Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

A AND BEST-'AS USUAL MARION, CHRONICLE; -MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21; 1942 FIVE Cards Hold Lead as Season Heads Into Final Week Dodgers Split With Phils as Wyatt Is Knocked Off Mound BY JUDSON BAILEY (Associated Press sports Writer) It the St. Louis Cardinals are doing any worrying today it must be about how to get World Series tickets for their friends or how to keep their wives from buying any new furniture before the end of the week. The struggle for the National League pennant has now to the point where the Redbirds- can clinch it with any combination of I. five victories of their own or five defeats for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Since the Cardinals six can lose one of them win games left to play, that meals, they even -though the Dodgers capture all seven of their remaining There doesn't 'seem to be much prospect of Brooklyn turning the trick.

The best they could do against -the Phils Sunday was halve a doubleheader and all that saved them from winding up even deeper in the rut than their present games was a truly great pitching performance by Claude Passeau. pitched a five-hit shutout The ace. of. the Chicago, Cubs against the Cards in the second 19th victory Cardinals' game of a doubleheader, for his a Morton four-hit Cooper 1-0. had whitewashing.

given the- Cubs Cooper's feat came in an airtight duel with his former teammate, Lon Warneke, who scattered seven. safeties but double steal which brought John ny Hoppy home in the fourth inning. This was the 100th triumph for the Cardinals and Cooper's Brooklyn was beaten in the first game 7-3 and the defeat was all the more humiliating because Whitlow Wyatt, the Dodgers' No. 1 star, was knocked out in less than four innings when Danny Litwhiler and Nick Etten hit home runs, the latter with two aboard. Credit for the victory went to Buck Newsom, self styled pennant insurance for the Dodgers, pitched six-hit ball to win the nightcap 4-2 and kept Brooklyn's pennant hopes from dying.

Today Brooklyn hag another date with the Phils at Ebbets Field and the Cardinals returned home for the first of two en. counters with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Like the headline engagements, all the other major league action Sunday involved doubleheaders and all were divided except Cincinnati's clash with the -Pirates. They 13 innings in the first before the Pirates won 2-1 and then played a 3-3 the second, which halted at seven innings by Pennsylvania's Sunday curfew. The York Giants' games at Boston, were American postponed.

League the New York Yankees beat the Boston Red Sox 2-1 and then lost 3-2 in eight innings when darkness halted play. The Philadelphia Athletics closed their season a week ahead of time, by a quirk of the schedule but no doubt to the relief of all concerned. Washington -beat the A's the first game 11-9 with a seven-run rally in the ninth, and Philadelphia salvaged the night-cap 2-1 with the help of four Senator errors. Old Mel Harder pitched a twohit 2-0 shutout against the Detroit Tigers but the Cleveland Indians SET SOFTBALL FINALS TONIGHT DETROIT, Sept. 21 (AP) The University of Detroit stadium will be the scene of the final games in softball's "world championships" tonight and, unless all signs fail, the batters will stir up the air trying to find the fast ones of the underhand pitchers.

to Like tournaments, all this top one flight has been softball 8 pitcher's pride with strikeouts A dime a dozen. Last night Nina Korgan pitched the jax Brewers of New Orleans into the women's finals with a 1-0, victory over the Phoenix (Ariz.) Ramblers. It was her seventh straight shutout in two years of this tournament. Not long afterwards, Leo Luken twirled a no-hitter for the Zollner Pistons, Fort Wayne, to beat the Bendix Brakes, South Bend, 1 to 0, and put his team in the men's semi-finals. Bendix, defending champion, was eliminated.

by the defeat, its second. A two-hitter by Pitcher Walter Blumke meanwhile carried the Briggs Bombers, Detroit, to a 3- to-2. decision over the Deep Rock Oilers, Tulsa, and into the Tonight Fort Wayne and Tulsa meet for the right Jater in the evening to play Detroit for the men's title. New Orleans will play the Garden City Maids, Chicago, for the women's crown. The Maids defeated Erin Brew, Cleveland, 2 to-1, yesterday.

The Standings Pittsburgh, 2-3; Cincinnati, 1-3 (Arst game 13 innings, second game seven -inning tier. New York: at Boston (ancelled). GAMES TODAY Philadelphia at Brooklyn, Pittsburgh at St. Louts. Only games scheduled.

STANDINGS W. L. Pet. St. Louis 48 .676 Brooklyn 97 50 .660 New York 82 63.

.566 Cincinnati 74 72: .506 Chicago 68 82 .453 Pittsburgh 64 79 .448 Boston 58 86 .403 Philadelphia 40 103 .380 NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS St. Louis, 1-0; Chicago, 0-3. Philadelphia. 7-2; Brooklyn, 3-4. game, 8 innings), Chicago, Cleveland.

6-2; 2-54 St. Detroit: Louls, 0-6. 5-4. a Washington, 11-1; Philadelphia, 9-2 (second game 10 GAMES TODAY Chicago at Detroit. Boston at New -York.

"Only games scheduled. STANDINGS, W. L. Pct. New York 49 .673 Boston 91 59 .607 St.

Louis. 82 69 .543 Cleveland 74 76 .490 Detroit 71 79 .473 Chicago 63 80 :441 Washington 62 87 .416 Philadelphia 55 99 .357 AMERICAN LEAGUE RESULTS New York, 2-2; Boston, 1-3 (second dropped the second session 6-5. The Chicago White Sox took ad- Louis Browns win their first game 6-5, but the copped the afterpiece 4-2. A ML FOR FOX' SMOOTHNESS, FLAVOR, LUXE, BEER ZEST AND TANG- (Brewed and aged the slow, patient, old-fashioned way. with every step under modern, scientific lab.

oratory control. An outstanding Also Available achievement in the fine art of brew. ing! To get the best buy in beer, IN 32-OUNCE don't say Fox say Fox DEEE Lux! QUARTS Fox De Luxe Bria. Co. of Indiana, Marion, lad.

FOX DE LUXE BEER THE BEER OF BALANCED FLAVOR 2 Virginia Coast Line Changed Third VIRGINIA BEACH Gags like posing a flock of beach pretties in a lifeguard's boat were innocuous -and familiarenough along Virginia's famed ocean playgrounds not so long Today, you're more apt to see grimly earnest lifeboat drill (inset) against the background of famed beach hotels where civilian guests are under strict wartime restrictions. Sports Roundup BY HUGH FULLERTON, NEW YORK, Sept. 21-(AP)-If it. hasn't -been -done already, this dept. wants to nominate Gunder Haegg, the Scandinavian stepper, as the outstanding athlete of 1942 his.

10 world records in less than three months don't sound as good as the 28 Paavo Nurmi hung up in the winter meets in 1925, but Haegg has stuck to standard distances while the boys were clocking Paavo at all the whistle stops like a mile and sevene-ights and if Gnder manages to get from Sweden to America to run next winter it will be the record breakingest stunt of them all. TRAVELER'S RETURN When Edward L. Stiles got back home to Struthers, 0., after spending 11 months in China and Burma with the Flying Tigers, he was plenty excited, but not over his adventures with the A. V. on the train Stiles encountered Gene Saraben and he reported ileas the greatest thrill of his "Why," exclaimed Eddie, "that fellow has been all over the MONDAY MATINEE the National League.

Marius RusLooks like more bad news for so, the ger, was in pretty good form yesterday when Leo Costa kicked that point for Georgia to beat Kentucky Saturday, it was his 62nd varsity point and the 25th consecutive game in which he has scored. But officially he has played only four minutes-against Oglethorpe in his sophom*ore year those points-after were. made while time wag Chuck Comiskey, future boss of the White Sox, has been farmed out to St. Poul. He's entered St.

Thomas Military Academy there and is trying for the football team. TODAY'S GUEST STAR M. Atkinson, Louisville Times: "With the football experts what added to the war experts, this country needs now is good excess prophets tax." CONFUSION CORNER Charley Berry, the new American League umpire, also is one of Elmer Layden's head linesmen on the National Football League officials' list and Irv (Chicago Times) Kupcinet suggests it wouldn't be too surprising some day to see him threaten Jimmy Dqkes with a 15-yard penalty for coming on the field a that wouldn't be so bad, but we're waiting to what will happen if Charley goes" back to college rules and decides there's no running after A fumble. ONIZED NINE TO PLAY FORT HARRISON TEAM GAS CITY, Sept. 21-The OnIzed Club baseball team today was making plans to meet the Fort Benjamine Harrison squad here at of p.

the m. Friday as the final game Sunday season the for nine the locals. invaded Anderson and defeated the CIO colored ball club, 3. to 1 to capture Central -Indiana League playoffs. Dizzy Denton pitched five nit ball for the Gas City nine while the locals were making eight off Brown.

Dizzy Denton turned in strikeouts while Brown was cred-. ited with 10. Cook hit a homer in the eighth for Anderson's only run. Summary: Gas City ...010 001 100-3 8.1 Anderson ..000 000 010-1 5 2 Denton and Shinholt; Brown and Glazebrook. INSECT PRODUCES IT Used to polish jade, to give luster to cloth, and for various other purposes, Chinese white' wax is 8 substance deposited on trees by a species of scale insect.

Governors of states. which have not complied with the President's request to fix 40-mile-per-hour speed limits on the highways to save tires have been urged by Office of Defense Transportation Director Eastman to seek necessary legislation or issue executive orders as quickly as possible. TO An THREE GAMES COUNTY LEAGUE 4 Annual Cup lover Jom Corbett, Tom Kemp Phil Nelson and Don Sprecker over Mike Miller. played Two in. matches the round still with were to George be Thomas and Troy Wiley to meet either today or Tuesday while J.

P. Rogers Reeley Wiley also were scheduled. Two third round encounters were completed with Bill Coffman taking a 4 and 3 verdict over Ed Hunt and E. Stewart winning from Bud Gartland 1-up. The feature of the day was a tie match played by Gardner Thomas and Madison Dinius.

The twobattled through 18 holes all even and now under handicap tournament rules have to do it all over again. Twenty-four players were entered in the weekly- two-ball foursomes held Sunday at the club. The team- of Ted Bragg and Mrs. Robert Charles won the event with while hire were second with a 43 and Hunt and Mrs. Bragg had a 45 for third.

Consolation prize was awarded Henry -Glasser -and Mrs. Chet Shawley, Lamboley said plans for the season's final pro-am event to be staged here a week from today by the Indiana P.G.A. in appreciation. for the club's hospitality in the recent pro tourney were being advanced. More than score of the state's leading professionals will up foresomes with local club members in the event.

Play advanced into the third round -today of the annual President's Cup golf tournament at Meshingomesia Country Club after tie results Sunday of eight were posted. matches and one. Two matches in second round and two in the third plus a tie encounter and four defaults. into the' third round were reported by Clarence Lamboley, club pro, -J. Roberts C.

Scheerer and won over Pitcher defeated John Tegarden, 1-up in the second, round. Forfeits were posted favor of Eldon Harry Shaw, A. E. Hatley FEED SUPPLY IS SUFFICIENT LAFAYETTE, Sept. 21.

(AP) -Indiana farmers will have a sufficient supply of feed available to carry present livestock over to the 1943 crop, although this year's bumper crops are consumed faster than they're being produced, J. C. Bottum, Purdue University agronomist, predicted. today More than 1,000 farmers from hog-raising sections of Indiana and adjoining states attended the annual Purdue. Swine Day at the Purdue experimental swine farm, three miles north of here.

Bottum, in an address last night, told the farmers, "never in the history of the nation have we had such. prospects for -such high- corn yields. Never have we had so many hogs and yet apparently never have we been short of pork relative to the demand." The agronomist reported estimated farrowings i in the nation were about 45 percent above the 10-year were average, 46 while Indiana farrowings percent aboveaverage, and 15 percent over last year's figures. After an upset or collision, do not turn off the ignition. If motor has stopped, get it started at once and Hold the foot accelerator down to the floor.

Thus, if a fire has started near the carburetor, the flames will be pulled into the engine. To relieve Misery of LIQUID 666. COUGH NOSE SALVE TABLETS DROPS DROPS for the Try Wonderful Liniment 7 8 1 YOU a buy Insurance to -protect what you have. You need: dependable insurance. We sell it.

Let's get together. "Every Kind of Insurance" -I, KLEDER THOMPSON INC. George M. Kleder Wm. O.

Elmer. E. Gowing John L. Thompson Albert Spurgeon CAR Three games Tuesday will launch the third week of play in the Grant. county baseball league.

Gas. City will play at Van Buren; Swayzee. at Fairmount and Jonesboro Sweetser. Jefferson township received a bye in Tuesday's play but will -return to action Friday in another three-game series. CHICAGO CLUB LEADS LEAGUE (B.

International News Service) The Chicago Cardinals paced the western division -of- the National Professional Football League today with two victories and no losses while the Washington Redskins headed the eastern contigent with one victory and no defeats. In a night game at Chicago last night the Cards, capitalizing fumbles, blanked the Detroit Lions 13 to 0. Late in the third quarter Bud Schwenk passed into the endzone to Bill Daddio, who previously had recovered Lloyd Cardwell's fumble, for the first Chicago touchdown. A few minutes Schwenk pounced on Harry Hopp's fumble, and on the first play of the final quarter Schwenk passed to Steve Lach in the end zone for the final Cardinal marker. Daddio converted.

At Washington 25,000 fans saw Steve Juzwik, former Notre Dame star, and Sammy Baugh spark the Redskins to a 28 to 14 victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. With Baugh passing and Juzwik running the Redskins scored in the second period and added another in the third when the Steelers tied it up. Juzwik ran end for the third score. and Baugh Art Justice for the final The Cleveland Rams ting Philadelphia a touchdown on the first play from scrimmage. at Akron, 0., came back to defeat the Eagles, 24 to 14.4 4 8 LOSE LIVES IN ACCIDENTS (By The Associated Press) Airplane, train and automobile wrecks took a toll of eight lives in Indiana -over the weekend.

Three Army fliers were killed near Greencastle as their twinmotored bomber crashed in a field and burned. Cortez Ramsey, twenty-one, Portland, was killed near Topeka ag his truck hit the side of a Wabash railroad freight train. A woman tentatively identified as Mrs. Ruth Hamilton, twenty-six, was killed. in Indianapolis in the head-on collision of automobiles, Emerson Robison, seventy-one, died at Lebanon after having been struck by a hit-and-run motorist.

Two automobiles collided at the southwest edge of Fort Wayne and Lewis Peterson, twenty-eight, Kewanee, an ordnance inspector, was killed. A four-months-old baby Carter, Detroit was killed in a collision of two automobiles near Huntington. SEEK GUNMAN IN DEATH CASE CHICAGO, Sept. 21. (INS) Police turned to Michigan today in search for a gunman who shot and killed.

Thomas Papayanis, fortyseven, a grocer in an attempt holdup of the latter's south side, store. The man fled in an automobile driven by a woman, witnesses said. Attention centered in Michigan after a car answering the description of the get-away machine was reported seen near Monroe, 35 miles from Detroit. A man standing by the car reportedly was burning clothing. Police in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin also were asked to look TWO FINE Floor Shows TONIGHT? UP-TOWN GARDENS Gay Place" Polk McClain, M.

No Cover Charge Buy Bonds and Stamps LYRIC NOW! The Happy Aldrich's IN "Henry Dizzy" With Jimmy Lydon -PLUSSPENCER TRACY HEDY LAMARR. JOHN GARFIELD "TORTILLA FLAT" Yesterday's Diamond Stars (By The Associated Press) NICK ETTEN, Phils, and BUCK NESWSOM, Dodgers- -Former bit three-run homer. in first game and latter pitched six -hit ball to win second contest, in -which -Etten made half his team's MORT COOPER, Cardinals, and CLAUDE PASSEAU, Cubs per pitched four -hit shutout for 21st victory in first game and Passeau bagged his 19th triumph with fivehit shutout hurling in nightcap. GERRY PRIDDY, Yankees, and LOU FINNEY( Red, Sox-Former batted New York's runs in both ends of doubleheader, winning first game; latter knocked in. all three Boston runs to take second game.

MEY HARDER, Indians, and DUTCH MEYER, Tigers -Harder hurled two-hit shutout in opener and Meyer singled run home in ninth of nightcap. GEORGE' CASE, Senators, and LUMAN HARRIS, Athletics Former stole his 45th base and three hits, including homer, to help win first game; latter kept eight hits scattered and fanned six to take second game. DON KILLOWAY, White Sox, and BOB MUNCRIEF, Browns Killoway, led winning attack with four crief pitched game strong seven-hitter in second session. JOHN WYROSTEK, Pirates, and GEE WALKER, Reds Former batted in both Pittsburgh runs, including winning counter with triple in 13th inning of first game and latter made three hits to help Cincinnati get tie in nightcap. WEDDING GAINS ARE REPORTED CAMP EDWARDS, Mass.

(UP) -Uncle Sam's soldiers are marchto the altar in increasing berg and, more often than not, it's the girl friend who decides to take the big step. According to Lt. John L. Clancy, chaplain of the 181st division, the girl friend figures that she prefers waiting for her soldier, sweetheart as a Mrs. rather Miss.

In this big army camp, soldier romances are keeping the chaplain SO busy that he already has tied more nuptial knots this year than he did in all of 1941. Like their fathers before them, soldiers are at a. rate nearly double peacetime, and as a rule it's with the steady girl friend, says Chaplain. Clancy. From a study of the many, couples he has married, he found that the boom in wartime marriages is not the result of highspeed romances, but stems from steady company dating.

from long before Pearl Harbor. The chaplain confesses that solving the romantic problems of the soldiers -is one -of- -the biggest duties of his 15-hour day. "They've usually made up their minds when they come to me for advice and my part isn't so important," he declared. "I merely help them see both sides of the question more clearly." $25,000 DAMAGE CASE TO START AT WABASH WABASH, Sept. '21 A special venire of 11 names was drawn and those on the list ordered to report in court.

here today for possible service on a jury which will try the $25,000 damage suit of Everett Overbaulser against Dalton Foundries, Warsaw. On the list were Karl Alber, Charles Brane, Harold Allen, James Downs, Guilford Blickenstaff, Frank Allen, Thurman Bowman, Milo Bowman, Sam Anderson, Hubert Bowman and Russell Baker. The case was brought here from Warsaw on a change, of venue. NAMED FOR CITY Brussels sprouts get their name from Brussels, Belgium, from whence the seeds originally "came after the plant had been developed from a wild cabbage plant. League Leaders (By 'The Associated Press) -NATIONAL Batting--Lombardi, Boston, Reiser, Brooklyn- 317.

Runs Ott, New a Slaughter, St. Louis, 97. Runs Batted In-Mize, New York, 105; Brooklyn, 98. Hits- Slaughter, St. Louis, 180; Nicholson, Chicago, 170.

Doubles--Marion, 'St. Louis, and Medwick, Brooklyn, 37.. Triples Slaughter, St. Louis, 177 Musial, St. Louis, and Nicholson, Chicago, 10.

Home Runs-Ott, New York, 28; Mize, New York, Stolen Bases- Reiser, Brooklyn, 17; Fernandez, Boston, Pitching-Krist, St. Louis, 13-3; French, Brooklyn, 13-4. AMERICAN Batting--Williams, Boston, Pesky, Boston, ,330. Runs -Williams, Boston, 140; Di, Maggio, New York, 121. Runs Batted -Williams, Boston, 135; Keller, New York, 109.

-Spence, Washington, 203; Pesky, Boston, .201. Doubles--Clift, St. Louis, 39; DiMaggio, Boston, 37. Triples--Spence, Woshington, 15; DiMaggio, New York, and Heath, Cleveland, 13. Home Runs Williams, Boston, 35; Laabs, Louis, 27..

Stolen Bases-Case, Washington, Vernon, Washington, Pitching- New York, 20-5; Borowy, New York, 15-4. NEW TYPE NAZI PLANE IS USED LONDON, Sept. 21. (INS) A new type of Messerschmitt fighter plane is being used by the Germans in the battle for Stalingrad, the Daily Herald reported today in a dispatch from Moscow. The Nazi plane, designated as the ME 109-G, is powered by a 1,700 horsepower engine and armed with three cannon and two machine guns, the dispatch said.

The acrial expert of the Daily Mail said that the ME-109-G reportedly is capable of operating at an altitude of 40,000 feet or approximately miles. Top speed of the craft is not known, he said, but it is reported. that the plane flies at 330 miles per hour at an altitude of 13,000 feet, a speed which he termed moderate considering the power of the engine. SEVEN FLIERS DIE IN CRASH NEW YORK, Sept. 21.

(INS)'All seven Army airmen killed in an airplane crash late Saturday near Blairstown, N. -today had been identified in a casualty list issued by the eastern defense command and first air force. The list follows: First Lieut. William Vail, East Orange, N. 2nd.

Lieut. Leonard C. Cranford, pilot, Washington, D. 2nd Lieut. William H.

Smith, co-pilot. Bastrop, 2nd-Licut. Harold Seltzer, navigator, Long Island City, N. Pvt. Gilbert Rosenberg, crew chief, Louisville, Pvt.

Francis berg, assistant crew chief, Ogema, operator, Pvt. Harold Pickford, W. Mich." Clegg, radio. The Army announcement said that the: next- of kin had been It. did not disclose the type of plane involved in the accident near the summit of Blue Mountain, about eight miles northwest of Blairstown.

Mexican hotel men are reported to have formed a new company to rent tires to American tourists who wish to conserve own rubber while vacationing in Mexico. It is. said that a tourist after renting tires from the company may also have his own retreaded while on his trip and pick them up 'when returning to the Um. Buy Bonds and Stamps LUNA TODAY GENE AUTRY In The 'SINGING HILL" -PLUS Sterling Hayden Madeleine Carroll "BAHAMA PASSAGE" In Technicolor! PARAMOUNT NOW! 500 PEOPLE COULDN'T GET IN SUN! ONLY 2 DAYS TO SEE 2. GIANT HITS WITH 10 SMASH HIT SONGS! HARRY ANDREWS JAMES SISTERS with PRIVATE JOE DICK E.

FORAN LEWIS Ernest BUCKAROO AND JACKS THE JIVIN' JILLS PLUS: MEN OF TEXAS ROBERT STACK BROD CRAWFORD and JACKIE COOPER ANNE GWYNNE BUY MORE BONDS! INDIANA Now thru Wed! RED.HEAD CENDIARY ED OF IN. BOMBER what Sending hearts lines! soaring clouds through loving fight to love! fighting Dennis Ann SHERIDAN MORGAN "WINGS FOR! THE EAGLE Jack Carson Geo. Tobias Plus Cartoon -Late News BUY BONDS STAMPS Marion's Victory Booth' South Side Square A Pass To Any Show With The Purchase of WAR SAVINGS BOND.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.