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This Tuesday, It’s the Only Game in Town

Sunday, November 6, 2016 (updated Tuesday, November 8, 2016)

We, the 376 people signing this letter, make many of the games and puzzles you play. As game creators, we call on game players all across this great nation to make the best move on Tuesday: voting for Hillary Clinton. Today there are more great games around than ever before, so we know you have options, but this Tuesday we need everyone to join in on the finals of the presidential tournament. Whether you’re a dice chucker, a card slinger, a meeple monger, a puzzle solver, a button masher, or a keyboard clicker, we need you in the game.

Let's take a look at the players.

Hillary Clinton is the aunt who bought you your first box of Dungeons & Dragons because she heard it promoted literacy and problem solving skills. She’d rather be a healer, but she’ll be the tank when she needs to. She knows that characters of any race or gender should qualify equally for any class, without level limits or ability score penalties. She counts the pieces before you start assembling the jigsaw puzzle. She settled Catan before anyone else thought it was a good idea. She likes co-op games because she knows we’re stronger together.

Donald Trump is the disruptive sort of player that no one wants at their game table. He tries to take your turn for you in Pandemic Legacy. He solves crosswords incorrectly in pen—in your copy of the magazine. He only wants to play Monopoly, and gets mad when you suggest a Free Parking rule. His favorite deck contains five counterfeit Moxes. To quote the Nuisance Committee, Trump mains Hanzo and complains about team comp in chat. People like him are the reason that game conventions need anti-harassment policies.

This Tuesday, join us in voting for the highest-level candidate for president we’ve ever seen, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Let's win this thing for her.

The game creators of the world



Teos Abadia, game designer (Dungeons & Dragons, Kobold Press)

Peter Adkison, founder and former CEO of Wizards of the Coast, owner of Gen Con and Chaldea

Dave Allsop, creator and artist (SLA Industries)

Shannon Appelcline, game author and historian (Designers & Dragons)

Elizabeth Argall, science fiction author, cartoonist, and game designer (Onyx Path, 13th Age)

Martin Ashwood-Smith, crossword constructor, New York Times and Washington Post

Christopher Badell, game designer (Sentinels of the Multiverse, Deck-Building: The Deck-Building Game)

Keith Baker, game designer (Gloom, Eberron, Illimat, Phoenix: Dawn Command)

Richard T. Balsley, writer (Gary Gygax's Cosmos Builder, Interface Zero Republic of Texas)

Cam Banks, game designer (Leverage, Smallville, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Feng Shui 2, Unknown Armies 3)

Jess Banks, editor, art director, and translator (Ars Magica 5th Edition, Polaris, Storium)

Charles Andrew Bates, author, game designer, and illustrator (I Can't Even with These Monsters, Job Hunt)

Chris Battey, puzzle designer (Microsoft and Amazon Puzzle Hunts)

Wolfgang Baur, game designer and publisher (Midgard, Dark*Matter, Planescape)

Tim Beach, game designer, writer, and editor (D&D, Deadlands, The Dark Eye)

Jason Bender, game designer (Command and Conquer, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth, Diablo III)

Scott Bennie, game designer (Champions, Dungeons & Dragons, Mutants & Masterminds)

Alexander Bevier, game researcher, New York University

Greg Bilsland, senior producer (Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition)

Ian Birdsall, organized play coordinator, Asmodee North America

Alan Blaine, game designer (Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto 5)

Dan Blanchett, game designer (Infamous: The Pirate Wars)

Patrick Blindauer, puzzle designer at

Joe Blomquist, game designer (Dime Stories)

Bill Bodden, game designer (Achtung! Cthulhu, Leverage)

Logan Bonner, game designer (Pathfinder RPG, Dungeons & Dragons, Refuge in Audacity)

Sean Bonney, game designer (Devastation)

Michael Borys, game designer (The Curious Histories of The 49 Boxes), vice president at 42 Entertainment

Emily Care Boss, game designer (Romance Trilogy, Dread House, Bubblegumshoe)

Jeb Boyt, writer, Green Ronin and Modiphius

Timothy Brannan, writer, Elf Lair Games and Other Side Publishing

Ian Brody, game designer (Quartermaster General, Celestial Rainbows)

Chad Brown, game designer (Pathfinder ACG, Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widow’s Walk)

Jason Brown, puzzle designer (Mensa Puzzle Hunt)

Joseph Browning, owner of Expeditious Retreat Press (Advanced Adventures)

Benjamin Bruck, author (Pathfinder RPG)

Foggy Brume, creator (P&A Puzzle Magazine)

Katherine Bryant, puzzle editor (The Enigma)

Jason Bulmahn, lead designer (Pathfinder RPG)

Joe Cabrera, graphic artist and puzzle designer (National Puzzlers' League)

Noah Callaway, game programmer (Picturiffic, Hot Routes)

T Campbell, puzzle designer (Ubercross C-Spot, Crossworlds, Horror Crosswords)

Jason Carl, CEO of By Night Studios

Richard Dale Carlson, game designer (American McGee's Alice, Thief 2: The Metal Age, Brainpipe)

Joseph Carriker, game developer (Chronicle of Darkness, Exalted, A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying)

Mark Carroll, writer (Conan RPG, John Carter)

Michele Carter, game editor (Dungeons & Dragons)

Dr. Cat, game designer and programmer (Furcadia, Ultima)

John P. Cataldo, game designer (Dungeons & Dragons: Online, Empire Earth)

Dave Chalker, game designer (Get Bit!)

Chris Cieslik, owner of Asmadi Games (Innovation, Penny Press, Win Lose or Banana)

Jeff Cisneros, writer (Celestial Chorus, Mage: The Ascension, Shadows of Selastos, Bloodshadows)

Yesenia Cisneros, online marketer at The Pokémon Company International

Daniel Lovat Clark, game developer (Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition)

Bill Coffin, author (Septimus, Century Station, Systems Failure)

Adam Cohen, puzzle writer and editor

Anthony Coleman, game designer and developer (Bejeweled Blitz, Unpleasant Horse, Space Tyrant)

Andy Collins, game designer (State of Decay 2, Dungeons & Dragons)

Bruce Cordell, game designer and author (Dungeons & Dragons, Numenera, The Strange, Gods of the Fall)

Jeff Cornelius, co-owner of Cosmic Wombat Games

Torah Cottrill, game editor and author (Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, Gamma World)

Liz Courts, author and developer (Pathfinder, Kobold Press)

Alexandra Cox, producer (Cards Against Humanity)

Tim Cox, writer and developer (Star Wars Roleplaying, Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay, The End of the World)

Luke Crane, game designer (Burning Wheel, Mouse Guard) and head of games at Kickstarter

Mike Cressy, artist (Sierra Hoyle, EA Need for Speed)

Robert "Doc" Cross, game writer (Tooniversal Tour Guide, Toon Munchkin, Toon Tales, Toon Ace Catalog)

Pavel Curtis, puzzle designer (Pavel’s Puzzles, Ada’s Adalogical Ænigmas)

Liz Danforth, artist (Magic: The Gathering) and game designer (Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls, Wasteland 1 and 2)

Lane Daughtry, president of TinkerHouse Games (Dwarven Descent)

Rob Daviau, game designer (Pandemic Legacy, Seafall, Risk Legacy)

Steve Dee, game designer (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Shadow of the Demon Lord)

Chas deLong, production manager (Dungeons & Dragons)

Paul DeStefano, game designer (Nin-Gonost, Dungeon Clash, Aapep, Lord of the Rings Dice Building Game)

Dennis Detwiller, game creator (Delta Green, Godlike, Magic: The Gathering)

Roberto Di Meglio, game designer (War of the Ring, Rattlesnake, Age of Conan, Battle of Five Armies)

Ben Dobyns, co-founder, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment (The Gamers films)

Glenn Drover, game designer (Age of Empires III, Railroad Tycoon, WarQuest, Attack!)

John duBois, game designer (Avignon)

Chris Dupuis, game designer (Risk Legacy, Kaijudo, Heroscape)

Jason Durall, writer, editor, and designer (Basic Role-Playing, Conan, The Laundry, Lords of Gossamer & Shadow)

Jared Earle, writer and designer (SLA Industries)

Chandana Ekanayake, game director (Wayward Sky)

Mike Elliott, game designer (Thunderstone, Dice Masters, Quarriors, Duel Masters)

Scott Elliott, game designer (DragonStone Mine) and vice president at Gen Con

Jenn Ellis, game creator (Phoenix: Dawn Command)

Geoff Engelstein, game designer (Space Cadets series, Ludology podcast)

Brian Engard, game designer (Bulldogs!, Shadow of the Century)

James Ernest, president and lead designer, Cheapass Games (Kill Doctor Lucky, Pairs, Tak)

Steve Ewoldt, game designer (4 the Birds)

Sean Patrick Fannon, game designer (Savage Rifts, Shaintar, The Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible)

Matt Fantastic, owner of Prettiest Princess Games and Elm City Games Cafe

Kiva Fecteau, executive producer, designer, and game analyst at Shadowsong Industries

Mike Fehlauer, vice president at Penny Arcade and project manager (Thornwatch)

Sean “Fletch” Fletcher, game designer (Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle, Magic the Gathering: Shadowmoor)

David Flor, game designer, software architect, and president of Darklight Interactive

Matt Forbeck, author and game designer (Dungeonology, Marvel Encyclopedia)

Holly Forbis, owner of Games Plus

Aaron Forsythe, senior director for R&D, Magic: The Gathering

Crystal Frasier, game developer (Pathfinder RPG)

Robert Fuhrer, founder of KenKen Puzzle Co.

Javier Garavito, game designer (Lord of the Rings, Spec Ops, Nanovor, Pixar Rush)

Richard Garfield, creator (Magic: The Gathering)

Trin Garritano, events manager (Cards Against Humanity), Friendshipping podcast

Lee Garvin, game designer (Tales from the Floating Vagabond, The Noble Wild, Badass Zombie Killers)

Justin Gary, founder of Stone Blade Entertainment and game designer (Ascension Deckbuilding Game, SolForge)

Sean Geraghty, president of Pope Productions

Shanna Germain, game designer, editor, and writer (Numenera, No Thank You, Evil!, Predation)

Dean Gilbert, game designer (Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Firefly RPG, Torg: Eternity)

Jonathan Gilmour, game designer (Dead of Winter, Vault Wars, Wasteland Express Delivery Service)

Mitch Gitelman, president and co-founder, Harebrained Schemes (Shadowrun, BattleTech, MechWarrior)

Max Gladstone, game writer (Choice of the Deathless, The City's Thirst)

Bruce Glassco, game designer (Betrayal at House on the Hill, Mystery! Motive for Murder)

Amy Goldstein, puzzle writer and editor (Puzzability, Wall Street Journal)

Mark L. Gottlieb, design team manager for Magic: The Gathering

Patric Götz, founder at Uhrwerk Verlag

Scott Fitzgerald Gray, editor and designer (Dungeons & Dragons)

Andrew Marc Greene, puzzle and game designer (Sevendeck)

Justine Greene, owner, artist, and designer at Charming Geeks 'n Goths

Clayton Grey, game designer and owner, Laboratory

Jim Groves, author and developer (Pathfinder, Kobold Press)

Jeff Grubb, game designer and author (Marvel Super Heroes RPG, Dungeons & Dragons, Guild Wars)

Julie Haehn, producer and project manager (Xbox, Hololens, Cheapass Games, WizKids)

August Hahn, game designer and author (Glory and Greed, Lone Wolf Adventure Game, Judge Dredd)

Marty Hale-Evans, game designer (Relativity, Wormholes)

Ron Hale-Evans, author and game designer (Piecepack, Letterbox, Relativity)

Mark Halpin, puzzle designer (Labor Day Extravaganzas)

Scott Haring, game designer (Car Wars, Autoduel Quarterly, Pyramid, GURPS)

Pat Harrigan, writer and editor (1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person, Zones of Control)

Chris Harris, game designer (Kobold Press, Adventure-A-Week, Zombie Sky Press, Frog God Games)

Ken Hart, editor and writer (Dungeon Crawl Classics, Etherscope, D&D Adventurers League)

Francis Heaney, puzzle designer and editor at Puzzlewright Press

Rob Heinsoo, game designer (Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, 13th Age, Epic Spell Wars)

Nate Heiss, game designer (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, Paradise Bay, Rumpelstiltskin)

Elsa S. Henry, game designer (Dead Scare, Fate Accessibility Toolkit)

Cory J. Herndon, author (Ravnica: City of Guilds) and writer (Guild Wars, Pirates of the Burning Sea, WildStar)

Fred Hicks, game designer (Don’t Rest Your Head, Fate)

Risto "Nordic" Hieta, game designer (Amoeba, Acirema, Miekka ja Magia, and other Finnish RPGs)

Will Hindmarch, game designer (Always/Never/Now, Storium, Project Dark)

Erin Hoffman-John, CEO of Sense of Wonder

Jeremy Holcomb, game designer (The Duke, Toboggans of Doom, Anachronism)

Brent Holman, puzzle designer at Shinteki and creative lead on ClueKeeper

JR Honeycutt, game designer and Legacy game developer (Seafall)

Joshua Howard, co-owner of BoneGames and videogame industry executive

Sarah Hood, writer (Eclipse Phase, Aethera)

Heather Hudson, artist (Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons)

Tim Huie, game convention organizer

Robert Huss, game designer (The Shadow Over Westminster)

Michael Iachini, game designer and publisher (Chaos & Alchemy, Otters)

Thomas Idzikowski, puzzle designer and hunt organizer (American Cancer Society, Red Cross)

Shane Ivey, game designer (Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game)

Mike Janney, puzzle designer and game engineer (Plants vs. Zombies 2)

Jennell Jaquays, game designer (Dark Tower, Caverns of Thracia, Griffin Mountain)

Samson Jinks, immersive experience developer (Epic Team Adventures)

L. Scott Johnson, game designer (Vampire: The Eternal Struggle)

Seth Johnson, game designer (HeroClix, Double Double Dominoes)

Olivia Johnston, contributor and editor (Rolemaster, Catan)

Tom Jolly, game and puzzle designer (Wiz-War, Drakon, Cavetroll)

Jett Jones, puzzle designer (World Henchmen Organization)

Matt Jones, puzzle designer (Jonesin' Crosswords)

Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie, game writer (Torment: Tides of Numenera, Diablo III, Wasteland 3, Horizon: Zero Dawn)

Alex Karaczun, president of Mischief, Inc. and author (A Forgotten Evil, The Tomb of Rakoss the Undying)

John D. Kennedy, writer and game designer (Infinity Tabletop Role Playing Game, Ninja Crusade)

Darla Kennerud, author and editor (Magic: The Gathering, World of Warcraft TCG, Warmachine)

Steve Kenson, game designer (Mutants & Masterminds, Icons)

Eric Knight, sales operations analyst, Asmodee North America

Ann Koi, illustrator and content writer (Wizards of the Coast, Eos, Strix)

Raph Koster, game designer and author (Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, The Theory of Fun)

John Kovalic, cartoonist, illustrator, and game designer (Munchkin, Chez Geek, ROFL!)

Dan Kramarsky, author (The Official RPGA Tournament Handbook)

Elliot Kravitz, game tester (WizKids, SPI, Yaquinto)

Debbie Manber Kupfer, author and puzzle designer (Paws 4 Logic)

Calye Lacefield, creator of Gamer Badges and CEO at JBM Press

Phil Lacefield, Jr., graphic designer and chief engineer at JBM Press

Eric Lang, game designer (Blood Rage, Dice Masters, X-COM: The Board Game)

Sage LaTorra, co-creator (Dungeon World)

Luke Laurie, game designer (Stones of Fate, The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire)

Jennifer Lawrence, author (Scion, Vampire: The Requiem, Changeling: The Lost)

Dan Layman-Kennedy, game designer (Tome of Beasts, DMs Guild)

Frank Lazar, contributing writer (GURPS)

Matt Leaco*ck, game designer (Pandemic, Forbidden Island)

Bruce Leban, puzzle designer (Jumping to Conclusions) and editor (The Enigma)

Roy Leban, game and puzzle designer (WIM, The Librarian's Almanaq, The Year of Puzzles)

Peter Lee, game designer (Lords of Waterdeep, Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition)

Rich Lescouflair, game designer and writer (Esper Genesis, Curse of the Demon Stone, In Volo's Wake)

Devin Lewis, game developer (Munchkin CCG)

Ian Liddle, owner and publisher of Applied Vectors

Malika Lim, game designer (Max Axe) and Twitch host, Hyper RPG

Nicole Lindroos, co-owner, Green Ronin Publishing (Fantasy AGE, Dragon Age RPG)

Jonathan H. Liu, game designer (Emperor's New Clothes)

Stacy Longstreet Heath, senior art director (Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition) and creative producer (PikPok)

Andrew Looney, game designer (Pyramid Arcade, Loonacy, Fluxx, Chrononauts)

Michael Long, writer and managing Editor of Tribality Publishing

Joe Louie, infrastructure project manager, Xbox Live

Matt Lovell, author and puzzle designer (Puzzle Safari, The Game)

James Lowder, author and editor (Hobby Games: The 100 Best, Knight of the Black Rose, The Ring of Winter)

Alexandra M. Lucas, content writer, Microsoft Cortana

Michelle Lyons-McFarland, game designer, editor, and co-owner of Growling Door Games

WJ MacGuffin, game designer (Paranoia, The Laundry, Unknown Armies)

Kenn Mahan, writer, The Adventurer's Mercantile

ji*zin Maher, Programmer, Barrel Games

Richard Malena, game theorist and developer (Widow's Walk, Phoenix: Dawn Command)

David Malki !, author and game designer (Wondermark, Machine of Death)

Hal Mangold, graphic designer and art director (Dragon Age RPG, Mutants and Masterminds)

Maurie Manning, illustrator and hidden picture designer (Highlights magazine, SSI, Mindscape)

Tommy Maranges, game designer (Secret Hitler)

Pat Marino, game designer at Guilderland Games

Gregory Marques, game designer (Shadowrun Crossfire, Magic: The Gathering, D&D Tiny Adventures)

Timothy Mattes, game reviewer and playtester, SMIF Networks

Karyn McCollough, UI Designer (Poker Heroes, Super Sock Monsters)

Colin McComb, game designer (Torment: Tides of Numenera, Planescape: Torment)

Matt M McElroy, editor and designer (Vampire: The Masquerade, Hunter: The Vigil)

Michael McFarland, game designer (Pests!)

Jesse McGatha, developer (Giza: The Great Pyramid, Sun & Scale) and creative director at Epic Team Adventures

Jean McGuire, owner of Wintertree Software (TableMaster)

Guy McLimore, game designer and publisher (GrailQuest, Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, Simply Roleplaying)

Craig McRoberts, community overlord of Greater Than Games

Mike Mearls, game designer (Dungeons & Dragons)

Alli Medwin, editor and game designer (Magic: The Gathering, Magic: The Gathering Online)

Nick Meenachan, host of the YouTube channel Board Game Brawl

Sheldon Menery, Magic: The Gathering Judge Hall of Fame

Galen Michael, game designer (Atlantis Rising)

Sonia Michaels, senior lecturer, DigiPen Institute of Technology

Casey Middaugh, interactive game designer (Schooner or Later, 10 Minutes in the Forest)

Levi Miles, writer (Pathfinder RPG) and blogger at GaymerMaster

David Millar, puzzle author and developer (The Griddle, Dave's Mapper)

Tony Miller, host of the Breaking into Board Games podcast

John Mischo, playtest and QA (WotC, Cheapass Games, Disney Interactive)

Malachi Mojica, creator (The Past Beyond)

Christopher Moody, press relations manager at Dreamfab (Saving Yello, Chasing Yello)

Mark Moreland, game developer (Pathfinder RPG)

David Moskowitz, game designer (Gary Gygax's Hunters of Ralk, Rabbit Match, Rolling for Bunnies)

Levi Mote, game designer (Ruse) and publishing partner at Daily Magic Games

Sara Mox, associate community manager, Wizards of the Coast

Kevin Andrew Murphy, author (Mage, Pathfinder, George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards)

Matthew Lee Myers, game designer (Star Wars Saga Edition)

John Nephew, co-publisher of Atlas Games (Gloom, Once Upon a Time, Lunch Money, Lost in R’lyeh)

Michelle Nephew, co-publisher of Atlas Games (Gloom, Once Upon a Time, Lunch Money, Lost in R’lyeh)

Wes Nicholson, author (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition supplements, d20 supplements)

Myles Nye, game designer at Wise Guys Events and challenge consultant for Survivor

Michael “MOB” O'Brien, vice president, Chaosium (Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Glorantha)

Kevin O'Hara, director of game design at Big Fish Games (Fairway Solitaire)

Chris O'Neill, game designer (Kobolds Ate My Baby!, Schrodinger's Cat) at 9th Level Games

Ethan Pasternack, game designer (Star Trek Fleet Captains, Star Wars PocketModel TCG, Arcane Legions)

Dave Paul, writer and editor (101 Spells, Pathways magazine)

Karl Alex Pauls, engineer (Overwatch, StarCraft II, Diablo 3, Hearthstone)

Aaron Pavao, game designer (Let’s Kill, Leverage RPG)

Trip Payne, editor, Daily Celebrity Crossword

Ed Pegg Jr, puzzle designer (, Numb3rs)

Paul Peterson, game designer (Guillotine, Smash Up, Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes)

Steve Peterson, game designer (Champions)

Wes Platt, writer/designer (Knee Deep, Fallen Earth, OtherSpace)

Greg Pliska, puzzle writer (NPR)

Greg Poehlein, game designer (Star Trek: The RPG, Plainlabel Role Playing System, Budget Battlefield)

Brian Poel, game designer (Golem Arcana) and director of operations of Harebrained Schemes

Marie Poole, CEO of Lone Shark Games (Apocrypha, The Ninth World, Thornwatch)

Adam Porroni, designer and owner at Hikari Games (Phoenix Covenant Tactics Card Game)

Steve Port, president of Legion Supplies

Chris Pramas, publisher at Green Ronin Publishing and game designer (Fantasy AGE, Dragon Age RPG)

Jessica Price, writer, editor, and producer (Microsoft Kinect launch portfolio, Pathfinder RPG, State of Decay 2)

Steve Pritchard, executive producer at Sumo Games

Anthony Pryor, game designer and writer for White Wolf, Paizo, Frog God, and Green Ronin products

Boyan Radakovich, game designer and producer (TableTop, The Ninth World, Wordoku)

Sheri Graner Ray, game designer (Star Wars Galaxies, Wizards 101, Ultima)

Rich Redman, game designer (Dark*Matter, Dungeons & Dragons, Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game)

Sean K Reynolds, designer and community manager, Monte Cook Games (Numenera, The Strange)

Keith Richmond, game designer (Pathfinder ACG, Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widow’s Walk)

Matt Riggsby, author (GURPS publications)

Michael Rios, puzzle designer and author (Cranium-Training Logic Puzzles, Mensa Math and Logic Puzzles)

Roderick Robertson, writer and graphic artist (Pendragon, Hero Wars, Ars Magica)

Wade Rockett, game designer and editor (13th Age, Pathfinder RPG, Dungeons & Dragons)

Eddie Rodriguez, creator and host of Zero Budget Geek.

Scott Rogers, game designer (God of War, Pac-Man World, Maximo)

Melissa Rogerson, board game researcher and game designer (Agricola X and Z)

Marcus Ross, game designer (Discount Salmon, BEEEEES!)

Aaron Roudabush, game designer (13th Age, Nocturne)

Brander "Badger" Roullett, game designer (Dice of Crowns)

Richard Thames Rowan, puzzle and game designer (Epic Team Adventures, Microsoft, Wizards of the Coast)

Dan Rowen, president of Playroom Entertainment (Killer Bunnies, Unspeakable Words)

Tammie Webb Ryan, editor (d20 Future, d20 Apocalypse)

Brady Sadler, game designer (Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game, The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary)

Beverly Marshall Saling, game editor and writer (Magic: The Gathering, MLB Showdown, Bella Sara)

Adrian Sandoval, game designer (Orion's Odyssey, Fast Flip, Super Obnoxious Ball)

Gary M. Sarli, game developer and editor (Star Wars RPG Saga Edition)

Evan Sass, editor at Green Ronin Publishing and game designer (Walk the Plank)

Michael Satran, author (Hero System)

Paul Saxberg, developer for Roxley Games and game designer (Coven)

Isaac Shalev, game designer (Ravenous River, ChronoSphere, Retreat to Dartmoor)

Max Schaefer, designer and art director (Diablo, Diablo II, Torchlight, Torchlight II, Hob)

Ryan Schapals, writer (Open Legend RPG) and production manager at Hyper RPG

Jesse Shepherd, co-founder, Seattle MegaGames

F. Wesley Schneider, author and co-creator (Pathfinder RPG)

Ryan Schoon, writer and game designer (Edara, Fragged Empire, Gears of Defiance)

Robert Schuster, game designer (Magic: The Gathering)

Dave Schwimmer, organized play developer

Jesse Scoble, narrative designer (Wizard101, Ubisoft, Game of Thrones d20)

Douglas Seacat, continuity and senior writer (Warmachine, Hordes, Iron Kingdoms, Unleashed)

Coray Seifert, producer and game designer (Experiment 7, Autodesk, THQ)

Mike Selinker, puzzle and game designer (Pathfinder ACG, The Maze of Games, The Ghastlytrump Tinies)

Gareth-Michael Skarka, writer and game designer (Thrilling Tales, Hong Kong Action Theatre, Far West)

Stan Shaw, illustrator (Star Wars, Pokémon TCG, DC Comics, Transformers)

Mike Shea, creator of Sly Flourish and author (The Lazy Dungeon Master)

Janna Silverstein, game editor and writer (Aion, Kobold Guides, MechWarrior)

Jason Slingerland, game designer (Unreal Estate, Water Balloon Washout)

Ben Smith, puzzle hunt organizer and constructor (BAPHL)

Lester Smith, game designer (Dark Conspiracy RPG, Dragon Dice, D6xD6 RPG)

Daniel Solis, game designer (Kodama: The Tree Spirits)

Paul Sottosanti, game designer (Magic, D&D: Tiny Adventures, Penny Arcade: Gamers vs Evil, Darkspore)

Stan!, game designer and cartoonist (Dragonlance, The Littlest Shoggoth, Pokémon Jr. Adventure Game)

Bryan CP Steele, game designer, miniature lines producer, and writer at Cool Mini or Not

Fenner Stevens, game designer (Pongo)

Matt Stevens, game designer (Two-Fisted Tales)

Greg Stolze, game designer (ORE, World of Darkness, Unknown Armies)

Stephanie Straw, board game media content creator (Meeples Included, Nerd Nighters, Board Game Geek)

Matt Tabak, editor and game designer (Magic: The Gathering, Duel Masters)

Damon Tabb, game designer (KerFlip!, PickleLetter) and owner of Creative Foundry Games

Howard Tayler, game designer (XDM, Capital Offensive, Planet Mercenary)

Nate Taylor, artist and cartoonist (Pairs, The Princess and Mr. Whiffle)

Russ Taylor, author and programmer (Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, MUDs)

Elisa Teague, game and puzzle designer (Geek Out!, Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widow's Walk)

Max Temkin, game designer (Cards Against Humanity, Slap .45, Secret Hitler)

Jake Theis, senior marketing manager at Gen Con LLC

Susan Theodore Sr., product manager at USAopoly

Matt Thomason, game designer and author (Babylon 5: The Athena Strain)

Brooke Thompson, experience designer (Eldritch Errors, Quirk, Board2Street)

Graeme Thomson, game designer (Word Winder, GO mental)

Robert W. Thomson, founder of 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming

Brian Tinsman, author (The Game Inventor's Guidebook) and game designer (Magic: The Gathering, Duelmasters)

Cat Tobin, managing director and co-owner, Pelgrane Press

Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse, former Xbox Director, writer, and humorist

G. Kelly Toyama, lead designer (Titans Tactics)

Tess Treadwell, producer and designer (Fallout New Vegas, South Park: Stick of Truth, Cityville)

Jonathan Tweet, game designer and author (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, Grandmother Fish, Clades)

D.J. Trindle, editor (Legend of the Five Rings)

Clark Valentine, game designer (Fate Accelerated Edition)

Monica Valentinelli, writer, editor, and developer (Firefly RPG, Vampire: The Masquerade, Court of Shadows)

Ray Vallese, game editor (Dungeons & Dragons, Numenera, The Strange, Torment)

Ivan van Norman, host and author (Game the Game, The ABCs of RPGs)

Allen Varney, writer and game designer (Paranoia)

Peter Vaughan, director of development at Breaking Games

Rachel Ventura, writer and business director for Legendary Games

Gavin Verhey, game designer (Magic: The Gathering)

C. Joshua Villines, editor (Skull Island eXpeditions, Gun Kingdoms)

Wendy Wade, senior producer (Magic: The Gathering, Age of Empires: Mythologies DS, Project Spark)

D. Daniel Wagner, game designer (Manual of Aurania)

Jill Waller, game developer (games for Cranium, Trivial Pursuit, LeapFrog)

Rob Watkins, game designer (Shadowrun: Crossfire, Star Wars Miniatures)

Angela M. Webber, The Doubleclicks singer (“This Fantasy World (Dungeons & Dragons),” “Tabletop Games”)

Amy Weber, artist (Magic: The Gathering)

Lisa Weeks, chief marketing officer of Hashbang Games (Gravi, Obslashin, Beat The Dummy)

Gaby Weidling, puzzle and game designer (Pathfinder ACG, The Maze of Games, Epic Team Adventures)

Dave Weinstein, network engineer and network gameplay designer (Rainbow Six)

Scott Weiss, puzzle designer (Crypto-Lists)

Aaron Weissblum, game and puzzle designer (Celestia, San Marco, 10 Days series. Smarty Party)

Sandor Weisz, puzzle designer and commissioner of The Mystery League

Michael Wenman, owner and lead designer at Vulpinoid Studios (FUBAR, The Goblin Tarot)

Christopher West, cartographer (Maps of Mastery)

Wil Wheaton, co-creator, host, and writer of the shows TableTop and Titansgrave

Tarah M. Wheeler, simulation programmer, crypto puzzle designer, and author (Women in Tech)

Gavin White, founder of Special Snowflake Games

Peter Whitley, art director at Avalon Hill Games and Dragon Magazine

Rob Wieland, author and game designer (Firefly RPG, Camelot Trigger, Shadowrun)

David Williams, game designer (Legend of the Five Rings, Doomtown, 7th Sea)

Skip Williams, game designer and Sage (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, Dragonlance 5th Age, Chainmail)

John E. Williamson, designer and producer (Hawken, SuperNova, Spec Ops, America's Army, Rainbow Six)

Heather Wilson, game designer and editor (Schrödinger's Cats)

Ray Winninger, game designer (Underground, DC Heroes, Torg)

David Wise, creative director and brand manager (Dungeons & Dragons)

Peter Wocken, graphic designer (Dead of Winter, Xia, Sagrada)

Sam Wood, artist (Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering)

Scott Woodard, writer and game designer (The Sixth Gun, Flash Gordon)

James Wyatt, game designer and author (Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, The Draconic Prophecies)

Linda Yaw, editor (The Primal Order)

Wil Zambole, puzzle and game designer, founder of Cardhalla

Ian Zang, game developer (Xtronaut, Expedition: Roleplaying Card Game)

David Zuckman, game designer (Overlords of Infamy) and CEO of Obscure Reference Games

Opinions expressed are those of the individual game creators, not their companies. This project was organized by Jonathan Tweet, Mike Selinker, Rob Heinsoo, and Gaby Weidling.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.