Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (2024)

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Hay Hill in Norwich is in the Eastern region of England. The postcode is within the Mancroft ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Norwich South. This page combines information for the address Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ, and the neighbourhood in which it resides. If you wish, you can also view information for the whole of NR2 here. For more details on the exact area these statistics cover, please see the map below and click "Show Census Area Covered" immediately below the map.

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Basic Information

Area Type Urban
Local Authority Norwich
Ward Mancroft
Constituency Norwich South * Note that this is the constituency prior to the 4th of July 2024 election. Parliament has been dissolved, so there are currently no MPs. New constituencies and boundaries will start after the 4th of July, until then StreetCheck will continue to show the old constituency names. You can check what your constituency will be from election day onwards on the government website at this link.
Region Eastern
Country England

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Nearby Locations

Our information is available for almost all UK postcodes. Why not take a look at some of these other postcodes in the immediate vicinity of Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ:

Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR21TF
Haymarket, Norwich, NR21QJ
Theatre Street, Norwich, NR21QY
Haymarket, Norwich, NR21QE
Brigg Street, Norwich, NR21QN
Haymarket, Norwich, NR21QH

Alternatively, click here to view demographic information about NR2 as a whole.

About the Demographic Information

The information on housing, people, culture, employment and education that is displayed about Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ is based on the last census performed in the UK in 2021. They are performed once every 10 years. Our website shows 2021 data for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For Scotland, 2011 data is shown (update coming soon, the Scottish census was delayed by a year unlike the rest of the UK). Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes. The figures are therefore representative of the local area, not a specific street address or row of houses. The census collection is designed so that each group of postcodes should contain at least 100 people (50 in Scotland). This is done to preserve the anonymity of the people in that area, as some postcodes cover a very small area, sometimes a single building. You can see the area covered by the census statistics by clicking "Show Census Area Covered" below the map above.

Using this Information Commercially

The information we provide on the website is done so without charge. However, if you wish to use this data on other websites, or in any other public medium should consult our data sources page for information on how you should correctly attribute the information.

Continue Reading: All About Housing >

House Prices

There have been no house sales reported to the Land Registry in this postcode since January 1st 1995.

Our data comes directly from the Land Registry, and is updated monthly. It does not include commercial sales, or sales of land without property.

Housing Types EmbedThis

This area contains a mixture of housing types, as detailed below. No single type of dwelling accounts for more than 50% of the dwellings. Please note that the figures may include adjacent streets - see the Summary tab for an explanation and map of the area that these figures cover.

Housing Types
Detached 0
Semi-Detached 12
Terraced 31
Flat (Purpose-Built) 35
Flat (Converted) 8
Residence in Converted Building inc. former schools, churches, warehouses 33
Residence in Commercial Building 26
Total 145

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Housing Tenure EmbedThis BacktoTop

The area containing Hay Hill, Norwich contains a higher-than-average level of rented housing (excluding social housing) - 50% of household spaces. This contrasts with the national average of just over 20%.

Housing Tenure
Owned Outright 55
Owned with Mortgage 14
Shared Ownership 0
Rented: From Council 2
Rented: Other Social 2
Rented: Private Landlord inc. letting agents 63
Rented: Other 11
Rent Free 0
Total 147

Housing Occupancy EmbedThis BacktoTop

This data lists the total number of residents normally resident within each household. The figures do not record under- or over-occupancy.

Housing Occupancy
One Person 67
Two People 58
Three People 14
Four People 6
Five People 0
Six People 2
Seven People 0
8+ People 0
Total 147

Household Composition EmbedThis BacktoTop

This area contains a mixture of household compositions, as detailed below. No single type accounts for more than 50% of the households.

Household Composition
1 Person Household 67
Family Household 70
Other Household 12
Total 149

Household Deprivation EmbedThis BacktoTop

Household deprivation was measured against four dimensions for the 2021 census - employment, education, health/disability, and overcrowding.

Household Deprivation
Not Deprived 94
Deprived In One Dimension 47
Deprived In Two Dimensions 3
Deprived In Three Dimensions 2
Deprived In Four Dimensions 0
Total 146

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Gender EmbedThis

Across the UK as a whole, the gender split is roughly equal at 49% male, 51% female. This address in Norwich South constituency is broadly in line with those figures, with 51% male.

Male 264
Female 253
Total 517

Age Groups EmbedThis BacktoTop

Across the UK as a whole, the median age is 40. In general, inner-city areas show high concentrations of people aged 18-30, suburbs show larger numbers of small children and adults aged 30-50, and rural and small towns are more popular with older workers and retirees. Many poorer areas lack a majority age group, which is due in part to the people in that area being constrained by circ*mstance rather than being able to choose where to retire, raise a family or grow up.

Age Groups
0-4 7
5-9 5
10-14 7
15-19 142
20-24 123
25-29 38
30-34 30
35-39 13
40-44 18
45-49 21
50-54 18
55-59 13
60-64 16
65-69 23
70-74 16
75-79 14
80-84 12
85+ 2
Total 518

Relationship Status EmbedThis BacktoTop

In the immediate vicinity of NR2 1QQ there is a large concentration of residents that are single - 69% of the resident population. On average, around 38% of census respondents were single. Areas with large single populations are often in built-up areas, with good entertainment facilities. It is also common to see a younger population in these areas.

Figures for relationship status do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. Following the Civil Partnership Act that came into force in 2019, census figures for 2021/2022 no longer categorise same sex relationships as a separate category. Civil partnerships are now included within the figures for the other categories (Married, Divorced and so forth).

Relationship Status
Single 358
Married 89
Separated 7
Divorced 28
Widowed 16
Total 498

Health EmbedThis BacktoTop

Health in the UK is strongly tied to age as you would expect, but the affluence of a neighbourhood also has strong influence, with deprived areas often showing poorer standards of health.

Overall, the UK considers itself to be healthy - 82% of residents rated their health as Very Good or Good. The full breakdown is as follows for the United Kingdom: 48.4% Very Good, 33.5% Good, 12.8% Fair, 4.1% Bad and 1.2% Very Bad.

It is noteable that the amount of residents reporting Very Good or Good health increased in 2021 compared to the previous census, despite an aging UK population. This may have been influenced by how people perceived their health aginst the backdrop of the pandemic.

Very Good 233
Good 194
Fair 70
Bad 16
Very Bad 4
Total 517

Education & Qualifications EmbedThis BacktoTop

At the time of the 2021 census, across the UK 18.3% of residents had no qualification, 9.5% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5+ GCSEs and 1-2 A/AS-Levels, 16.9% had 2+ A-Levels, 33.7% had a degree (or similar), and 5.4% had an apprenticeship.

The qualification levels are based on current qualification names. The former Ordinary Levels (O-Levels) and CSEs will be included in the GCSE figures. Former Higher School Certificates (HSCs) will be counted as A Levels.

Highest Qualification Level Achieved
Degree or Similar e.g. professional qualification (accountancy etc) 166
Apprenticeship 12
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels 195
5+ GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels 68
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 25
No GCSEs or Equivalent 24
Other 8
Total 498

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Ethnic Group EmbedThis

As whole, the UK population claims itself as approximately 82.2% white, with this area being 77% white.

As a country with a diverse population, the UK is home to other sizable ethnic groups, with mixed ethnicity (2.8%), Indian (3.1%) and Pakistani (2.7%) being the largest groups reported.

There is considerable division of ethnicities within the UK, with ethnically diverse addresses uncommon outside of urban areas.

Ethnic Group
White 400
Mixed Ethnicity 29
Indian 6
Pakistani 8
Chinese 27
Other Asian 15
Black African 19
Black Caribbean 2
Other Black/African/Caribbean 1
Arab 6
Other 7
Total 520

Country of Birth EmbedThis BacktoTop

At the time of the 2021 census, approximately 83.4% of the resident population of the United Kingdom were born in the UK. The other major groups were 6.9% from European countries, 5.4% from Middle Eastern or Asian countries, 2.6% from African countries, and 1.7% from the rest of the world.

Country of Birth
United Kingdom 403
European Union 27
Rest of Europe 6
Africa 13
Middle East And Asia 46
The Americas (North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean) 15
Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and nearby islands) 4
British Overseas Territories 1
Total 515

Length of Residence EmbedThis BacktoTop

At the time of the 2021 census, approximately 83.3% of the resident population of the United Kingdom were born in the UK. Some 9.7% have resided in the UK for 10 years plus, 2.9% for 5-10 years, 2.2% for 2-5 years, and 1.9% for less than two years.

The length of time a person has been resident in the UK has been calculated from the time a resident most recently arrived in the UK (excluding holidays/short stays outside the UK). However, residents that were born in the UK but emigrated and then later returned will still be counted as "Born in the United Kingdom".

Length of Residence
Born in The United Kingdom 403
10+ Years 39
5-10 Years 10
2-5 Years 20
Less Than 2 Years 46
Total 518

Passport(s) Held EmbedThis BacktoTop

Note that an individual may hold one or more passports. The data may include people living in adjacent addresses to NR2 1QQ

Passport(s) Held
None 40
United Kingdom 395
Republic of Ireland 4
European Union 23
Rest of Europe 6
African Countries 7
Middle East or Asia 34
North America or Caribbean 5
Central and South America 2
Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and nearby islands) 2
British Overseas Territories 0

Religion EmbedThis BacktoTop

The largest religious group in England and Wales are Christians - 46.2% of residents. However, a sizeable portion of the population (37.2%) claim to have no religion, which has increased substantially from the 25.1% reported in the 2011 census. Some 6.5% identify themselves as Muslim, 1.7% Hindu, 0.9% Sikh, 0.5% Buddhist, 0.5% Jewish, and 0.6% as other religions, while the remaining 6% did not state their religious views.

No Religion 270
Christian 133
Buddhist 12
Hindu 7
Jewish 0
Muslim 9
Sikh 0
Other Religion 12
Not Stated 75
Total 518

Continue Reading: All About Employment

Economic Activity EmbedThis

This address within the Mancroft ward showed a higher-than-average concentration of student residents - 42% of the resident population. On average, around 7.9% of census respondents were students. Male residents were slightly less likely than women to be students. The figures for students include both working and full-time studying students.

Figures for economic activity do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. The data was correct as of the 2021 census, which was a period of depressed economic activity.

The 2021 census occurred during period of depressed economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, care should be taken in interpreting figures relating to labour market participation.

Economic Activity
Full-Time Employee 89
Part-Time Employee (defined as 30 hours or less per week) 26
Self Employed (No Subordinates) 33
Self Employed (With Subordinates) 9
Unemployed 26
Full-Time Student (with or without job) 212
Retired 56
Looking After Home or Family 6
Long-Term Sick or Disabled 16
Other 26
Total 499

Occupation Group EmbedThis BacktoTop

This data is based on resident aged 16+ on census day 2021, who were in employment. The categories used are taken from the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2020.

Occupation Group
Managers, Directors and Senior Officials 28
Professional Occupations 50
Associate Professional Occupations 23
Administrative and Secretarial Occupations 12
Skilled Trades Occupations 7
Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations 12
Sales and Customer Service Occupations 18
Process, Plant and Machine Operatives 5
Elementary Occupations 25
Total 180

Socio-Economic Classification EmbedThis BacktoTop

Classifications are assigned based on an algorithm created by the National Statistics Agency, called the Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC).

Socio-Economic Classification
Large Employer or Higher Managerial/Professional 63
Supervisory, or Lower Managerial/Administrative/Professional 55
Intermediate Occupation e.g. clerical, sales, technical, engineering occupations 33
Own Account Worker/Small Employer 43
Lower Technical or Supervisory Occupation 6
Routine Occupation e.g. sales, service, production, operative, agricultural occupations 27
Semi-Routine Occupation 35
Never Worked or Long-Term Unemployed 28
Full-time Student 206
Total 496

Continue Reading: All About Crime

Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ is within the Norwich East policing neighbourhood, under the Norfolk Constabulary force area. For non-urgent queries, contact 101. For emergency assistance, please contact 999.

View Latest Crime in NR2 1QQ

Neighbourhood Team

Crime: Click here to view crimes committed near Hay Hill
NeighbourhoodTeam Address Norwich East
Bethel Street Norwich Norfolk
Force Website:

Data courtesy of See our Data Sources page for more information.

Continue Reading: All About Nearby Services

Key: Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (2)RailwayStation Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (3)Hospital Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (4)GP Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (5)Dentist Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (6)Optician Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (7)PrimarySchool Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (8)SecondarySchool

Below are the details of the closest services to NR2 1QQ. All distances are straightline distances, please consult the map of the facility to check the exact location. You can also view these details on our interactive services map for NR2 1QQ.

Nearest Railway Stations

Listed here are the 13 closest railway stations to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest railway station is Norwich, approximately 0.6 miles away.

Name Approximate Distance*
Norwich 0.6 miles
Brundall Gardens 5.3 miles
Salhouse 5.3 miles
Brundall 6.2 miles
Buckenham 7.8 miles
7.8 miles
Lingwood 8.3 miles
Wymondham 8.5 miles
Cantley 9.9 miles
Acle 11 miles
Spooner Row 11 miles
Worstead 12 miles
Reedham (Norfolk) 13 miles

Nearest Primary Schools

Listed here are the 10 closest primary schools to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest is The Free School Norwich, approximately 430 yards away.

Name Approximate Distance* Ofsted Rating
The Free School Norwich 430 yards
Bignold Primary School and Nursery 510 yards
Charles Darwin Primary School 850 yards
Lakenham Primary School 0.8 miles
Avenue Junior School 0.8 miles
Magdalen Gates Primary School and Nursery 0.8 miles
Recreation Road Infant School 0.9 miles
Nelson Infant School 1 mile
Angel Road Junior School 1.1 miles
George White Junior School 1.1 miles

Nearest Secondary Schools

Listed here are the 10 closest secondary schools to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest is Notre Dame High School, Norwich, approximately 640 yards away.

Name Approximate Distance* Ofsted Rating
Notre Dame High School, Norwich 640 yards
Jane Austen College 670 yards
Norwich High School for Girls 0.9 miles
Hewett Academy 0.9 miles
City of Norwich School, An Ormiston Academy 1.3 miles
Sewell Park Academy 1.4 miles
The Open Academy 1.8 miles
City Academy Norwich 1.9 miles
University Technical College Norfolk 2 miles
Sprowston Community Academy 2.1 miles

Nearest Doctor's Surgeries/GP Practices

Listed here are the 10 closest GPs (General Practitioners) to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest is Norwich Practices Health Centre, approximately 510 yards away. Please consult the NHS Choices website to check if the facility is currently accepting new NHS patients.

Name Approximate Distance*
Norwich Practices Health Centre 510 yards
St Stephens Gate Medical Partnership 580 yards
Vulnerable Adults Service 760 yards
Oak Street Medical Pract. half a mile
Castle Partnership 0.5 miles
Gurney Surgery 0.5 miles
West Pottergate Med Prac 0.6 miles
0.6 miles
Lakenham Surgery 0.6 miles
Adelaide Street Health Centre 0.8 miles

Nearest Dentists

Listed here are the 10 closest dentists to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest is Treetops Dental Practice, approximately 310 yards away. Please consult the NHS Choices website to check if the facility is currently accepting new NHS patients.

Name Approximate Distance*
Treetops Dental Practice 310 yards
All Saints Green Dental Practice 450 yards
Prince of Wales Road Dental Practice 690 yards
Cathedral Street Dental Practice 820 yards
Corner House Dental Practice 0.5 miles
Cotman House Dental Surgery 0.5 miles
Palace Plain Orthodontic Practice 0.5 miles
Norwich Dental Care 0.6 miles
Golden Triangle Dental Practice 0.8 miles
Smile Orthodontics 0.8 miles

Nearest Hospitals

Listed here are the 7 closest hospitals to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest is Colman Hospital, approximately 1.3 miles away.

Name Approximate Distance*
Colman Hospital 1.3 miles
Julian Hospital 1.3 miles
Norwich Community Hospital 1.3 miles
Spire Norwich Hospital 2.8 miles
2.8 miles
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital 3.1 miles
Little Plumstead Hospital 5.1 miles

Nearest Opticians

Listed here are the 10 closest opticians to Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ. The nearest is Cecil C Amey Ltd, approximately 90 yards away.

Name Approximate Distance*
Cecil C Amey Ltd 90 yards
Optical Express 110 yards
The Eye Clinic 110 yards
Specsavers Opticians Norwich - White Lion Street 150 yards
160 yards
Boots-Norwich - Castle St 230 yards
Castle Street Optometry 230 yards
240 yards
260 yards
260 yards

* Distances are measured in a straight line from the given postcode. Please consult the facility's map page or your preferred route finding/GPS app for driving directions.

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About the Census Data

Interesting Information for Hay Hill, Norwich, NR2 1QQ Postcode (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.