BL2 PC Long ENG ManInt 081712 HighRes - [PDF Document] (2024)

BL2 PC Long ENG ManInt 081712 HighRes - [PDF Document] (1)


TABLE OF CONTENTSA BRIEF HISTORY OF PANDORA ............................................................................. 02

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................03

DEFAULT GAME CONTROLS ....................................................................................04

STARTING UP ........................................................................................................ 05

CREATING A NEW-U ............................................................................................... 06

PLAYING THE GAME .............................................................................................. 08

CREATURES TO KILL ...............................................................................................13

TRAVELING THE WORLD ..........................................................................................14

PLACES TO GO ........................................................................................................16

PEOPLE TO SEE ......................................................................................................18

MANAGING YOUR STUFF ........................................................................................ 20

USING THE FACILITIES .......................................................................................... 22

JOINING YOUR FRIENDS..........................................................................................24

SETTING YOUR OPTIONS ....................................................................................... 26

CREDITS ................................................................................................................ 28

LIMITED WARRANTY ...............................................................................................35

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MINIMUM REQUIREMENTSOS: Windows XP SP3SOftware: Steam ClientPrOceSSOr: 2.4 GHz Dual Core ProcessorMeMOry: 2048MB/2048MB VistaHard drive: 13GB freevideO MeMOry: 256MB VRAM, DirectX 9videO card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500/ATI Radeon HD 2600SOund card: DirectX 9 Compliant

OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista/Win 7SOftware: Steam ClientPrOceSSOr: 2.3 GHz Quad Core processorMeMOry: 2048MB/2048MB VistaHard drive: 20GB freevideO MeMOry: 512MB VRAM, DirectX 10videO card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560/ATI Radeon HD 5850SOund card: DirectX 9.0c Compliant

OTHER REQUIREMENTS & SUPPORTSInitial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, DirectX 9, Microsoft .NET 4 Framework, Visual C++ Redistributable 2005, Visual C++ Redistributable 2008, Visual C++ Redistributable 2010, and AMD CPU Drivers (XP Only/AMD Only)

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CONTINUEResume playing where you last left your current Vault Hunter. Press C to select a different Vault Hunter.

NEW GAMECreate a new Vault Hunter and start your adventure from the beginning.


Navigate options Mouse/Arrow KeysSelect option LMB/EnterExit menu Esc


custom configurations: If these default controls don’t work for you, you can completely reconfigure each and every key binding in the Options Menu. Seriously, go nuts.

Move forward WMove backward SStrafe Left AStrafe Right DJump SpaceSprint ShiftCrouch CFire weapon LMBAim RMBReload weapon RUse Action Skill FGrenade GUse ESecondary use QCycle weapon Mouse wheelSelect weapon 1-4ECHO device TabShow Mission Log LShow Map MShow Inventory IShow Skills KShow Challenges/Badass Rank JPush to talk TText chat YTrade items X

Drive forward WDrive backward STurn/Aim MouseFire primary weapon LMBFire secondary weapon RMBVehicle boost FUse handbreak GSwitch seats CVehicle horn ZEnter/Exit vehicle E


MATCHMAKINGJoin other Vault Hunters online and kick ass like an ass-kicking team. Pick Custom Match to select from a list of available game sessions, or just pick Quick Match to have the machine do all that finding work for you.

ExTRASRedeem your codes for more awesome Borderlands 2 content, get your Player Loyalty Rewards, and check out all the badasses that made this game.

Shift codes: Sign in with your Gearbox Software Shift account and redeem your Shift Codes to unlock exclusive content for Borderlands 2 ! Not a Shift member yet? Well what are you waiting for? Free stuff!

Player Loyalty rewards: You can get special exclusive content for Borderlands 2 if you have a save file from the first Borderlands game on your profile. You do have a Borderlands save file, don’t you?

OPTIONSHere’s where you can tweak all of the little gameplay, audio/video, and control knobs because default is just never good enough.

DOWNLOADABLE CONTENTTake a look at all the shiny new Borderlands 2 Downloadable Content and then trade money for it. An exclamation point icon appears here when new DLC content is available. Exciting!

QUITQuit the game and exit Borderlands 2. Not that you’d ever have a reason to quit playing Borderlands 2. Right? Right?

NETWORK OPTIONSAccess the Network Options menu and change your network settings. For more information, see the Multiplayer Games section of this manual. If connected to Steam, press Shift+Tab to open the Steam UI where you can invite friends or join friends games.


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After selecting New Game from the main menu, and watching the exciting intro, it’s time to decide which of the four Vault Hunters you want to be the hero of your story. Use the Mouse to highlight a Vault Hunter, and press LMB to make your selection. Don’t rush now, it’s a big decision.




Bio: Hailing from the planet of Athenas where she was once worshipped as a goddess, Maya has come to Pandora to learn more about her Siren heritage. And to melt her enemies with the power of her mind, but mainly that first thing. action Skill: Phaselock – Trap your enemies in a stasis field, and crush the life out of them.

combat Style: Control the battlefield with psychic powers and Tech weapons.

Bio: Axton was kicked out of the Dahl PMC for being too unpredictable – too much of a fun-loving glory hog. Rather than face certain death at a firing squad, he thought he’d retire to the one planet in the galaxy where his talents would be appreciated: Pandora. action Skill: Sabre Turret – Summon your highly modifiable auto-turret to help wreck your foes.

combat Style: Achieve tactical superiority through suppressive fire.




Bio: Salvador is about as subtle, classy, and sane as one would imagine a native of Pandora to be. Which is to say: not at all. He loves blowing people up, getting paid, and laughing incessantly at the violence that surrounds him. action Skill: Gunzerking – When one gun just isn’t enough, use two!

combat Style: 1. Get two huge guns. 2. CHARGE!

Bio: Zero is a question mark, wrapped inside an enigma box, covered in mystery wrapping, and topped with a bow of confusion. Rumor has it that Zero is just looking for a real challenge. Rumor also says that Zero has four fingers and is actually an alien robot with a demon face. So, rumor can go suck it. action Skill: Decepti0n – Confuse your prey with a holographic decoy while you move in for the kill.

combat Style: Use sniper rifles to kill at a distance, or get up close and personal.

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PLAYING THE GAMEPlaying Borderlands 2 is mostly about four things; kicking ass, getting loot, staying alive, and leveling up. As long as you can perform these four tasks with a reasonable amount of success, you’ll do just fine out there in Pandora.



Most of the indigenous life on Pandora wants you dead, so your most important goal is to kill them before they can get what they want. Thankfully, Vault Hunters have a wealth of death-dispensing options at their disposal.

The preferred method of making things very dead is to riddle them with bullets. Your gun always points at your targeting reticle, so hold this over your foe and keep pressing LMB to fill them with holes. Hold RMB to aim down your gun’s sights and pinpoint your target’s squishy Critical bits.

critical Hits: Each enemy on Pandora has one or more Critical Hit locations. Attack them in these soft, vulnerable weak points for massive damage.


When you’re staring down an entire horde of baddies, or just one really big mutha, your guns and dinky melee weapon just aren’t gonna cut it. That’s where grenades come in. Throw a grenade by pressing G and watch your problems literally vanish before your very eyes.

Grenade Mods: You can make your grenades do all kinds of cool stuff by equipping Grenade Mods, so keep an eye out for them.


If you feel like getting up-close-and-personal with the enemy, you can press V to give them a taste of your melee weapon. Special bladed weapons and other equipment can increase your melee might.


Once you reach Level 5, you get your Action Skill - an exciting time for any young hunter. Action Skills let Vault Hunters wreak havoc in a fashion completely unique to them, and each one is ridiculously awesome. Whenever your Action Skill icon is charged up, press F to unleash your badassery upon your enemies!


To aid you in the kicking of asses, everything you need to know about your target appears above their head. When you damage bad guys, numbers will fly off of them indicating the amount of damage you dealt, and if it’s Critical or being Resisted. Once you get an enemy’s Health bar down to zero, they’re dead!

the element Game: Some of the smarter enemies on Pandora will protect themselves with Shields and Armor. You could just blast away at these foes with normal weapons, but Elemental Tech weapons will work way better.

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As you kill your way across Pandora, you’ll find many objects and creatures on Pandora that are filled with loot. Glorious, glorious loot. Loot you find in containers or chests usually just sits there ready for the taking, while loot from creatures you kill pops out like some fantastically morbid piñata. Either way, loot time is a fun time.


You can pick up small items lying on the ground just by walking over them, and you can quickly empty a container of all of these items by holding E.

cash should be prettyself-explanatory. It’s cash money, and you use it to buy all sorts of goods and services across Pandora. You can also sell unwanted Equipment items at vending machines to get even more cash.

ammunition is what makes the world of Pandora go ‘round. Each type of gun; Pistol, SMG, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Launcher, uses its own type of ammo, so make sure you carry plenty of each.

insta-Health vials are auto-syringes full of Dr. Zed’s patented “not a placebo” concoction, semi-guaranteed to medi-magically heal up all of those bullet holes you’re bound to get in you. Well, 25% of them at least.


Equipment items are the good stuff: Guns, Shields, Mods, and other things that help you kick ass and stay alive longer to kick even more ass. While in-game, you have to individually inspect and pick up Equipment items by pressing E, but if you find something you want to use right now you can auto-equip the new item by holding E.

Guns are the fun shoot-y things that you can use to put bullets into stuff you don’t like. Each Gun has various strengths in Damage, Accuracy, Fire Rate, Reload Speed, and Magazine Size, but you’re really just going to look at the Damage.

Shields are protection doohickeys we’ll talk more about in the Staying Alive section. Every Shield item you find varies in Shield Capacity, Recharge Delay, and Recharge Rate, and can provide a wealth of unique bonuses to fit your combat style.

Grenade Mods can drastically alter the behavior of your grenades, turning them into tesla towers, cluster bombs, or even vampiric health-transfusers! All Grenade Mods have standard stats in Damage, Blast Radius, and Fuse Time.

class Mods are character-specific items with bonuses tailored to fit your Vault Hunter’s approach to bustin’ butts. Advanced Class Mods even provide bonuses to your Skills, allowing you to raise them above their normal maximum values!

relics are rare items that grant bonuses in all sorts of areas, such as speeding up your Action Skill, adding Elemental damage to your attacks, or making your Vehicle go faster. You never know how a Relic will change your game.



Inspecting an equipment item brings up its Item Card. The item card displays all the relative stats for the weapon and some (but not all!) of the item’s special functions. The item card also shows the item’s quality, going from white for crappy items, to green, blue, purple, and finally orange for truly Legendary loot. When comparing two similar items, their item cards will show green and red arrows next to the stats to help you judge how the items stack up against each other.


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Your Health bar shows how much damage you can take before you fall down. To prevent that from happening, you can collect Insta-Health pickups in the world or, you know, quit getting hit.

Your Shield bar shows how much longer your shield generator can prevent attacks from hitting your squishy, fleshy, body and damaging your Health. Shields also automatically regenerate from damage, which is more than you can say for flesh wounds. Some shields have special abilities on them, and will change the little icon on your shield bar to remind you that they’re special.


It’s difficult to enjoy your loot when you’re dead, so you should take care that you don’t end up that way. Pandora’s a dangerous and inhospitable place, even for Vault Hunters, so watch yourself out there.



When you lose all your Health (for shame), you’re still not quite dead. If you can get a kill shortly after you go down, you get right back up!

Whenever you kill things, or do stuff for the people you don’t kill, you gain Experience, aka XP. When you get enough XP to fill the XP bar at the bottom of your screen, you gain a Level. Leveling Up nets you an additional Skill Point, increases your base Health and Damage, and also instantly refills your Health and Shield. Leveling Up is great. You like Leveling Up, and therefore it is your singular goal in Borderlands 2 to get as much XP as possible.


If you can stay alive long enough, you might even get the chance to Level Up. Your Vault Hunter’s Level is their metric for how much of an ass-kicker they currently are. Attaining higher and higher Levels gives you more Skill Points, lets you use bigger and better Equipment, and generally just makes you more terrifying. Vault Hunters start at Level 1 and can progress all the way to Level 50, so you better get cracking.



The murderous, violent, mutated, crazed lunatics that make up Pandora’s various bandit clans actually constitute a good majority of the world’s population. This would prove to be quite the problem for Pandora’s less psychotic minority if the Bandits ever stopped killing each other (and themselves) long enough to actually accomplish something productive.

Now that you’re well versed in how to kill things, here are just a few examples of the various inhabitants you’ll encounter (and inevitably mass-murder) during your journey:


Thriving in the cold tundra wastes of Pandora, these simian-like creatures emerge out of their nest holes to savagely beat the ever-loving tar out of anyone that wanders into their field of vision. When they aren’t using their massive size and even more massive fists to do the smashing, Bullymongs have been known to throw massive rocks, ice blocks, and basically any nearby heavy object to do it for them.


Varkids are a metamorphic insect-like species that evolve into more advanced forms as a reaction to danger. Though their basic larval forms are small and fairly harmless, adult Varkids can ruin even a seasoned Vault Hunter’s day. Thankfully, Varkids’ transformation cocoons are very vulnerable and rupturing them will kill the changing Varkid inside.


These massive behemoths live in the crystal caves underneath Pandora’s surface, lazily snacking on the Eridium crystals found underground. While they are big, lumbering, and slow, Crystalisks are ridiculously resilient. Their only known “weak” points are the patches of crystalline armor on their massive feet. One could attempt to shatter the crystals to take the beast down—if they don’t get stomped to death first.

Skags were once a common sight on Pandora until they were hunted down en masse by Pandora’s population due to their annoying tendency to viciously maul unwary travelers. There are still hundreds upon thousands of the beasts out there in the wastes; they’re just less common now.



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In your travels across the world of Pandora, you’ll inevitably run into people that will want you to do things for them. Sure, you’re a busy Vault Hunter, but don’t cast off their mewling pleas just yet. If you complete the tasks they so desperately need your help with, they’ll reward you with bonus XP, cash, and even more loot! And that’s good!

If you find one of these layabouts with a “!” over their head, talk to them by pressing E. Once you hear them out, press Enter to take the job, or press Esc to tell them to stuff it.


GETTING AROUNDIn your constant quest to find more things to kill and/or loot, you’ll visit a wide variety of different locales; each with their own sights to see and, of course, terrible monstrosities for you to turn into slag. Pandora is a large world, and Borderlands 2 will take you to many of its expansive regions—sometimes even back to the same one again and again! Thankfully, you’ve got some handy tools to help you traverse the world and more importantly, not get lost.

TRAVELING THE WORLDHowever, the world of Pandora isn’t just about the killing, looting, and leveling. There’s also a variety of wonderful places to go, and a whole cast of interesting people to meet (and possibly not kill)!

It may be small, but it’s always there for you. The yellow arrow is you, the N points north, and the diamond thing is where you need to go. Oh, and the red blips are bad guys. Kill those.

The mini-map only shows your immediate surroundings, but you can pull up the big boy map at any time by pressing M.

Each major region on Pandora houses a Hyperion New-U Station hooked up to the globe-spanning Fast Travel Network. You can use any Fast Travel-capable New-U station to instantly digi-struct a new you at any Fast Travel station you’ve activated, free of charge! Sure, there’s the pesky ethical quandary of “are you really still the same person,” but hey! Fast travel!

Fast Travel machines also automatically scan your ECHO device and display any missions you have available for your chosen destination. It’s a terrible invasion of privacy, but it’s also terribly convenient.



Even with Fast Travel, walking all the way across Pandora would be time-consuming and boring. Thankfully there are the Catch-A-Ride stations, which can digi-struct your own personal vehicle right before your very eyes! Neat!

You can get into your vehicle by approaching a seat and pressing E. Vehicles have multiple seats so other Vault Hunters can join in the fun. If you’re alone, you can amuse yourself by hopping to different seats by pressing C. Once you get tired of that, you can jump out and hoof it by pressing E.

When driving, just point the camera in the direction you want to go and hold W to make the vehicle go in that direction. You can press F to use Boost and go really fast. If you’re going too fast hold G to engage the emergency brake. You can also blast things with the vehicle’s weapons by pressing LMB or RMB.

riding Shotgun: If you’re riding in the passenger seat, then just try pressing LMB to aim and fire your equipped weapon. Or, you can rapidly press C until your buddy lets you drive.


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Here are some of the popular vacation destinations you can find right here on Pandora:

Sanctuary is the last free city on Pandora. Founded by the ex-Vault Hunter known as Roland and protected by his ad-hoc army of Crimson Raiders, Sanctuary represents the last bastion of resistance against the nefarious Hyperion Corporation and its nefarious-er leader, Handsome Jack. It’s also a fine place for a Vault Hunter to load up on Guns and supplies, and get Missions from the few non-homicidal denizens left on the planet.

crazy earl’s Black Market: Old man Crazy Earl has set up a secret shop somewhere in Sanctuary where he’ll reluctantly trade inventory-increasing Storage Deck Upgrade units for Eridium crystals. Just don’t tell anyone where you got them.



CLAPTRAP’S PLACELocated deep in the frozen wastes of Pandora’s glacial zone, Claptrap’s Place serves as a sanctuary of warmth and hospitality that weary travelers can use as a respite against the biting winds and penetrating cold. Ah, who are we kidding? The place is a dump, literally, where Handsome Jack unloads all of his useless garbage. Claptrap’s just squatting here while he plans his “vengeance,” and beggars can’t be choosers.

WILDLIFE ExPLOITATION RESERVEWhat happens when you combine a great deal of money with a great deal of immorality? The Wildlife Exploitation Preserve is your answer. Hyperion used its massive funds to create what basically amounts to a 24-hour animal torture camp, where Hyperion “scientists” experiment on Pandora’s wildlife, researching both the uses of Eridium and how loud a Skag screams when it’s tortured (hint: pretty loud).

Opportunity is Hyperion’s shining city of the future! (You’re not invited.) Once Handsome Jack wipes out all you pesky Vault Hunters and civilizes the borderlands, the entirety of Pandora will look like Opportunity—shiny, clean, and safe, without any of that bothersome “freedom” stuff mucking up the place.


the Golden Loot chest: Inside Pierce Station lies a mysterious Golden Loot Chest, fabled to hold weapons of legendary power. Problem is, the only way to open it is by using Golden Keys, which are only available through something called a “Shift Code.”

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These are some of the more interesting characters you’ll meet in Borderlands 2 that will help you out, and might even give you a Mission or two. At the very least, they won’t try to kill you! Probably. No promises.



If you’ve ever been desperate to hang out with an insane, thirteen-year-old demolitions expert, then A) you should be removed from decent society and B) you’ll really like Tiny Tina. An old friend of Roland and his Crimson Raiders, Tina is as talented with high explosives as she is with throwing imaginary tea parties. And she’s really good at throwing tea parties.

SIR HAMMERLOCKA true gentleman and a scholar, Sir Hammerlock has come to Pandora to study the local wildlife. Pandoran wildlife doesn’t take particularly well to being studied, which explains why half of Hammerlock’s limbs are now made of metal. Still, his various injuries have done nothing to quench Hammerlock’s thirst for knowledge, and he’ll likely pay a go-getting Vault Hunter to help him continue his research.

In the words of a former Crimson Lance Assassin: “Don’t touch him if you ever want to eat with your hands again.” He may smell like a sewage plant and sound like he’s been repeatedly hit over the head with a crescent wrench, but Scooter is the most gifted mechanic on Pandora. If you need a ride, Scooter’s your man.




Thanks to Handsome Jack’s destruction of the entire CL4P-TP product line, this little steward bot is the last of his kind. For this reason, he wants Handsome Jack dead just as much as you do! His robotic heart burns with a desire for vengeance, blood, and vindication. And dancing.

There are two things you should know about Marcus Kincaid, the foremost arms dealer on Pandora. Firstly: you can always trust him to sell you quality firearms. Secondly: you cannot trust him in literally any other context. Marcus cares about profit, and profit alone—so long as you intend to keep killing people and buying stuff, the two of you will be thick as thieves.

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Press Tab to access the personal management display on your ECHO device. You can change your current ECHO management app by clicking its icon on the app bar, or just hit the app’s hotkey. When you want to get back to shooting, close the ECHO display by pressing Tab.


Your Mission Log tracks all of those super-important Missions you promised the good people of Pandora you’d do for them. You can scroll through all of the Missions you’ve accepted and view the goals and details of each one, including the awesome rewards you get for doing them.

You can choose which mission you’re going to devote your precious time to by double-clicking on it, and apply a variety of sort filters to your Mission List by pressing Q. Best of all, you can press F to ignore missions you don’t want to do. You can always go back and “un-ignore” them later, but it just feels nice to clean up the clutter.

Your Mission Log also tracks your current XP total, and the XP required to hit your next Level. It’s really not that important, except for being completely important.


MAP (M)Unlike its smaller, clingier cousin, the big Map displays the entire region you’re currently in, along with all Objectives for your active Mission and any Vending Machines and other Stations you’ve discovered along the way.

You can highlight different items by hovering over them with your mouse cursor to get more info on them, and drop a personal waypoint by right-clicking anywhere on the map. Use the mouse wheel to zoom the map in or out, and press Q to bring up a handy reminder for what all the little icons mean.

Your Inventory is where you manage all the sweet loot you find. You’ll probably be looking at this thing a lot. The main panel shows your currently Equipped items and all the other junk you’re carrying around in your Backpack.

Highlight items by just moving your mouse cursor over them. Clicking and dragging an item allows you to compare it with other items and even switch items out just by dropping them where you want them to go. If an item’s just terrible, press Q to banish it from your Inventory. You can also sort through your backpack by pressing Pg Up or Pg Dn, and get a closer look at any item by highlighting it and pressing F.


Ah, Skills. Skills pay the bills, man. After you use your first Skill Point at Level 5 to get your awesome Action Skill, you can use each Skill Point you get when you Level Up on the Skills display to make your Vault Hunter even more of an ass-kicker than they already were.

Each Vault Hunter has three distinct Skill trees that each focus on a different style of kicking the crap out of crap. You start out only having access to the beginner level of Skills in each tree, but for every 5 Skill Points you drop into a tree, you unlock the next level in that tree. Oh, and those Skills way down at the bottom? You’re going to want those.


So we all know the Vault Hunters are badass, but your Badass Rank shows how badass you are. Yes, you, the player. The Badass Rank display shows your current Badass Rank (obviously), and your progress towards getting that sucker even higher. You raise your Badass Rank by completing Challenges, which are also handily tracked on your Badass Rank display.

As you raise your Badass Rank, you gain Badass Tokens. Redeeming a Badass Token lets you pick a permanent stat bonus for all your Vault Hunters. Each and every one. Have a Level 17 Axton? He gets it. A Level 2 Maya? Yep. Wanna make a new Zero? Sure. He gets them too. It’s so meta, you won’t know where the game ends and you begin.


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So what do you do with all that cash money weighing down your pockets and extra junk filling up your Backpack? Well, that’s what Vending Machines are for. Activate a Vending Machine by pressing E to take a look at its beautiful bounty of goods for sale. When you find something you like, press LMB to purchase it, Before shelling out cash for an item, you can press E to compare it to your current stuff, you shrewd dealer, you. You can click on the Sell and Buyback icons up top to sell items from your Inventory and even buy back items you didn’t mean to sell.

Different vendors sell different items. If you’re looking for something specific, just head to the right machine:

Marcus Munitions: Marcus Munitions carries only the finest cut-rate weaponry for not-so-extortionary prices.

ammo dump: Got ammo problems? Drop a load at the Ammo Dump to keep your guns firing regular.

dr. Zed’s Meds: Dr. Zed’s got you covered with all the shields and Insta-Health you need to stop dying so often.


To help travelers on Pandora do whatever it is they do, certain fine citizens have established a network of helpful devices all over the planet that provide a wealth of goods and services. It’s the pinnacle of convenience, as long as you can survive the trek to reach one—and it’s actually in working condition.

Hyperion’s New-U stations will automatically scan and store your molecular structure data whenever you approach one, even if you don’t want it to. But you probably will, since when you do finally fall to the vicious inhabitants of Pandora, the last New-U station you passed will automatically digi-struct a brand new you (for a small reconstruction fee)!

fast travel: Major New-U stations in each area are linked into Pandora’s Fast Travel network. Activate a Fast Travel station to instantly digi-struct a new you at any Fast Travel New-U stations you’ve been scanned at.



Just in case you haven’t got enough Missions to do for the denizens of Pandora, there’s always the Bounty Board, where people post even odder jobs when they can’t be bothered to actually go out and find a trusty Vault Hunter to do them.

Using a Bounty Board works remarkably like accepting a Mission in-person. Activate a Bounty Board to bring up its available missions, press Enter to accept a Mission or press Esc to walk away.


Scooter’s Catch-A-Ride stations will digi-struct any one of Scooter’s own super-customized vehicles specifically made for the harsh terrains and dangers of Pandora. Each and every one of them are heavily armed and armored, and they come in a variety of fancy designer colors.

Press E at a Catch-A-Ride to enter the Vehicle Customization screen. Here you pick which vehicle you want, what weapons you want on it, and what pretty colors you want it painted in. Once you’re done, select “Spawn Vehicle” to digi-struct your customized beauty and take ‘er for a spin!

If you ever lose your precious vehicle, or if your buddy took off without you, a Catch-A-Ride station can also instantly teleport you right into an available seat.


Step into a PTM Quick-Change Personal Transformation Machine by pressing E to change your look, clothing, name, or pretty much anything. It’s like a brand new you without all the horrible dying and digi-struction!

You can change up your facial features with different Head options, and switch out your overall look with a variety of different Skins. You can get new Quick-Change customization options by gaining Badass Ranks, or as rare loot drops out in Pandora. There are tons to collect for each Vault Hunter, and you know you’re gonna want all of them.


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Though individually badasses in their own right, Vault Hunters shouldn’t brave the dangers of Pandora on their own. The Vault Hunters are a team; a highly volatile and dysfunctional team, but still a team. So go out and be a team player!


If you’re not feeling particularly helpful, you can melee attack another Vault Hunter by pressing V to challenge them to a “friendly” duel. The duel ends when one player leaves the duel area, or runs out of Health.

up the ante: If you want to make things more… interesting, you can use the Trade window to wager cash and items on the outcome of the duel.

Vault Hunters on a team can also securely exchange Equipment items and cash through the Trade Screen on their ECHO device. Approach another Vault Hunter and hold X to open the Trade Screen. You can move items from your Inventory into the Trade window and hit the Trade! button to seal the deal.



Create or join a Steamworks session.


Create or join a LAN session.


Create a LAN multiplayer session.


Search for a LAN session.

friendS OnLy: Only your friends may join your game.Once a friend has joined, their friends may join your game, too.

invite OnLy: Players can only join your game if you send them an invitation.

PuBLic: Anyone can join your game.

Lan: Play over a Local Area Network.

OffLine: No one may join your game over a network.



Vault Hunters that work together, end up not being Skag chow together. Each Vault Hunter has a number of Skills that can buff, protect, and heal their teammates, and can even set up some pretty badass tag-team attack combos. You can even equip Class Mods that provide bonuses to the entire team, if you’re feeling particularly charitable.

Of course, should a fellow Vault Hunter fall in combat, you can rescue them by running up to them and holding E for a few seconds. You’ll be a literal lifesaver, and have that warm fuzzy feeling for days.


When playing with other Vault Hunters, there are a few things you should consider. First, having a high Vault Hunter concentration makes Pandora angry, and she’ll spawn higher numbers of bigger and more badass creatures to take all of you down. You have to work as a team to survive. Remember that team thing? But, bigger and more badass creatures also means bigger and more badass loot, so the reward is well worth the risk.


teammate info: When playing with other Vault Hunters, their Names, Levels, Health, and Shield appear on your screen. Use this info to tell when your team is on the ropes so you can get the hell out of there. Remember: Safety first! Namely, your own!

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Access the Options Menu through the Main Menu or Pause Menu to fiddle with all of these neat little knobs and switches.


GAMEPLAYtraininG MeSSaGeS: Training messages teach you the nuances of Borderlands 2’s mechanics.

aiM aSSiSt: With aim assist on, your crosshairs will soft-lock onto targets you aim at.

dueL reQueStS: Toggle whether or not you accept duel requests from other players.

weaPOn aiM tOGGLe: Toggle ironsights with a single button press rather than a button hold.

crOucH tOGGLe: Toggle crouch with a single button press rather than a button hold.

fiXed MiniMaP rOtatiOn: Decide if the minimap rotates around your player indicator, or if your indicator rotates within the minimap.

iteM rOtatiOn: Adjust control scheme for inspecting items in your inventory.

LOcK caMera wHen BraKinG: Snap the camera to your vehicle’s facing direction whenever you powerslide.

uSe inverted reverSe SteerinG: If you put the car in reverse, it will turn in the direction you are looking rather than away from it.

tradinG: Toggle whether or not other players can initiate trades with you.

cenSOr GOre: Toggle guts and dismemberment on or off.

GunZerKinG autOSwitcH: Reverse controls while gunzerking so that primary fire shoots the left gun instead of the right.

AUDIOMuSic vOLuMe: If music be the food of Borderlands 2, play on.

SOund effectS vOLuMe: Adjust volume of gunshots, footsteps, etcetera.

diaLOG vOLuMe: Adjust volume of characters when they speak.

SuBtitLeS: Toggle whether or not dialog appears in printed text at the bottom of the screen.

PLayer caLLOutS: Toggles all quips and callouts by player characters.

PuSH tO taLK: If this is off, you will constantly transmit any sound your microphone picks up. On gives better network performance.

vOiP cHat vOLuMe: Adjust the volume of incoming voice chat.

Mute audiO On fOcuS LOSS: Whether or not to mute all game audio when the game loses focus or is minimized.

VIDEOBriGHtneSS: Make the game brighter or darker.

Hud H. BOundS: Define where HUD elements live on your screen, horizontally speaking.

Hud v. BOundS: Define where HUD elements live on your screen, vertically speaking.

Hud ScaLe: Change the size of all HUD elements.

ui Sway: Toggle if the in-game menu can sway back and forth in the world.

fieLd Of view: Expand field of view to see more of the game world.

reSOLutiOn: Adjust screen resolution. Smaller resolution means better performance.

windOw MOde: Play fullscreen, windowed, or fullscreen-windowed.

vSync: Should the game refresh only as fast as your monitor can handle? Only applies in fullscreen mode.

fraMerate: Adjust how many video frames per second the game renders.

aniSOtrOPic fiLterinG: A visual effect that reduces blur and improves detail. A lower multiplier means better performance.

BuLLet decaLS: Adjust if bullet decals appear in the environment, and how many. Lower means better performance.

fOLiaGe diStance: Adjust how close trees, leaves, etc. must be before they appear. Closer means better performance.

teXture QuaLity: Adjust texture quality. Lower quality means better performance.

GaMe detaiL: Adjust game detail. Lower detail means better performance.

aMBient OccLuSiOn: Visual effect that simulates the way light radiates in real life. Turn it off for better performance.

BLOOM: A visual effect that produces fringes of light around bright objects. Turn it off for better performance.

dePtH Of fieLd: A visual effect that blurs things if they’re far away. Turn off for better performance.

fXaa: A visual effect that smoothes jagged edges. Turn off for better performance.

view diStance: Adjust how far you can see. Things beyond this distance will not appear until you get closer. Lower gives better performance.

PHySX effectS: Adjust complexity of real-time physics using NVIDIA PhysX technology.

KEYBOARD/MOUSEinvert MOuSe LOOK: Invert the Y-axis for mouse look.

MOuSe SenSitivity: Adjust your mouse sensitivity.

MOuSe SMOOtHinG: Turn mouse smoothing on or off.

Key BindinGS: Edit what individual keys do.

reSet Key BindinGS: Revert the keys to their default settings.

CONTROLLERinvert GaMePad LOOK: Invert the controls for looking up and down.

invert GaMePad turn: Invert the controls for turning left and right.

invert GaMePad MOve: Invert the controls for moving forward and backward.

invert GaMePad Strafe: Invert the controls for strafing left and right.

SenSitivity X: Adjust left-and-right controller sensitivity.

SenSitivity y: Adjust up-and-down controller sensitivity.

Per-SHOt viBratiOn: Toggle controller vibration when firing a weapon.

cOntrOLLer PreSet: Choose your controller stick and button configuration from a large list of preset options.

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CREDITSBorderlands 2 was created and developed by Gearbox Software.


Daniel Algood

Robert Anderson

John Anderson

John Antal

Raul Aparicio

Aaron Apgar

Matthew Armstrong

Bjarni Arnason

Erik Avalos

David Avery

Stephen Bahl

Ray Barham

James Barnett

Tris Baybayan

Kyle Beasley

Brian Bekich

Dalton Boutte

Chris Brock

Jeffrey Broome

Anthony Burch

Brian Burleson

Ruben Cabrera

Wade Callender

Mike Carlson

Mike Carlyle

James Cart

Sean Cavanaugh

Matt Charles

Andrew Cheney

Christine Choate

Jacob Christopher

Jennifer Chung

Stephen Cole

Jeramy Cooke

Brian Cozzens

Peter Dannenberg

Trey Davenport

Joshua Davidson

Mike Davis

Patrick Deupree

Erik Doescher

Ben Donges

Kevin Duc

Erin Dudley

James Dwyer

Fredric Echols

David Eddings

Don Eubanks

Hector Fajardo

Chris Faylor

Manuel Fernandez

Ryan Fields

David Fisk

Rich Fleider

Adam Fletcher

Zach Ford

Jasper Foreman

Mark Forsyth

Brent Friedman

Brian Fuller

Danny Gardner

Ben Gettleman

Steve Gibson

Evan Gill

James Gilligan

Maarten Goldstein

Chris R. Guthery

Dia Hadley

Shaylyn Hamm

Ryan Heaton

Philip Hebert

Rob Heironimus

Paul Hellquist

Jonathan Hemingway

Brent Hollon

Sloan Hood

Stephen Houchard

James Houchen

Comb Hua

Richard Huenink

Jimmie Jackson

Brad Jacobs

Josh Jeffcoat

Skyler Jermyn

Richard Jessup

Neil Johnson

Stacie Johnston

Steven Jones

Scott Kester

Damian Kim

Kyle King

Charles Kostick

James Lee

Justin Lightfoot

Matt Link

James Lopez

Jeff Macfee

Jeffrey Mahmoudi

Brian Martel

Adam May

David May

Curry McKnight

Ryan Medeiros

Ryan Metcalf

Drew Mobley

John Mulkey

Aaron Nations

Jason Neal

Chris Neeley

Paul Nettle

Mike Neumann

Tu Nguyen

Shannon Norton

Ricky Oh

Josh Olson

Nate Overman

Shane Paluski

Wes Parker

Kevin Penrod

Ben Perkins

Nick Peterson

Mark Petty

Hung Pham

Chris Pickett

Randy Pitchford

Kyle Pittman

Rick Porter

Stephanie Puri

Sean Reardon

Josh Rearick

Jason Reiss

Ashley Rochelle

Kelly Romeo

Brian Roycewicz

Jim Sanders

Robert Santiago

Jett Sarrett

Keith Schuler

Chase Sensky

Eric Sexton

Darron Shaffer

Clay Shanks

Carl Shedd

Jason Shields

Jimmy Sieben

Leo Sieben

Brad Sierzega

Ryan Smith

Jasen Sparacino

Steven Strobel

Matias Tapia

Aaron Thibault

Brian Thomas

Graeme Timmins

Greg Vanderpool

Randy Varnell

Raison Varner

Scott Velasquez

Taku Wanifuchi

Mike Wardwell

Michael Weber

Tim Welch

Jennifer Wildes

Hayley Williamson

Nicholas Wilson

Lori Wilson

Lorin Wood

Kanon Wood

Hunter Wright

David Ziman


Parker Amos

Josh Ball

Uriah Belletto

Brian Bentley

Christopher Black

Paul Burt

Elizabeth Chao

Leigh-Ann Cox

Kandis Daniel

Seth DeKrey

Justin DeLiberis

Jeff Doering

Steven Fast

Patrick Fenn

Daniel Finnegan

Chris Francis

Wes Girdler

Jeff Giron

Ell Hamilton

Michael Hayes

Andrew Hoffman

Kirsten Kahler

Nick Kaun

Jesse Kirstein

Lilith Lindwall

Casey McLauchlin

Mike McVay

Jeffrey Mitchell

Cameron Ovandipour

Gilberto Perez

Bradley Rohr

Tim Roth

Eric Shaddix

Brett Simmons

Gabriel Simon

Tracie Takatani

Jasmine De Vore

Josh White

Al Wood


Anthony Adamo

Parker Amos

Mike Athey

Allison Berryman

Brian Bertrand

Logan Blackburn

Brock Brown

Ryan Brown

Paul Burt

Charles Busby

Joe Campolo

Tyler Carson

Geoff Case

Richard Cowgill

Jarred Cox

James Crosby

Carey Davenport

Chase Dimick

Eric Driensky

Tommy Eubanks

Meredith Eymann

Robert Froment

Robert Gaither

Darby Hadley

Joshua Hall

Justin Hall

Collins Hatley

Rebecca Heineman

Chris Helton

Sean Hollomon

Ales Horak

Michael Howell

Simon Hurley

Dionne Jones

Kirsten Kahler

Nick Kaun

Alessandro Kitchener

Korri Kopsi

Chris Krueger

Jesper Kyd

Mac Lachmann

Elizabeth Lambert

Jesse Lemons

Lilith Lindwall

Leighton Luckey

Michael Macleod

Cameron Mask

Chad Mauldin

Kale Menges

Jeffrey Mitchell

Shane Nakamura

Michael Nestick

Eric Norris

Wouter van Oortmerssen

Matt Overfield

Clayton Pace

Stephen Palmer

Matthew Patterson

Matt Peatrowsky

Daniel Pirkle

Travis Poppenhusen

PJ Putnam

John Roberts

Ken Ross

Darrell Rowden Jr.

Patrick Sanchez

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alexis tiptonMolly BarrowTamara Freeborn

andy chandlerMarauder Scattershot

anthony BurchHandsome Jack Body Double

ashly BurchAnnoying Gun/Cursed GunTiny Tina

Barry yandellCarlo The Bandit Cursed Bandit Erik Franks Fink Flesh StickKanon Algood Loggins Otis The Bandit Shorty Torgue Corp Darts Guy

Brina PalenciaDaisy Gustav Yngelmo Heller Moxxi Young Angel

Bruce duBoseMarcus O’Cantler Robb Claymore

Bryan MasseyBarlo GutterCapt CabreraCraw

chad clineMichael Mamaril

charlie campbellBrewster Dino Friday

Heaton Horace Mad DogOld Coot Sarcastic Bandit Tunnel Rat

cherami LeighVeanna Granlund Kellis Morrison Norico Sullivan

chris BevinsMarauder Deadhead

chris BurnettMarauder Killer

chris casonMal Shooty Face Winters Yanier

chris ragerCrank The Goliath Gettle Goliath Gruff Dude Torgue

christopher SabatBandit Bandit 2 Bandit 3 InnuendoBot 5000 John ScribblesLtCo Space HelicoptersCrimson Radio Van Owen

chuck HuberBagman Barlo Gutter Creepy Bandit Ennis Gutter Hacksaw Moore Hark Gutter Hyperion President

Marauder Ripper Matchstick Mick Zaford Sarcastic Clapper Shin Gutter Ulysses

colleen clinkenbeardLilith Patricia Tannis

cris GeorgeDarts Guy Shiv Cranton Slab Bandit Townsperson

dameon clarke Handsome Jack Marshall Friedman

daniel PenzHunter Hellquist Old Slappy Tediore Corp

david eddingsClaptrap TK Baha

eric valeBandit 2 Bandit 3 Boom Bewm Gar Hyperian EngineerHyperion Bot McNally Mortar Will The Bandit Zaford Doorman

ian SinclairBandit Technical Firehawk Cultist Jimbo Hodunk

J. Michael tatumHodunk Bandit Sir Hammerlock

Martin Sawkins

Anthony Scales

Warren Schultz

Eric Shaddix

Greg Silva

Robert Simon

Connor Sims

Aaron St.Goddard

Matthew Stock

Jennifer Tidwell

Royce Turner Jr.

Kyle Umbenhower

Alexander Vrana

Tim Wilson

Neal Winter

Addison Ziegler

3Point Studios

Liquid Development

Okratron 5000

Pole Position

Sascha Dikiciyan & Cris Velasco

Shadows In Darkness

Thompson & Knight

Tim Ackermann, Esq.

Virtuos Holdings Ltd.

Jamie MarchiEllie Rox Shepard Sam

Jason douglasGyrocopter

Jason LiebrechtMordecai

Jennifer GreeneAngel

Jeremy inmanBluntcrack Jang Taggart The Huntsman

Jim forondaDahl Kai

Joel McdonaldCapt Flynt Jim Tector Hodunk

John SwaseyFlanksteak Salvador

Jonathan BrooksBandit Nomad

Josh GrelleSchmitz Darts Guy 2 Dave Lee

Kent williamsGurgel Incinerator Clayton Male Test Subject Murderer Reiss Tiny Tinas Dad Robotic Mining Voice

Leah clark Ellen Hayle Lindy Mushy Snugglebites Felicia Sexopants

Luci christianChild Gaige Hera Claymore Laney Una

Lydia MackayDoctor Samuels Harchek Maliwan Syble Jentz

Lynne rutherfordHyperion Corp Hyperion Female Voice

Marcus LloydRoland

Marcus MauldinBrick

Mark PettyBandit Mobley

Mark StoddardJakobs Mavis Vladof

Martha HarmsMaya

Mike McfarlandRat Leader

Mike turnerZero

Mikey neumannMidget Scooter Darts Guy 3

Monica rialGuilt GunTediore

newton PittmanRat

r Bruce elliottBooze Running Hodunk Conductor Lance ScapelliMister Blake Old Prospector Poppa B

raison varnerHyperion ConstructorHyperion Loader Psycho Bandit 2

randy PitchfordCrazy Earl

ric SpiegelZedTiny Tina’s Dad

rob MccollumAxton

Scott freemanCarson Deputy Winger Patient Ruben Sexton Sancho Cushman

Sonny StraitLoader 1340Medicine EngineerPsychoRocko

Stephanie youngLynchwood Sheriff Mrs Meer

Sue BirchHelena Pierce MotherSam

tasia MunozBard Karima Penny Security Officer Booth

todd HaberkornMoorin Obnoxious Singer Some Guy Tran Concelmo Wilhelm

wendy PowellJim-Jim Tiny Tina’s Mom

Zach BoltonHodunk Bandit Hyperion Bot O’Cantler Pyrotech Robb Claymore


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PUBLISHED BY 2K GAMES2K Games is a division of 2K, a publishing label of take-two interactive Software, inc.


PresidentChristoph Hartmann

c.O.O.David Ismailer

SvP, Product developmentGreg Gobbi

director of Product developmentJohn Chowanec

Sr. director, Product developmentKate Kellogg

Senior Producer Melissa Miller

associate ProducersChris ThomasKarl UnterholznerShawn WatsonAndrew Dutra

Production assistants Dave BlankAnton MaslennikovTom DrakeScott JamesBen Holschuh

additional Production SupportSenior ProducerLulu LaMer

director of technologyJacob Hawley

Online Systems architectLouis Ewens

Online engineerAdam Lupinacci

directors of creative ProductionJack ScaliciChad Rocco

Manager of creative ProductionJosh Orellana

Pd Operations coordinatorBen Kvalo

SvP, MarketingSarah Anderson

vP, MarketingMatt Gorman

vP, international Marketing

Matthias Wehner

Senior Product ManagerKelly Miller

associate Product Manager Phil McDaniel

director of Public relations, north americaRyan Jones

Pr ManagerBrian Roundy

Pr coordinatorJennifer Heinser

director, Marketing ProductionJackie Truong

art director, MarketingLesley Zinn Abarcar

Jr. Graphic designerChristopher Maas

web directorGabe Abarcar

web designerKeith Echevarria

director of community, new Media and consumer relationsTom Bass

Senior community ManagerGreg Laabs

community ManagersDavid EggersSasha de Guzman

Marketing Production assistantHam Nguyen

video Production ManagerJ. Mateo Baker

video editorKenny CrosbieJeff Spoonhower

associate video editorMichael HowardDoug Tyler

Marketing Project ManagerRenee Ward

vP Business developmentKris Severson

vP, LegalPeter Welch

director of OperationsDorian Rehfield

director of research and PlanningMike Salmon

Licensing/Operations SpecialistXenia Mul

Marketing Manager, Partner relationsDawn Burnell

assistant Manager, Partner relationsJosh Villoria

Marketing assistantRebecca Euphrat

2K QuaLity aSSurance

vP of Quality assuranceAlex Plachowski

Quality assurance test Manager (Projects)Eric Zala

Quality assurance test Manager(Support team)Alexis LaddDoug Rothman

Lead tester (Support team)Scott SanfordNathan BellWill StanleyCasey Ferrell

Senior testersStephen “Yoshi” FloridaShant BoyatzianRuben GonzalezJosh LagersonMarc PerretJustin Waller

Quality assurance teamJason Berlin Dustin Carey John DickersonKeith DoranJeffrey SchraderAthena AbdoChristine AdamsNick AvinaJ.D. BergmanAngela BerryDale BertheolaDanny BoehmJustin BonaccorsoDavid Boyd Glenn BoydKara BoydVal CainPaul CarrionJon CastroAlex ChaudhryChad CheshireAlex CoffinAdam CruzEmma DixieAshley FountaineStuart FullertonCarlos GarciaRodolfo GarciaAndrew GarrettJosh GloverPeter GoeppingerSylvester GreenLauren HacagaMichelle HaleviRyan HeddenPele HendersonKyle HertzBrian HibbardJeff HigginsRobert HornbekMeghan HouseDasha JantzenAlex JimenezRobert KlempnerDavis KrieghoffDaniel KurtzBill LankerGabriel LozaFrancisco LudenaAndrew Mantilla

Patrick McDonnellRob MercadoTony Monteverde-TalaricoAdrian MontoyaChris MorganDeana MundellObed NavasLuis NievesColin OverholtTom ParkCody PatersonJohnny PeaseLaura PortnerNick PylvanainenJoseph RosNoah Ryan-StoutMark SagunEnrique SanchezSergio SanchezDylan SantizoWilliam SchoonoverJared ShippsKevin SkorczAnn SmithJake SpignoJosh ThomasJeremy ThompsonRonald TolieJoel YoukhannaMichael WeissAlex WeldonLuke WilliamsJessica Wolff

2K internatiOnaL

General ManagerNeil Ralley

international Marketing ManagerSian Evans

international Product ManagerYvonne Dawson

Senior director, international PrMarkus Wilding

assistant international Pr ManagerSam Woodward

assistant international Pr executiveMegan Rex

international digital Marketing ManagerMartin Moore

2K internatiOnaL PrOduct deveLOPMent

international ProducerMark Ward

Localization ManagerNathalie Mathews

assistant Localization ManagerArsenio Formoso

external Localization teamsAround the WordSynthesis International SrlSynthesis IberiaCode Entertainment GmbHLocalization tools and support provided by XLOC Inc.

2K internatiOnaL QuaLity aSSurance

Qa SupervisorJosé Miñana

Mastering engineerWayne Boyce

Mastering technicianAlan Vincent

Localization Qa Project LeadKarim Cherif

Localization Qa LeadsLuigi Di DomenicoOscar Pereira

Senior Localization Qa techniciansFlorian GenthonFabrizio MarianiJose OlivaresElmar Schubert

Localization Qa techniciansAndrea De Luna RomeroCarine FreundChau DoanChristopher FunkeCristina La MuraDimitri GerardEnrico SetteHarald RaschenJavier VidalPablo MenéndezSergio AccetturaStefan Rossi

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PrOduct SuPPOrt:

Email: [emailprotected]

Email: [emailprotected]. SuPPOrt: Phone: 1-866-219-9839

canadian SuPPOrt: Phone: 1-800-638-0127

This document may be updated from t ime to t ime and the current version will be posted at Your continued use of this Software 30 days after a revised version has been posted constitutes acceptance by you of its terms.YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THIS LIMITED SOFTWARE WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) AND THE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW. THE “SOFTWARE” INCLUDES ALL SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE ACCOMPANYING MANUAL(S), PACKAGING AND OTHER WRITTEN, FILES, ELECTRONIC OR ON-LINE MATERIALS OR DOCUMENTATION, AND ANY AND ALL COPIES OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND ITS MATERIALS. BY OPENING THE SOFTWARE, INSTALLING, AND/OR USING THE SOFTWARE AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS INCLUDED WITH THE SOFTWARE, YOU HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT WITH TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC. (“LICENSOR”).I. LICENSE. LICENSE. Subject to this Agreement and its terms and conditions, Licensor hereby grants you the nonexclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to use one copy of the Software for your personal non-commercial use for gameplay on a single computer or gaming unit, unless otherwise specified in the Software documentation. Your acquired rights are subject to your compliance with this Agreement. The term of your license under this Agreement shall commence on the date that you install or otherwise use the Software and ends on the earlier date of either your disposal of the Software or Licensor’s termination of this Agreement. Your license terminates immediately if you attempt to circumvent any technical protection measures used in connection with the Software. The Software is being licensed to you and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership in the Software is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights in the Software. All rights not specifically granted under this Agreement are reserved by Licensor and, as applicable, its licensors. OWNERSHIP. Licensor retains all right, title and interest to the Software, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, audiovisual effects, themes, characters, character names, stories, dialog, settings, artwork, sound effects, musical works, and moral rights. The Software is protected by United States copyright and trademark law and applicable laws and treaties throughout the world. The Software may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from Licensor. Any persons copying, reproducing or distributing all or any portion of the Software in any manner or medium, will be willfully violating the copyright laws and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties in the U.S. or their local country. Be advised that U.S. Copyright violations are subject to statutory penalties of up to $150,000 per violation. The Software contains certain licensed materials and Licensor’s licensors may also protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement. All rights

not expressly granted to you herein are reserved by the Licensor. LICENSE CONDITIONS. You agree not to: (a) Commercially exploit the Software; (b) Distribute, lease, license, sell, rent or otherwise transfer or assign the Software, or any copies of the Software, without the express prior written consent of Licensor or as set forth in this Agreement; (c) Make a copy of the Software or any part thereof (other than as set forth herein); (d) Make a copy of this Software available on a network for use or download by multiple users; (e) Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Software or this Agreement, use or install the Software (or permit others to do same) on a network, for online use, or on more than one computer or gaming unit at the same time; (f) Copy the Software onto a hard drive or other storage device in order to bypass the requirement to run the Software from the included CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (this prohibition does not apply to copies in whole or in part that may be made by the Software itself during installation in order to run more efficiently); (g) use or copy the Software at a computer gaming center or any other location-based site; provided, that Licensor may offer you a separate site license agreement to make the Software available for commercial use; (h) Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, prepare derivative works based on or otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part; (i) Remove or modify any proprietary notices, marks or labels contained on or within the Software; and (j) transport, export or re-export (directly or indirectly) into any country forbidden to receive such Software by any U.S. export laws or accompanying regulations or otherwise violate such laws or regulations, that may be amended from time to time. However, you may transfer the entire Software and accompanying documentation on a permanent basis to another person as long as you retain no copies (including archival or backup copies) of the Software, accompanying documentation, or any portion or component of the Software accompanying documentation, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. The Software is intended for private use only. TECHNICAL PROTECTIONS. The Software may include measures to control access to the Software, prevent unauthorized copies, or otherwise attempt to prevent anyone from exceeding the limited rights and licenses granted under this Agreement. If the Software permits access to additional online features, only one copy of the Software may access those features at one time (unless otherwise provided in the Software documentation). Additional terms and registration may be required to access online services and to download Software updates and patches. Only Software subject to a valid license can be used to access online services, and download updates and patches. You may not interfere with such access control measures or attempt to disable or circumvent such security features. If you disable or otherwise tamper with the technical protection measures, the Software will not function properly. USER-CREATED CONTENT. The Software may allow you to create content, including but not limited to a gameplay map, a scenario, screenshot of a car design or a video of your gameplay. In exchange for use of the Software, and to the extent that your

design teamJames CrockerTom Baker

2K international teamAgnès RosiqueBen LawrenceBen SeccombeBernardo HermosoDan CookeDiane FreitagDominique ConnollyErica DenningJan SturmJean-Paul HardyJesús SotilloLieke MandemakersMatt RocheOlivier TroitRichie ChurchillSandra MeleroSimon TurnerSolenne AntienStefan Eder

take-two international OperationsAnthony DoddMartin AlwayNisha VermaPhil AndertonRobert WillisDenisa Polcerova

2K aSia

asia Marketing director Karen Teo

asia Marketing ManagerDiana Tan

asia Product ManagerChris Jennings

Japan Marketing Manager Takahiro Morita

Localization Manager Yosuke Yano

take-two asia Operations Eileen Chong Veronica Khuan Chermine Tan Fumiko Okura take-two asia Business development Julian Corbett Andrew DonovanEllen Hsu Henry Park Satoshi Kashiwazaki

fox Studios Rick Fox Keith Fox

2K cHina QuaLity aSSurance

Qa Manager Zhang Xi Kun Qa SupervisorSteve Manners

Lead testerShen Wei

Quality assurance teamChu JindanLiu YangZhang Qi NanZhao Xiao XuLi HengGou Wen Jie

Special thanks Merja ReedRick ShawalkerDaisy AmescuaLori DurrantTravis RowlandChris JonesEric Lane

Todd IngramPedro VillaJordan Katz David CoxTake-Two Sales TeamTake-Two Digital Sales TeamTake-Two Channel Marketing TeamSiobhan BoesHank DiamondAlan LewisDaniel EinzigChristopher FiumanoPedram RahbariJenn Kolbe Trailer Parkg-NETAccess PRKD&EBig SolutionsGwendoline Oliviero2K IS TeamSeth KraussGreg GibsonTake-Two Legal TeamJonathan Washburn David BoutryRyan DixonJuan ChavezGail HamrickSharon HunterMichele ShadidArt MachineTrustwave’s SpiderLabsFrank N. Magid AssociatesElizabeth Tobey

MusicSHORT CHANGE HEROPerformed by THE HEAVYPublished by JUST ISN'T MUSIC LTDCourtesy of Counter Records

HOW YOU LIKE ME NOWPerformed by THE HEAVYPublished by JUST ISN'T MUSIC LTDCourtesy of Counter Records

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BY LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LOST PROFITS OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SOFTWARE, WHETHER ARISING IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOT LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR’S LIABILITY FOR ALL DAMAGES (EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW) EXCEED THE ACTUAL PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR USE OF THE SOFTWARE. BECAUSE SOME STATES/COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND/OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND/OR EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY SHALL NOT BE APPLICABLE SOLELY TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY SPECIFIC PROVISION OF THIS WARRANTY IS PROHIBITED BY ANY FEDERAL, STATE, OR MUNICIPAL LAW, WHICH CANNOT BE PRE-EMPTED. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. TERMINATION. This Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with its terms and conditions. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts. You can also end this Agreement by destroying the Software and all copies and reproductions of the Software and deleting and permanently purging the Software from any client server or computer on which it has been installed. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software and documentation have been developed entirely at private expense and are provided as “Commercial Computer Sof tware” or “restr ic ted computer software.” Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Government subcontractor is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Date and Computer Software clauses in DFARS 252.227-7013 or as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clauses at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. The Contractor/Manufacturer is the Licensor at the location listed below. EQUITABLE REMEDIES. You hereby agree that if the terms of this Agreement are not specifically enforced, Licensor will be irreparably damaged, and therefore you agree that Licensor shall be entitled, without bond, other security, or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to any of this Agreement, in addition to any other available remedies. INDEMNITY. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Licensor, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from all damages, losses and expenses arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions to act in using the Software pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. It may be amended only by a writing executed by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable

for any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed (without regard to conflicts or choice of law principles) under the laws of the State of New York, as such law is applied to agreements between New York residents entered into and to be performed within New York, except as governed by federal law. Unless expressly waived by Licensor in writing for the particular instance or contrary to local law, the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for actions related to the subject matter hereof shall be the state and federal courts located in Licensor’s principal corporate place of business (New York County, New York, U.S.A.). Both parties consent to the jurisdiction of such courts and agree that process may be served in the manner provided herein for giving of notices or otherwise as allowed by New York state or federal law. The parties agree that the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna, 1980) shall not apply to this Agreement or to any dispute or transaction arising out of this Agreement. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS LICENSE, YOU MAY CONTACT IN WRITING TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC. 622 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10012.This videogame is fictional and depicts invented events, persons, locations, and entities. The inclusion of any brand, weapon, location, vehicle, person or thing does not imply sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsem*nt of this game. The makers and publishers of this game do not endorse, condone or encourage engaging in conduct depicted in this product.© 2012 Gearbox Sof tware, LLC. Published and distr ibuted by 2K Games. Gearbox Sof tware, Borderlands, and the Gearbox and Borderlands logos are trademarks of Gearbox Software, LLC. 2K Games and the 2K Games logo are trademarks of 2K Games in the US and/or other countries. Unreal, the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Technology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere. Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2012 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. This software product includes Autodesk® Scaleform® sof tware, © 2012 Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk and Scaleform are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Powered by Wwise © 2006 - 2012 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.Fur ther to the Information Collection & Usage paragraph above, such information may be collected, shared, and/or used by either Licensor or the developer Gearbox Software LLC. For information about Gearbox, see CUSTOMER SUPPORT: Support: Phone: 1-866-219-9839 Email: [emailprotected] Support: Phone: 1-800-638-0127 Email: [emailprotected]

contributions through use of the Software give rise to any copyright interest, you hereby grant Licensor an exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, fully transferable and sub-licensable worldwide right and license to use your contributions in any way and for any purpose in connection with the Software and related goods and services, including the rights to reproduce, copy, adapt, modify, perform, display, publish, broadcast, transmit, or otherwise communicate to the public by any means whether now known or unknown and distribute your contributions without any further notice or compensation to you of any kind for the whole duration of protection granted to intellectual property rights by applicable laws and international conventions. You hereby waive any moral rights of paternity, publication, reputation, or attribution with respect to Licensor’s and other players’ use and enjoyment of such assets in connection with the Software and related goods and services under applicable law. This license grant to Licensor, and the above waiver of any applicable moral rights, survive any termination of this License. INTERNET CONNECTION. The Software may require an internet connection to access internet-based features, authenticate the Software, or perform other functions. In order for certain features of the Software to operate properly, you may be required to have and maintain (a) an adequate internet connection and/or (b) a valid and active account with an online service as set forth in the Software documentation, including but not limited to Windows Live, Licensor or a Licensor affiliate. If you do not maintain such accounts, then certain features of the Software may not operate or may cease to function properly, either in whole or in part.II. INFORMATION COLLECTION & USAGE. By installing and using this software, you consent to these information collection and usage terms, including (where applicable) transfer of data to Licensor and affiliated companies into a country outside of the European Union and the European Economic Area. If you connect to the Internet when using the Software, either through Xbox LIVE, or any other method, Licensor may receive information from hardware manufacturers or platform hosts (such as Microsoft) and may automatically collect certain information from your computer or gaming unit. This information may include, but is not limited to, user IDs (such as gamer tags and screen names), game scores, game achievements, game performance, locations visited, buddylists, hardware MAC address, internet protocol address, and your usage of various game features. All information collected by Licensor is intended to be anonymous information that does not disclose your identity or constitute personal information, however, i f you include personal information (such as your real name) in your user ID, then such personal information will automatically be transmitted to Licensor and used as described herein. The information collected by Licensor may be posted by Licensor on publicly-accessible web sites, shared with hardware manufacturers, shared with platform hosts, shared with Licensor’s marketing partners or used by Licensor for any other lawful purpose. By using this Software you consent to the Licensor’s use of related data, including public display of your data such as identification of your user-created content

or displaying your scores, ranking, achievements and other gameplay data. If you do not want your information shared in this manner, then you should not use the Software.III. WARRANTY. LIMITED WARRANTY. Licensor warrants to you (if you are the initial and original purchaser of the Software) that the original storage medium holding the Software is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for 90 days from the date of purchase. Licensor warrants to you that this Sof tware is compatible with a personal computer meeting the minimum system requirements listed in the Software documentation or that it has been certified by the gaming unit producer as compatible with the gaming unit for which it has been published, however, due to variations in hardware, software, internet connections and individual usage, Licensor does not warrant the performance of this Software on your specific computer or gaming unit. Licensor does not warrant against interference with your enjoyment of the Software; that the Software will meet your requirements; that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Software will be compatible with third party software or hardware or that any errors in the Software will be corrected. No oral or written advice provided by Licensor or any authorized representative shall create a warranty. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of or limitations on implied warranties or the limitations on the applicable statutory rights of a consumer, some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. If for any reason you find a defect in the storage medium or Software during the warranty period, Licensor agrees to replace, free of charge, any Software discovered to be defective within the warranty period as long as the Software is currently being manufactured by Licensor. If the Software is no longer available, Licensor retains the right to substitute a similar piece of Software of equal or greater value. This warranty is limited to the storage medium and the Software as originally provided by Licensor and is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties prescribed by statute are expressly limited to the 90-day period described above. Except as set forth above, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written, express or implied, including any other warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, and no other representations or warranties of any kind shall be binding on Licensor. When returning the Software subject to the limited warranty above, please send the original Software only to the Licensor address specified below and include: your name and return address; a photocopy of your dated sales receipt; and a brief note describing the defect and the system on which you are running the Software. IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION AND, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED

BL2 PC Long ENG ManInt 081712 HighRes - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.