The Forever Tree NPCs/M&M2e - Page 9 (2024)

Rather than breaking them up into individual entries, I’ve decided to put all five members of Earth-M’s Faerie Court of Sleipnir here under one post.

The Faerie Court of Sleipnir is one of Earth-M’s Three Great Elfcourts!


[Earth-M]The Devil in the Red Mask.
Background Writeup (himself):
Background Writeup (the Faerie Court of Sleipnir): Here ye go!
Theme Song:Red Right Hand” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.
The Devil in the Red Mask is psychic.
PL7/128pp. (Crazy Moonborn cannibal...or maybe he really is ascending [evil].)
Attributes: Strength 10 (+0), Dexterity 18 (+4), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 16 (+3), Wisdom 16 (+3), Charisma 16 (+3). [28pp.]
Combat: BAB (melee +0/ranged +4) melee +4/ranged +8, Defense (14) 15. [10pp.]
Saves: Toughness (+1) +3, Fortitude (+1) +2, Reflex (+4) +5, Will (+3) +5. [6pp.]
Feats: Benefit 3 (organizational ties 1 [Court Magus of the Faerie Court of Sleipnir], status 1 [lesser advisor to the Dreaming Emperor], wealth 1), Equipment 3 (cerements of bones 1, Chii-tal-e-Ashru chalk 1, crown of antlers 1), Fascinate 1 (Intimidate 1). [7pp.]
Skills: Concentrate (+1) +9, Knowledges (+3) [behavioral sciences] +4, Knowledges (+3) [life sciences] +4, Languages (native: English; others: Dutch, German), Medicine (+4) +5, Professions (+3) [scribe] +4. [5pp.]
Adopted into Both a Noble Assemblage and a Royal Assemblage: Features 3 (is entitled to call upon a Noble Assemblage, may temporarily join a Noble Assemblage, may temporarily join a Royal Assemblage). [3pp.]
Fire-‘Magic’: Strike 4 (fire-enshrouded punches and kicks). [4pp.]
His Red Mask: Device 11 (psi-resonant mask; hard to lose). [44pp.]
Ill-Defined ‘Divinations’: ESP 6 (Flaws: Medium [Chii-tal-e-Ashru chalk to draw ‘runes’ on the earth through which to scry]). [3pp.]
Ill-Defined ‘Ward’: Banish Thoughtforms 2 (Flaws: Medium [Chii-tal-e-Ashru chalk to sketch out the warded zone with]). [1pp.] —- [3pp.]
AP: Mildly Psychic (Telekinesis): Force Field 2 (Flaws: Limited [only protects vs Energy attacks], Medium [must have a ‘wand’ made of rowan wood]). [1pp.]
AP: Mildly Psychic (Telepathy): Mind Reading 1. [1pp.]
Moonborn Physiology: Container 3 (Extras: Duration [continuous]; Flaws: Permanent). [15pp.]
Alternate Configurations:
Moonborn Physiology: Container 3.
Powers: [15pp.]
Big Bad Wolf: Morph 1 (a mundane wolf). [2pp.] Leaping 1. [1pp.] Speed 2. [2pp.] —- [5pp.]
To Grandmother’s House We Go: Super-Movement 1 (temporal movement 1 [the last day of his grandmother’s life]). [2pp.]
What Big Eyes You Have: Super-Senses 3 (acute analytical ranged sight; Extras: Progression 3 [range]). [6pp.]
What Sharp Teeth You Have: Strike 2 (fangs). [2pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed Moonborn physiology Container build.
Red War-Devil Physiology: Battle Form 6.
Horns: Strike 4 (Feats: Improved Trip). [5pp.]
Unnaturally Flexible: Enhanced Skills: Escape Artist +16. [4pp.] Features 1 (triple-jointed [can use Escape Artist in even the most cramped of bindings or containers]). [1pp.] Immunity 40 (non-lethal physical damage; Flaws: Limited [blunt damage ONLY]). [20pp.] —- [25pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed red war-devil Battle Form build.
His Cerements of Bones: Equipment 1.
Powers: [5pp.]
Chilling and Foreboding: Enhanced Feats: Fearsome Presence 1. [1pp.] Enhanced Skills: Intimidate +4. [1pp.] —- [2pp.]
Ritually Symbolic: Enhanced Feats: Benefit 1 (status 1 [dreamingpriest]). [1pp.] Enhanced Skills: Professions (dreamingpriest) +4. [1pp.] Features 1 (tons of hidden pockets filled with hand-held ritual implements [Equipment 1]). [1pp.] —- [3pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed cerements of bones Equipment build.
His Chii-tal-e-Ashru Chalk: Equipment 1.
Powers: [5pp.]
Made From the Bones of Psychic Noble Beasts: Super-Senses 4 (precognition; Flaws: Check Required [Professions {scribe}]). [2pp.] Super-Senses 4 (postcognition; Extras: Dimensional 1 [the CruelHold Resonance]; Flaws: Check Required [Professions {scribe}]). [3pp.] —- [5pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed Chii-tal-e-Ashru chalk Equipment build.
His Crown of Antlers: Equipment 1.
Antlers: Strike 4 (Feats: Improved Overrun). [5pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed crown of antlers Equipment build.
His Red Mask: Device 11.
’Hellfire’: Fire Control 10. [10pp.] —- [12pp.]
AP: Blast of ‘Hellfire’: Blast 10 (bolts of fire; Flaws: Limited [lethal damage ONLY]). [1pp.]
AP: ’Demonic’ Summons: Summon Minions 5 (a single ‘demonic’ sol thoughtform; built on PL6/75pp). [1pp.]
Red Red Red Temptation-Devil: Enhanced Skills: Bluff +8, Sense Motive +12. [5pp.] Mind Reading 6 (Flaws: Limited [emotions ONLY]). [3pp.] —- [8pp.]
Red Red Red War-Devil: Battle Form 6 (a red ‘devil’-style physiology). [24pp.]
’Sorcerer’ of the Fires: Fire Control 2. [4pp.]
Voice of the Fires: Blast 6 (gout of psychic ‘flames’; Flaws: Sense-Dependent [hearing]). [6pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed red red red mask Device build.
He’s Either Ascending to Godhood or He is F*****g Insane

Mad and Bad and Dangerous to Know
Quote: ”SAy HEllo, DOn’t BE SHy. I’M HArmless. REally! WHy, i WOuldn’t EVen HUrt A FLy!”
—-/>_-This is a completed Devil in the Red Mask build.

[Earth-M]’Demonic’ sol thoughtform.
PL6/75pp. (A solar-parasite ‘demon’ [evil].)
It Devours the Light: Environmental Control 16 (dimming the light; Flaws: Linked [to It Devours the Light Healing]). [16pp.] Healing 6 (Flaws: Linked [to It Devours the Light Environmental Control], Self Only). [3pp.] —- [19pp.]
Quote: ”I can resist anything, except temptation.”

This ‘demonic’ sol thoughtform is currently at 19pp out of 75pp total.

The Devil in the Red Mask’s real name is Gunnar Ashe.

[Earth-M]The Hag-Blooded Crone.
Background Writeup (herself): This way, please.
Background Writeup (the Faerie Court of Sleipnir): Here ye go.
Theme Song:
The Hag-Blooded Crone is psychic.
PL9/145pp. (Giant speech-capable sentient Dreamingborn sea serpent avatar of the Earth-M universe [neutral].)
Attributes: Strength 18 (+4), Dexterity 18 (+4), Constitution 10 (+0), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 18 (+4), Charisma 14 (+2). [28pp.]
Combat: BAB (melee +4/ranged +4) melee +4/ranged 4, Defense (14) 16. [4pp.]
Saves: Toughness (+0) +2, Fortitude (+0) +2, Reflex (+4) +9, Will (+4) +6. [11pp.]
Feats: Benefit 3 (cipher, organizational ties 1 [Court Vizier of the Faerie Court of Sleipnir], status 1 [lesser advisor to the Dreaming Emperor]), Equipment 1 (hermetically sealed watertight container 1). [4pp.]
Skills: Bluff (+2) +10, Concentrate (+4) +16, Escape Artist (+4) +16, Intimidate (+4) +8, Knowledges (+0) [pop culture) +4, Knowledges (+0) [streetwise] +4, Sense Motive (+4) +8. [12pp.]
Powers: [93pp.]
Dreamingborn: Immunity 10 (aging, full lifesupport). [10pp.]
Gargantuan Sea Serpent: Enhanced Feats: Animal Empathy, Environmental Adaptation (the ocean), Favored Environment (the ocean). [3pp.] Enhanced Skills: Swim +8. [2pp.] Growth 8 (Extras: Duration [continuous]; Feats: Innate; Flaws: Permanent). [25pp.] Protection 6 (thick scales). [6pp.] Strike 6 (fangs). [6pp.] —- [42pp.]
Her Mind is Open to Receive the Thoughts of Others: Mind Reading 1. [1pp.]
’Witchmagics’: Transform 5 (any to any; Flaws: Flaws: Medium [perfectly dry nutrient-rich topsoil]). [40pp.]
Drawbacks: Disability (-1pp; mute), Disability (-5pp; no hands), Vulnerability (-1pp; mild vulnerability against cold iron). [-6pp.]
Hermetically-Sealed Watertight Container: Equipment 1.
The Hag-Blooded Crone keeps her precious soil and dirt dry as a bone inside this container.
Hermetically Sealed: Features 1 (airtight seal). [1pp.]
Small Container: Features 4 (internal compartment, naturally buoyant, only opens willingly for the Hag-Blooded Crone, temperature-regulated). [4pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed hermetically-sealed watertight container Equipment build.
The Clever Survive While the Dullwitted Perish

Humor is Key
Those With No Sense of Humor Deserve to be Tormented
Quote: ”...”
—-/>_-This is a completed Hag-Blooded Crone build.

The Hag-Blooded Crone only speaks Dutch.

[Earth-M]The Man in the Labyrinth Atop the Gargantuan Beast Inside the Cave Beneath the Moon (“the Labyrinthian”):
Background Writeup (himself):
Background Writeup (the Faerie Court of Sleipnir): Here ye go...
Theme Song:
The Labyrinthian is half-thoughtform.
PL15/173pp. (Nephilim riding atop and living inside a vast pachyderm-like animalistic Dreamer [good].)
Attributes: Strength 12 (+1), Dexterity 12 (+1), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 14 (+2), Wisdom 14 (+2), Charisma 14 (+2). [16pp.]
Combat: BAB (melee +1/ranged +1) melee +5/ranged +5, Defense (11) 15. [18pp.]
Saves: Toughness (+1) +4, Fortitude (+1) +4, Reflex (+1) +2, Will (+2) +6. [11pp.]
Feats: Animal Empathy, Benefit (alternate ID 1 [Myca Blayne the CEO of the Vanir Corporation], organizational ties 2 [the Vanir Corporation 1, Court Guardsman of the Faerie Court of Sleipnir], status 1 [lesser advisor to the Dreaming Emperor], wealth 5), Sidekick 13 (Goldentusks the elephant-Dreamer), Thoughtform Empathy. [24pp.]
Skills: Bluff (+2) +10, Computer (+2) +6, Diplomacy (+2) +10, Knowledges (+2) [biological sciences] +4, Knowledges (+2) [business] +10, Knowledges (+2) [pop culture] +6, Knowledges (+2) [streetwise] +6, Medicine (+1) +3, Professions (+2) [megacorp executive] +18. [14pp.]
The Cave: Dimensional Pocket 2 (an extension to the Labyrinth [mini-HQ]; Feats: Stacks [onto The Labyrinth Enhanced Feats Equipment power]). [2pp.]
The Cave Beneath the Moon: Dimensional Pocket 12 (a vast ‘cave’ [HQ]; Flaws: Medium [must enter a cave large enough for Goldentusks to enter]). [6pp.]
The Gargantuan Beast: Density 3 (Extras: Affects Others; Flaws: Limited [only affects Goldentusks], Linked [to The Gargantuan Beast Growth], Must Leave Physical Body Behind, Only Affects Others). [3pp.] Growth 3 (Extras: Affects Others; Flaws: Limited [only affects Goldentusks], Linked [to The Gargantuan Beast Density], Must Leave Physical Body Behind, Only Affects Others). [3pp.] —- [6pp.]
The Gargantuan Beast Inside the Cave: Telekinesis 22 (Flaws: Limited [Goldentusks must be using The Labyrinth Atop the Great Beast Enhanced Feats Equipment power]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [-4pp; if used outside of the structure conjured by The Labyrinth Atop the Great Beast Enhanced Feat Equipment power]). [17pp.]
The Labyrinth: Enhanced Feats: Equipment 10 (the Labyrinth 10 [first HQ]; Feats: Subtle 2 [gently moves obstructing features of the land to the sides of the Labyrinth], Summonable). [13pp.]
The Labyrinth Atop the Gargantuan Beast: Enhanced Feats: Equipment 20 (supermassive lair [second HQ]; Flaws: Source [Goldentusk forms the nucleus around which the supermassive lair forms], Summonable). [11pp.]
The Man: Animal Control 1 (Extras: No Saves; Flaws: Limited [non-sentient monkey simians {NOT apes}]). [3pp.] Communicate 4 (animals, verbal, speak and be understood; Flaws: Limited [non-sentient monkeys {NOT apes}]). [2pp.] Enhanced Skills: Handle Animal +16 (Flaws: Limited [monkeys {NOT apes}]). [2pp.] —- [7pp.]
The Man in the Labyrinth: Features 1 (can instinctually find his way out of any labyrinth given sufficient time and effort). [1pp.] Invisibility 4. [4pp.] Possession 10 (Extras: No Save; Flaws: Limited [Goldentusks ONLY], Medium [must physically crawl into Goldentusks’s unwoven head]). [10pp.] —- [15pp.]
The Moon: Super-Movement 1 (dimensional movement 1 [Perpendicular-4]; Extras: Portal; Flaws: Limited [may only be used inside the HQ Summonable by either The Cave Beneath the Moon Dimensional Pocket or The Labyrinth Enhanced Feats Equipment]). [2pp.]
Nephilim: Features 1 (longevity). [1pp.]
Belligerant, Needlessly Belligerant

Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth
Son of a Business Tycoon and a Feminine Thoughtform Embodying The Idea of ‘Corporate Mergers’
Quote: ”I’m never alone. Goldentusks is not just my friend, he’s my powers!”
—-/>_-This is a completed the Man in the Labyrinth Atop the Gargantuan Beast Inside the Cave Beneath the Moon build.

Goldentusks is an elephant—-if HR Giger was the one who designed it. (Yes, in order to use his The Man in the Labyrinth Possession power, Goldentusks’ head opens like a flower planted by a schizophrenic, allowing the Labyrinthian to crawl inside the Dreamer’s head. [As Goldentusks is a Dreamer, not an animal, his whole physiology handles this just fine.]) Furthermore, the various HQs and the powers he wields while inside the HQs are themselves very much like the macabre art of HR Giger.

The Labyrinthian’s real name is Sven Thorhild. He only speaks Dutch.

Background Writeup (himself):
Background Writeup (the Faerie Court of Sleipnir):
Theme Song:
PL11/150pp. (Superspeedster with a toxin-laden Demimachine scythe [neutral].)
Attributes: Strength 12 (+1), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 14 (+2), Charisma 10 (+0). [12pp.]
Combat: BAB (melee +1/ranged +2) melee +6/ranged +7, Defense (12) 16. [18pp.]
Saves: Toughness (+1) +5, Fortitude (+1) +2, Reflex (+2) +13, Will (+2) +6. [18pp.]
Feats: Benefit 2 (organizational ties 2 [Court Herald of the Faerie Court of Sleipnir 1, the Unbreakable Fortress of Mercury 1], security clearance 1 [the oathboxes in the Unbreakable Fortress of Mercury 1], status 2 [deacon in the Unbreakable Fortress of Mercury 1, lesser advisor to the Dreaming Emperor 1]). [5pp.]
Skills: Acrobatics (+2) +6, Concentrate (+1) +5, Professions (+2) [marathon-runner] +6. [3pp.]
Powers: [94pp.]
Anwnn’s Scythe: Device 9 (Demimachine scythe; easy to lose; Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 1 [must be oneirokinetic to one degree or another]). [29pp.]
Houses in His Brain a Tiny Pellet of Hyper-Reactive Useful Oblivion: Insubstantial 3 (Flaws: Medium [must be using Super-Speed]). [12pp.] Quickness 23 (Feats: Eidetic Memory; Flaws: Limited [mental tasks ONLY], Tiring). [6pp.] Super-Speed 15 (Feats: Rapid Attack, Wall-Running). [32pp.]
Moonborn Physiology: Container 3 (Extras: Duration [continuous]; Flaws: Permanent). [15pp.]
Alternate Configurations:
Moonborn Physiology: Container
Fast as Fast Can Be: Enhanced Combat: Defense +4. [8pp.] Speed 3. [3pp.] —- [11pp.]
You’re Never as Fast as Me: Teleport 2. [4pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed Moonborn physiology Container build.
Demimachine scythe: Device 9.
Excellent to Parry With: Enhanced Combat: Defense +6 (Flaws: Action [sustained]). [6pp.]
Monofilament Sharp: Death Touch 11 (Flaws: Linked [to Monofilament Sharp Strike]). [11pp.] Strike 11 (blade; Extras: Penetrating 15; Feats: Incurable, Weapon Sunder; Flaws: Linked [to Monofilament Sharp Death Touch]). [28pp.] —- [39pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed Demimachine scythe Device build.
Desperate to Prove Himself

Overestimates His Own Powers
Needs MASSIVE Amounts of Calories to Fuel His Powers
Quote: ”Imthefastestthingontwolegsiwouldntlueaboutthisitstrue.”
—-/>_-This is a completed Racer build.

Racer’s real name is Edward Ashway.

Background Writeup (himself):
Background Writeup (the Faerie Court of Sleipnir):
Theme Song:
PL15/223pp. (Horse-bodied dimensional jaunter/superspeedster/time-traveler [neutral].)
Attributes: Strength 18 (+4), Dexterity 20 (+5), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 16 (+3), Wisdom 16 (+3), Charisma 22 (+6). [44pp.]
Combat: BAB (melee +4/ranged +5) melee +10/ranged +11, Defense (15) 20. [24pp.]
Saves: Toughness (+1) +5, Fortitude (+1) +3, Reflex (+5) +15, Will (+3) +5. [18pp.]
Feats: Benefit 9 (organizational ties 2 [Court Prince of the Faerie Court of Sleipnir 2], status 2 [advisor to the Dreaming Emperor 2], wealth 5), Fascinate 1 (Professions [long-distance runner] 1). [10pp.]
Skills: Professions (+3) [long-distance runner] +11. [2pp.]
Demimachine Armored Barding: Device 4 (armored barding; hard to lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [must be a centaur]). [18pp.]
Demimachine Warmaul: Device 2 (enormous warmaul; easy to lose). [6pp.]
Dreamer of Noble Lineage: Features 2 (may call upon a Royal Assemblage, may temporarily join a Royal Assemblage). [2pp.] Immunity 1 (aging). [1pp.] —- [3pp.]
Living Cannonball!: Immoveable 1 (Extras: Unstoppable 14; Flaws: Linked [to Living Cannonball! Strike]). [15pp.] Strike 12 (Extras: Area [burst]; Flaws: Linked [to Living Cannonball! Immoveable]). [24pp.]
Oneiric Racing: Additional Limbs 3 (4 additional legs). [3pp.] Dream Travel 9. [9pp.] Super-Movement 6 (airwalking, dimensional movement 2 [to any dimension with an active community of oneirokinetics in it], perfect balance, temporal movement 2 [to any period of enormous mundane social upheaval]). [6pp.] Super-Speed 20. [40pp.] —- [58pp.]
Drawbacks: n/a. [-0pp.]
Demimachine armored barding: Device 4.
Made From Indestructible Tiles: Protection 1 (Extras: Impervious 5). [6pp,]
Plates of Telekinetic Force: Force Field 7. [14pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed Demimachine armored barding Device build.
Demimachine warmaul: Device 2.
Crushing Force: Strike 10. [10pp.]
—-/>_-This is a completed Demimachine warmaul Device build.
Quote: ”Speed outmatches strength. It always does. It always will.”
—-/>_-This is a completed Sleipnir build.

Sleipnir wrote:”I am the fastest,
The fastest of all:
Never to stumble,
Never to fall.
Fast as the wind
And as sharp as a blade,
You’ll never see me
Until it’s too late.”

The Forever Tree NPCs/M&M2e - Page 9 (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.