Project: Wrestling Episode 4: Debutante Ball | WWE Figure Forums (2024)

Project: Wrestling Ep. 4: Debutante Ball

*Interior:Phineas O’Ryans training school, the School of Grappling Arts. Martin O’Ryan sits in the top rope in a ring*

(O’Ryan): “Cats out of the bag I guess so let’s talk. This ring for fourteen years was my home away from home. I was 21 when I had my first match, I was 35 when I had my last match four years ago. That last match was also the last time I worked for my dad. Tensions had been building for a while between us and him co-promoting a show with Warrior Pro, a promotion that had on multiple occasions sabotaged not only my dads shows but other Indy shows as well. That was the breaking point. But I was booked so I worked the match because I’m a professional. I was up against a young buck, a former MMA fighter and Sambo champion.

They called him Kaiju. And he was good man, still is. But something happened in that match. At one point he goes to the top rope and I climb up after him because I don’t know what this 300 plus pound human grizzly is thinking but I sure as crap wasn’t going to find out. I try for a Hurricanrana but he stops me…picks me back up and jumps off…I land right on my head. Could’ve killed me. My neck was destroyed, my career, the only career I’ve ever known was over. Now as I’m laying there in the worst pain I’ve ever been in, a few things run through my head. The last thing I saw before blacking out was the Warrior Pro promoter in the distance with the biggest Project: Wrestling Episode 4: Debutante Ball | WWE Figure Forums (1)ing smile.

For four years I’ve been trying to reconcile with the fact that my career is over but every time I think I’m over it…I see some accolade about that son of a bitch. A new championship, a great match, one of the first names on the ground floor of a new promotion. That kind of thing eats away at a man. Like a tape worm. It takes and takes and takes until you’re so damn sick you just want to snack on a bullet! That’s why I orchestrated that attack on Kaiju. Getting the Project: Wrestling offer was a sign to me. It was like it was meant to be…Kaiju, you damn near crippled me, you ended my career for what reward I don’t know. But it’s time for me to return the favor.”

*Fade Out. Interior: Project: Wrestling arena. Two wrestlers stand in the ring surrounded by an awaiting crowd.*

(O’Ryan): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this episode of Project: Wrestling, tonight we have a night of debuts aside from our main event. I’m Martin O’Ryan joined by Spencer Barker.

(Barker): “Thank you, thank you, tense as hell up here but nonetheless we’re ready for our first match. In the blue trunks and black boots, Niles Root a young man from Canada. And his opponent in all black and a lunch mask…Darkness…real original name.”

The bell rings and Darkness bolts across the ring. Niles move and Darkness jumps onto the top rope and flips back to his feet with a Moonsault. Niles sarcastically applauds the flashy display. The two move forward and look up. Niles twists the wrist of Darkness and slowly forces him to one knee on the mat. Darkness gets back to a standing base and rolls forward. He springs to his feet and breaks Niles’s hold. He locks in a Side Headlock but spins behind Niles and pulls his legs out from under him.

He hits the ropes and uses Niles as stepping stone to get to the other side and bounce off the ropes. He laps into the air and tries for a Splash but Niles rolls out of the way. Both men are right back up and Niles clocks Darkness with a stiff European Uppercut. He grabs the wrist gain and twists. He brings Darkness to one knee again but this time he steps over the arm and rolls forward, locking the masked man in an Armbar.

(O’Ryan): “Great form, terrible ring awareness. Darkness is far too close to those ropes.”

(Barker): “Darkness extends to his eyesight, he has not one move for those ropes.”

Darkness scoots a little and puts his foot on the bottom rope. Niles holds onto the hold but lets go when the ref counts to four. Darkness rolls out of the ring clutching his arm.

(Barker): “They can’t hear us down there can they?”

(O’Ryan): “No just a coincidence.”

Niles goes outside the ring and grabs darkness by the mask. Niles slams his face against the ring apron and rolls him back it not h ring. Darkness is on all fours as Niles rolls into the ring. He tries for a Seated Armbar but Darkness scrolls out and School Boys Niles for a two count. The two rise to their feet but Niles takes Darkness back to the mat with a Headlock Takeover.

(O’Ryan): “I have to applaud Niles here. He’s in there with a new adversary someones he’s not familiar with and he’s perfectly keeping the match in first gear, feeling out his opponent.”

(Parker): “If Niles wrestled any slower he’d be moving in park.”

Niles applies pressure to the hold. Darkness struggles to get out. Niles applies pressure. Darkness struggles to get out. Niles applies pressure. Darknesses struggle pays off as he manages to roll Niles into a two count. Niles is up to his feet shortly after kicking out and stomps on the hand of Darkness. Darkness yells in pain as Niles twists his foot. Niles moves his foot, grabs the wrist, and falls to the mat, applying a Fujiwara Armbar. Somewhere in the building there comes a faint noise.

(O’Ryan): “Did I come down with tinnitus or can you hear that too?”

(Barker): “Sounds like a guitar to me.”

(Project: Wrestling Episode 4: Debutante Ball | WWE Figure Forums (2)): “Girrrrrrrrllllllllllll….”

The guitar gets louder and is joined by drums. In the entrance way, a man with teased up blonde hair, make up, zebra pant pants, and a torn mesh shirt appears playing a Gibson SG. Another man on a cart-like apparatus is rolled out by two men in plain clothes. He’s sitting behind a drum set playing along. He’s dressed in black leather pants and a Stryper crop-top.

(Project: Wrestling Episode 4: Debutante Ball | WWE Figure Forums (3)): Girl…you’re the only one. Girl, please don’t slam that door. Girl, I just need a second chance. I’ll do anything to be your man!”

The guitarist starts shredding as the drummer beats away faster. Somewhere in the crowd, a man with teased up black hair, wearing a tight cheetah print jumpsuit appears holding a microphone.

(Nikki Lawless): “Ladies and gentlemen…but especially the ladies, good evening! I am “Diamond” Nikki Lawless, lead singer of Heart Attack! On guitar, We have Tracii Bach, and on drums, CC Downe!”

He begins walking through the crowd as the drummer and guitarist leave their instruments with crew members and head to the ring.

(Lawless): “Tonight we are here to rock the Project: Wrestling faithfulllllll.”

Lawless and Bach enter the ring. Niles and Darkness look Athen confused.

(Lawless): “Toniiiiiight we were supposed to face a bunch of Lucha dudes in a six man tag but we got cut from the match. Soooo in exchange, we’re here to fight you two. Since you’re putting this audience to sleep anyways why not have us bring this place to life. COME ON!”

Niles rears back and slaps the taste out of Lawless’ mouth knocking him to the mat. Niles begins to berate the two rockers as Darkness sneaks out of the ring and makes a hasty retreat. Lawless pulls himself to his feet and levelsNiles with a right hand. Niles falls to the mat but quickly scrambles to his feet, clutching his jaw. Lawless kicks him in the stomach and puts in position for a Powerbomb. He lifts him up and slams him right down but then
he rolls Niles to his feet allowing Bach to land a Superkick. Niles falls to the mat and Lawless covers him as Downe enters the ring to count the three.
Lawless hops to his feet and the band begin celebrating.

(O’Ryan): “It’s practically the motto around here but if you’re going to wrestle here arrive with an impact. I don’t know what time chamber these three crawled out of but looks like their problem now regardless.”

(Barker): “Look at Niles he might need someone to kickstart his heart.”

(O’Ryan): “And so it begins…”

The band start to head to the back co*ckily strutting and playing air guitar.


*Interior; Luna Monroe’s office. Jonathan is sitting on a couch looking through some paperwork. Niles Root busts in fuming*

(Jonthan); “Do come in…”

(Root): “What the hell was that out there?! Do you approve of that? Is that ruling official? Gahhh!”

(Jonathan): “I wouldn’t say I approve from a sportsmanship stand point but standing out is a big factor here, and Heart Attack certainly made an impression.”

(Root): “That’s bullcrap! I want another shot next week. Let me wrestle, anyone, I’ll wrestle anyone! Preston, Kaiju, Tigre, and I’ll even humor Lightspeed Larry.”

(Jonathan): “How about this, go find some partners and next week you and those partners will square off with Heart Attack next week. Sound good?”

(Root): “Yeah…yeah that works alright.”

(Jonathan): “Good…”

He grabs Niles by the throat and whispers something in his ear before pushing Root out the door.

*Fade Out. Interior: Project: Wrestling arena.*

Some weird ambient music begins playing as the lights dim. A woman wearing a green costume and matching monster mask walks out followed by a the similarly dressed Swamp Creature.

(Announcer): “The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from the Everglades, weighing in at 147lbs, El Hermosa de Swamp Creature.”

She rolls into the ring and Rawls towards the camera getting as close as she can.

(O’Ryan): “And now for something different.”

(Barker): “This shows getting weird…”

She backs away and into the corner as the lights turn back on. Familiar music begins playing and the crowd responded with a chorus of boos.

(Barker): “Wait I know that music.”

(O’Ryan): “We all do genius.”

The duch*ess walks out from the entrance way/ her hands are taped and she’s wearing plain black pants and a black shirt.

(Announcer): “And her opponent, from England, weighing in at 150lbs, The duch*ess.”

She smirks as she climbs onto the apron. She wipes her feet on the apron and enters the ring. She walks across the ring seemingly bathing in the jeers of the crowd.

(Barker): “Does this count?”

(O’Ryan): “I guess? We’ve only ever seen her managing Tommy Preston, but this would be the first time we see her wrestle.”

She walks away from the ropes, meanwhile HSC hasn’t moved an inch. The ref makes sure both are ready and calls for the bell. HSC crawls out of the corner and rolls around from side-to-side. duch*ess stands in the corner unfazed. HSC crawls backwards towards her corner and pulls herself up to her feet.

HSC turns her head like a curious dog. duch*ess walks to the middle of the ring and holds out her hand. The crowd immediately tries to persuade HSC from doing it. She listens and throws a kick but duch*ess’ catches her foot and kicks the back of HSC thing. As HSC grabs her leg, duch*ess immediately grabs HSCs wrist and twists, slamming her shoulder first into the mat. HSC grabs her shoulder and rolls out of the ring. duch*ess walks back to the corner and the ref begins to count HSC out.

(O’Ryan): “I’ve fought a lot of scary people in my career but I don’t think anything terrifies me like the duch*ess. Her calm, her focus, she is lasered in.”

HSC rolls back into the ring at five. She stands up and shakes her arm. duch*ess meets her in the middle of the ring and HSC begins her erratic movements again. She throws a Lariat but duch*ess ducks. When HSC turns around duch*ess drives her knee into her opponents mid-section. The crowd boo. duch*ess pays them no mind as she hits the ropes.

HSC stands up and kicks duch*ess in the face gaining cheers from the crowd. duch*ess stumbles back, holding her chin.HSC kicks her agin before whipping her across the ring. duch*ess bounces off the opposite ropes and HSC meets her halfway with a Crossbody. HSC stats kneeling next to duch*ess and drops repeated Axe Handles into duch*ess’ ribs. HSC screams and stands up. She steps on duch*ess’ ribs. HSC jumps into the air and lands with a Senton.

HSC rolls to her feet and howls again. duch*ess starts to pull herself to her feet when HSC grabs and pulls her towards the mild of the ring. HSC picks duch*ess up on her shoulders but duch*ess easily squirms free and locks the waist. She follows up with a high angle German Suplex. She hold onto the waist and rolls through back to her feet. She picks up HSC and turns slightly to drop her opponent ribs first onto the top rope.

HSC bounces off back into the ring. She rolls into the middle of the ring trying to desperately catch her breathe. HSC pushes herself up to one knee but from out of nowhere duch*ess takes her out with a running knee to the side of her head. The crowd ooh.

(O’Ryan): “Nasty looking knee from duch*ess, juts about caved HSCs temple in.”

(Barker): “You know at some point one of us should really get her name…”

(O’Ryan): “You fancy yourself a ladies man don’t you?”

(Barker): “There’s a golden rule when it comes to dating and it’s one I hold very dear.”

duch*ess grabs HSC by the hair and pulls her up just enough to drop her with a DDT. She covers HSC but only gets a two count. duch*ess rolls her eyes before standing up. HSC slams her hands against the Mat and starts to slowly roll towards the corner. HSC pulls herself up as her brother encourages her from outside the ring. duch*ess approaches and takes a boot in the face for her troubles. HSC pushes herself up to the top rope and stands up.

The fans stand up in attention. HSC flips forward, lands with her legs around duch*ess’ head and completes the Dragonrana to a massive pop. She gets a very close two count and duch*ess rolls out of the ring.

HSC takes a moment to recover before standing up. She watches duch*ess closely and when duch*ess is in prime position, she darts across the ring like a bullet and dives through the middle ropes driving duch*ess into the guardrail. The crowd pop again as duch*ess grimaces and reaches for her back. HSC crawls around for a bit before standing up and howling. duch*ess surprises her with a Running European Uppercut before falling back to the ground.

Ref: Four…five…six…”

duch*ess starts to show signs of live and mange’s to recover long enough to roll into the ring. She lays on the mat catching her breath when the crowd suddenly pop again. HSC comes into with a Springboard Shooting Star Press but duch*ess rolls out of the way and HSC crashes to the mat. She curls up in a ball of agony and regret.

As HSC recovers, duch*ess locks her arm and head. She picks her up for a Suplex but instead walks forward a little and bounces her feet off of the rope. She slams her down with a Jackhammer and hooks HSCs leg for the three count. The crowd boo in response. She drops the leg and smirks to the camera. She stands up and the ref raises her hand.


*Fade in. Interior; Backstage*

duch*ess sits on a production box, Tommy Preston stands next to her in street clothes. Backstage interviewer Madison Rose approaches with a microphone.

(Rose): “duch*ess an impressive first showing but it looked like she almost had a few times out there.”

(duch*ess): “I have a tendency to underestimate my opponents but my victory was never in doubt.”

(Rose): “Should we look forward to more in ring appearances from you in the future?”

(duch*ess): “If the need arises. I quite like being in the background so to speak.”

(Rose): “Tommy Preston I have a question for you. Next week, you’ve agreed to tag with Nile’s Root against eh members of Heart Attack, why?”

(Preston): “Wasn’t my decision really but she’s intent on keeping me in the ring as much as possible.”

(duch*ess): “You’ve been relying on our tricks too much. You need to remember how you got here in the first place.”

(Tommy): “This again dear?”

(duch*ess): “Don’t dear me. You always do that when you want to dismiss what I have to say.”

He waves his hand and starts to walk away. duch*ess follows him.

(Rose): “Awkward…back to the action? I guess.”

*Fade out. Interior; P:W ring*

Six men stand in the ring. Five are in masks.

(O’Ryan): “Gearing up for six man action featuring stars from Universo de Lucha Libre the once home promotion of our guest commentator Tigre Jr.. Tigre welcome to the booth, would you mind giving us a brief rundown on the men in the ring as our announcer introduces them.”

(Tigre): “On the right, in the star covers shirt and tights with the sun and moon mask, Astro. Next to him in the black and white tights and mask, Arana. And their partner, in the heart covers tights and mask with the surgical mask design, Dr. Love. On the left, in gold and green tights and mask Guerrero Dorado, next to him wearing white and gold, Milenio, and the old man next to him in red tights is Drago Hernandez. That man trained all six of us. Veteran of this sport, great friend of my dad and beloved by fans.”

The bell rings with Arana and Dorado in the ring. Arana immediately charges his opponent and attempts to lock in an Octopus Stretch. Dorado easily shrugs him off and lets him flop to the mat. Arana is right back up and grabs the wrist of an approaching Dorado. Arana turns it into a Hammerlock and then into a Side Headlock. He twists behind Dorado and trips him bringing him to the mat. He rolls across his opponent and locks him in a Headlock.

Dorado is back on his feet right away and pushes Arana towards the ropes before rolling out. Arana backflips off of the middle rope and lands on his feet. He is immediately sent to the outside with a Running Dropkick from Milenio. Milenio turns just in time to be caught with a Springboard Crossbody from Astro. Astor rolls to his feet and takes off towards the ropes. He dives over onto Arana and Dorado. Dr. Love takes his spot as Milenio regains his footing.

Love locks in a Full Nelson but Milenio stomps on his foot and takes him to the mat with a Headlock Takeover. Love tries to use his kegs to break the hold but Milenio evades capture. Love tries and succeeds in rolling Milenio into a pin for a one count. Milenio kicks out and keeps the Headlock applied.

The technico ref checks on Love seeing if he wants to submit. The rude looks around before standing on the ankle of Love. He moves just before the technico ref catches him. The crowd boo in response.

Milenio stands up, dragging Love with him. He drags Love across the ring and tags in Hernandez. Hernandez comes in and Milenio holds Love prone for Hernandez to drive his elbow into his hip. Milenio leaves the ring and Hernandez drags Love away from the ropes and grabs his arm. He forces him to the mat and locks in a Camel Clutch.

After a few seconds he tucks Loves head and rolls it into a pinfall but Love kicks out at two. Love rolls out of the ring and Astro comes in. He rolls Hernandez up with a School Boy but only gets a one count. Both men are back to their feet immediately and Hernandez digs his fingers into the eye holes of Astros mask. The technico ref admonishes btu Hernandez does let go. The ref finally resorts to,pulling Hernandez away by force. The Rico Ref takes advantage of the distraction and resumes digging the finger into Astors eyes. Again, he stops just before getting caught.
Hernandez walks back over to Astor and throws him towards the ropes.

Astro slides out of the ring and Arana comes in and hits his distracted mentor with a Bridging Dragon Suplex for a two count. Hernandez rolls out and Dorado enters. He Clothesline Arana from behind and hot dogs to the crowd. He pulls Arana up by his mask and locks his head and arm. He picks up for a Suplex and walks around with him.

He starts walking across the ring towards his corner before suddenly spiking Arana with a Brainbuster. The crowd ooh. Dorado wastes no time in following and repositions Arana before tagging in Milenio. Dorado sits on the top rope and Milenio climbs up behind him. He slowly climbs on Dorados shoulders and stands up. He tries for a 450 Splash but Aran gets his knees up. Dorado tries for a Big Splash but Arana rolls out of the way and out of the ring. Dorado stands up and walks around dazed.

He’s caught with a Superkick from Dr. Love. Dorado goes down and Love runs towards ropes. He handsprings and Moonsaults over the top rope taking out Milenio. Astor climbs onto the top rope and jumps forward. He lands with a Shooting Star Press on Dorado but the pin is broken up at two by Hernandez. He give out to the technico ref and the fans.

Astro is back on his feet, leaning against the ropes. Hernandez approaches and Astro throws a kick but his mentor catches it. He taunts Astro as he’s hung up on the ropes and on one foot. He flips him over the ropes and Astor lands on his feet on the apron. Hernandez runs in but Astor sides steps him and nails him with a kick to the forehead. Hernandez stumbles backward. The crowd cheer as Arana re-emerges on the top row; and takes out Hernandez with a Blockbuster. He turns Hernandez slightly and Astro springs off of the top rope and lands another Shooting Star Press. Arana manages to stop Dorado from interfering but does notice Milenio sneaking in on the other side. Milenio pulls Astro off of the pin and Astor responds by kicking him into the face.

From the off screen Loves foot comes into view and connects with Milenio jaw, knocking him over the guardrail. He poses for the crowd. In the ring, Arana has dragged Dorado into the ring. He picks him up in potion for a Flapjack but Astro runs past them, jumps off the top rope and completes the move with a Reverse Blockbuster. Arana covers Dorado for the three count. The crowd cheer as the three winners have their hands raised by the technico ref.

*Fade out. Fade in. Lockeroom*

Kaiju is sitting on a bench wrapping his hands.

(Barker): “Phew, I can finally get a word out. Coming up soon, our main event. Kaiju vs. Shawn Mulligan.”


*Fade in. Somewhere backstage*

Swamp Creature is standing on a staircase as the glowing red eyes of his sisters mask peer out from under them. The camera shakes from the nervousness of the cameraman. Suddenly, HSC lunges out from the stairs. The cameraman drops the camera and bolts out of the room. Swamp Creature walks over and bends down in view of the camera.

(Creature): “Next week…victory.”

His sister scrambles into frame and the camera cuts to black. It cuts to the ring as Kaijus music begins to play. The crowd cheer.

(Barker): “Anyone else feel uneasy about those two just roaming around this building? Just me?”

(O’Ryan): Back on focus, our main event. As you see…what? They want me off commentary? Look I told them I would be professional and do my job…fine, fine. If they insist.”

There’s a cackling noise of a headset being removed. Kaiju poses in the ring and Shawn Mulligans music begins to play. He walks out followed by Frank Clover and the bruised up freshie.

(Barker): “Kaiju, 6”6’, 320, a background in sambo and MMA. Shawn Mulligan, six something, unknown weight, unknown background. Put the kids to bed, this one’s gonna be violent folks.”

Both men go nose-to-nose as the ref desperately tries to separate the two. The camera cuts over to the crowd for a moment to find Martin O’Ryan making his way towards ringside. Back in the ring, neither man has given an inch.

(Barker): “Eye-to-eye which is terrifying to think about. It’s like two bears competing for a salmon.”

The ref gives up and calls for the bell. The two lock up and try to push the other around to no avail. Kaiju breaks his hold and tries to go low but Mulligan stops him. He continues to try and wrestle Mulligan down to the mat but Mulligan throws him aside. Kaiju immediately stands up. The two circle each other for a bit. Mulligan throws two quick right jabs to catch Kaiju off guard and then tackles his legs and brings the big man to the mat.

He tries to keep control but Kaiju scrambles away and gets back to his feet. He wastes no time in throwing a brutal kick into the leg of Mulligan. Mulligan winces and backs up. Kaiju moves in and locks his arms around Mulligans waist. He twists to the side slamming Mulligan into the mat. He mounts his opponent and tires to for a punch but Mulligan blocks. Kaiju switches gears and tries to lock in Key Lock but Mulligan manages to block and squirm out.

Mulligan still seated backs away towards the corner but Kaiju doesn’t relent and tries to soccer kick him in the chest. Mulligan moves ever so slowly to catch the foot and bring Kaiju down to the mat. He tries to lock in a Leg Lock but Kaiju isn’t fully on the ground so he easily pulls himself free.Mulligan rolls backwards to his feet and the two charge each other. They meet in the middle of the ring each throwing a Clothesline. Neither man goes down. Kaiju throws an elbow strike and Mullgian throws one right back. Kaiju throws another elbow but doesn’t give Mulligan the chance to respond and throw two more. Mulligan stumbles a bit and Kaiju hits him with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex Slam. Kaiju holds on and floats over to his feet deadlifting Mulligan in the process. He turns a bit and slams him with another Belly-toBelly Slam. He covers this time but only gets a two count.

(Barker): “Good Project: Wrestling Episode 4: Debutante Ball | WWE Figure Forums (4)ing lord…pardon my French.”

Kaiju stands up and sits Mulligan up. He locks in a Full Nelson but turns Mulligan over and sits on his back locking in a Modified Camel Clutch.

(Barker): “Full Nelson Camel Clutch locked in deep. Kaijus is staring straight at Martin though, so how strong of a hold does he really have?”

Kaiju cranks on the hold. Mulligan groans in pain.

(Barker): “…I’d like to rescind my previous comment.”

Kaiju repositions slightly so that his knee is firmly in the back of Mulligan. The ref checks on Mulligan but Mulligan refuses to surrender.Mulligan starts to move his feet. After a while of struggling he manages to get himself up on his toes enough to roll over. However, Kaiju keeps hold and the submission becomes a pin. Mulligan kicks out at one. Mulligans foot is now under the bottom rope and Kaiju releases the hold. Mulligan slides himself out of the ring and falls to the floor. Frank Clover and the freshie move in to check on him but Martin O’Ryan stays at ringside. He locks eyes with Kaiju.

(Barker): “No words needed…”

Kaiju stands up and turns his attention back to Mulligan as he rolls into the ring. Mulligan pulls himself up using the ropes. Kaiju picks up his pace a little and chops Mulligan almost sending him back over the ropes.

(Barker): “F***”

Kaiju turns Mulligan slightly and locks the waist. He picks him up and stalls for a bit before completing the German Suplex. He bridges for a pin but his feet aren’t planted quite right and he loses the pin and the grip. Mulligan grabs his neck. Kaiju moves in but Mulligan shoots up and hits the ropes. He catches Kaiju with a Big Boot. Kaiju rolls right up but is knocked down by another running Big Boot. He stays down this time and Mullihan yells towards the crowd.

He walks over, grimacing, and stomps on Kaiju a few times. He steps over Kaiju and jaws with a fan sitting ring row.

(O’Ryan): “Focus dumbass!”

Kaiju lifts his legs and pushes against Mulligans ass sending him spilling over the top rope. Mulligan lands on his feet and O;Ryan slaps his chest.

(O’Ryan): “Don’t let your guard down against him again, you know better. You’ve seen him wrestle and fight, pay attention-“

The crowd pops and Mulligan shoves O’Ryan away. Kaiju falls into frame from the top rope and takes out Mulligan.

(Barker): “…what the absolute hell?!”

Both men lay on the floor catching their breathe. Martin stares at the seven in disbelief. Kaiju starts to stir first and saloon stands up. Mulligan isn’t far behind and throws a chop. Kaiju responds with a chop of his own. Mulligan winces and steps back a bit. He comes again this time nailing an overhand chop. Kaiju winces and Mulligan rolls into the ring and back out to break the count.

(Kaiju): ”Got you!”

Kaiju throws a kick into Mulligans hip. The big man crumbles to the mat and Kaiju rolls into the ring. The Calvary move in to check on Mulligan. Frank Clover runs into the ring blindsides Kaiju. Him and the freshie begin to put the boots to him as the ref calls for the bell. The crowd boo.

(Clover): “Get me a chair.”

The freshie turns and O’Ryan slides a chair into the ring. The freshie hands it to Clover and he begins to waylay Kaijus back with the chair.

(Clover): “Karmas a bitch!”

He continues to slam the chair into him until O’Ryan wrestles the chair away from him. The two men Star at each other for a moment before O’Ryan hands the freshie the chair. Without a word the freshie rolls Kaiju over and puts the chair around his neck.

(Barker): “Oh come on…cut the camera….”

Clover climbs to the second rope.

(O’Ryan):“You ended my career now it’s my-“

Kaiju reaches up and grabs him by the neck. The freshie tries to wrestle O’Ryan free and succeeds but the two trip over Kaiju and tumble into the ropes. Clover falls out of the ring and the other scramble out as Kaiju pushes the chair off his hand and stands up. [/b]

Project: Wrestling Episode 4: Debutante Ball | WWE Figure Forums (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.