

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (3)

Incorporating oats into cookies adds a hearty texture and ups the nutritional value, making your sweet treats a bit more guilt-free. They blend well with a variety of flavors, from chocolate chips to raisins.
Try this Recipe: Cookies

Blend Them Into a Smoothie

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (4)

Adding oats to your smoothie thickens it up and boosts the fiber content, making it more filling and nutritious. It’s a great way to start your day or refuel after a workout.
Try this Recipe: Smoothie

Use Them as a Binder in Meatloaf

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (5)

Oats can be a healthier alternative to breadcrumbs in meatloaf, improving texture and adding nutritional value, including fiber. It’s a clever way to make comfort food a little more wholesome.
Try this Recipe: The Best Meatloaf

Make a Crust for Any Tart

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (6)

Oats make a great crust for any tart. They add a nice crunch and a bit of nutty flavor, making your pies and quiches stand out. Plus, it’s a great way to sneak in some extra fiber into your desserts.
Try this Recipe: Delicious Curd Tart

Sprinkle on as a Streusel Topping

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (7)

Throw some oats on top of your next pie or muffin batch as a streusel topping. It gives a perfect crunchy texture that’s way better than just plain old sugar. Plus, it’s an easy hack for a healthier treat.
Try this Recipe: Microwave Apple Crisp

Bake Homemade Bread

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (8)

Swap in some oats when you’re baking bread. It adds a nice texture and a slight sweetness that’s just perfect. You get a loaf that’s not only great tasting but also packs a healthier punch with more fiber.
Try this Recipe: Homemade Oat Bread

Make Oat Milk for a Fraction of the Price!

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (9)

Making oat milk at home is super easy and cheap. You control what goes in, so it’s great for anyone looking to cut down on additives. Plus, it’s eco-friendly and perfect for your coffee, cereal, or just drinking straight up.
Try this Recipe: Homemade Oat Milk

Use Steel Cut Oats for Risotto Instead of Rice

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (10)

Shake things up and use steel-cut oats instead of rice for your next risotto. They give a really nice, creamy texture that’s just as good, if not better, and it’s a fun way to make dinner more interesting.
Try this Recipe: Mushroom Leek Risotto

Use as a Nugget Coating

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (11)

Coat your chicken nuggets in a mixture of oats and sesame seeds for a crunchy outside without all the deep-fried guilt. It’s a game-changer for making your favorite meal a bit healthier and still keeping that crunch you love. Plus, it’s gluten-free.

Enjoy a Stack of Pancakes

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (12)

Mix oats into your pancake batter for a more filling breakfast that keeps you powered up longer. Plus, they add a slight nuttiness to your stack that’s just perfect for lazy weekend mornings.
Try this Recipe: Oat Bran Pancakes

Replace Rice in Stuffed Peppers

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (13)

Next time you’re making stuffed peppers, try oats instead of rice. It’s a great way to mix things up and add some extra nutrition to your meal. Plus, the texture combo is spot on.
Try this Recipe: Stuffed Peppers

Bake Up Some Homemade Granola

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (14)

Homemade granola with oats is the way to go. You control the crunch, the sweetness, and all the mix-ins. It’s perfect for breakfast or a snack, and way healthier than the store-bought stuff.
Try this Recipe: No-Nut Homemade Granola

11 Amazing Ways To Use Orange Peels You Haven’t Thought Of

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (15)

So, you’ve just enjoyed a juicy orange and are about to toss the peel? Hold up—there’s a whole world of possibilities for those peels that often go overlooked. From creating your own natural cleaning solutions to whipping up some surprisingly sweet snacks, let’s explore some awesomely creative ways to give those orange peels a second life.

Read it Here: 11 Amazing Ways To Use Orange Peels You Haven’t Thought Of

10 Creative Ways To Use Coffee Grinds You Probably Never Thought Of

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (16)

You know those coffee grinds you usually toss out after brewing your morning cup? Turns out, they’re like gold for a bunch of cool and unexpected uses. Here’s a fun list of unique and creative ways to give those grinds a second life, from greening up your garden to jazzing up your skincare routine.

Read it Here: 10 Creative Ways To Use Coffee Grinds You Probably Never Thought Of

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Gina Matsoukas

Founder and Writer at Running to the Kitchen | About

Gina Matsoukas is an AP syndicated writer. She is the founder, photographer and recipe developer of Running to the Kitchen — a food website focused on providing healthy, wholesome recipes using fresh and seasonal ingredients. Her work has been featured in numerous media outlets both digital and print, including MSN, Huffington post, Buzzfeed, Women’s Health and Food Network.

13 Ways To Use Oats That Aren't A Boring Bowl Of Oatmeal (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.