The Marion Chronicle from Marion, Indiana (2024)

51 They Beat the Band everyone says that have worn our convenient and handsome bows in "fine neckwear. Our new spring styles in neckwear and hats are beginning to arrive, as well as all the new styles in colJars, cuffs, madras and percale shirts and We have all styles for all tastes, and for the leanest purse. Prins Clothing Store West Side l'ublio Square, Marion, Ind. EPITOME OF THE NEWS. Tuesday.

-Celeste Caso will visit ford City Wednesday and attend a cial function Wednesday Corporal Fisher of Co. A -has write ten to frienda, engaging a room when he it returns to' He pects his regiment to be mustered: out then middle of thin a Mrs. Florence P'atterson and daughter Minnie have returned from Andor So a after A short visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster turned home resterday -from a visit with relatives at Crawfordsville, Ind.

Mrs. George Campbell will go Hartford City tomorrow for a few days' visit with her Mra. Bishop of Rockford, Ohio, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed Kent of Soutn Adama street, for few days, returned home yesterday, accompinied by Mra. Kent, who will Mrs G.

A. H. Shideler and son will return -this evening from lis, where they have been inore less for the last sixty Da Wolf, been fined to his home for several week: with the grip, is recovering, and hopes to be at lus office in a few Trustee Gage of Jefferson township came to Marion Monday to settle with the county" commissioners, and was pulled i in on the Ileitz damage suit Case. Fred Christman of Kokomo called on friends here SW. H.

Kagle, wife and children Frankfort, who bave been visiting T. Cory, and wife have. turned home. MraA. Best has re: urned after Mias Winnie Draper of Hartford City visited- the today.

She was the guest of Mra. P'hilip Diels, and came also for the Rebekah banquet Robert Richard visited Logaosport, returning ..11 V. Perrin Went 1 to Bourbon, his old home, today, for a short visit with his Leon Las returned 10 Muncie, after a visit here Mrs. Thos. McCarty of City is here visiting Mra Robert Van Alta has returned win titis city after days' visit with the family of Judge al Anderson wig Sunday wood: visiting the home of Mr.

and Mra. 8. Bertie Abrams is at lIartford Oity visiting an aunt, Mrs. County Treasurer W. D.

Steele and wife, who have both been with the grip, are much improved. ilill was here Sunday from Redkey, visiting Clarence. -Mina Annette Nay har returned from an oxtended visit with friends at Greencastle and Miss Iva Hamilton and Miss Kittle O'Brien have taken positions al the Mrs. Mabel lunt of Washington, has gone to Wabash to extend visit begun William Long seriously ill at the home of his NOD, James Long, on Adama Dr. and -Mra.

O. 8. Matteson- have gone to. Lima, Ohio, for. an extended visit with E.

0. "Dunn of Walton was the guest of his parents in this city Edwin Slusser attended the funeral his father, Samuel. Blusser, at' Huntington Miss Florence is visiting at Hartford City. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Bay leave Davenport, Iowa, where they will make their Herald bas in a new. press, audi now a seven column quarto. Wednesday. Wednesday. Percy Nussbaum went to Chicago.

today on business connected with the" Marion Conservatory of Music. While in the cily Mr. Nussbaum will attend the musical recital of Emil Wallet, wife and sister inlaw, Mra. Kline, are steadily recover. log from the recont very mysterious poisoning of which they were victims, There in still no light on the question of the poisoned package of Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Brown returned home this morning from Warnetown, Ind where they allended the funeral of Mr. Brown's father yesterday Arnold and A.

Binus of Muncle, and C. K. Horitage ef son. are in Marion on business today. Master Merrill ard Miss Margero leaps, Lay where she will again make her Miss Daisy Grabaza is Mrs.

Joseph Fiest is visiting ber Fbome from a visit at brother and outer relatives at Bluttion. Walter Forkner of Anderson and Miss Watson of Lin wood, were in Marion Wednesday. the ewest of William Neal's Mrs. D. C.

Lavengood of Peru, who has been visiting bere: for the past few dars, returned borne Jesterday Dan Mustard and George Torero Anderson, were in Marion today. Misa Nellie McAlister, who has ten ill for some time, is much better bad jail deliver yesterday and eight prisoners escaped. Miss Mille Gray of Hariford City guest of friends in the city yesterday while. on her way home from There will be an adjourned meeting of be cite council this is Mrs. Mor.on in day to visit "her parents, Mr.

arid Mra. has I. M. F. W.

der. returned home from Peru, where he bus been attending the bed. side of his mother Mra. Augusta Charles Kimon.of Peru has arrived in this city to make it bis future. hom*o.

Fred Kesler his returned home Henry from a visit hotel with l'eru Baker, a of Huntingion, is looking afier: business in this city Burris and Dan of Huntington are in city for a few dats, the gues's of. Mrs. W. 9. Hargrove went to Wabash today to.

visit her son, larry Mits Minnie Smith of Elwood is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A V. Orershiner of West Fourth atrect. Miss Bessie Frazier is home from Indianapolis, where she Taking "Instructions in music.

Moore. of the Ind, ianapolis Sentinel is looking after that paper's interests in this city. Mrs. Ilarley Lucas in if. at her apartments at 112 South Nebraska has signed his position at the bazar.

John McDougle of Van Buren was in Marion Wednesday evening, TWO CHILDREN DEAD. Son and Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James, Wilson Die Within a Few Hours. David C.

Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, of 1427 Euclid avenue, died last night shortly, after The deceased was 23. years of The daughter, Edith, died Tuesday evening and the home DON contains both bodies A double fun eral will in all probability take place. Mre.

Wilson is prostrated and another, daughter Florence, is quite low with an injured limb. The daughter, Edith, was 8 member of the Daughters of America, and ber -brother David was a member of the Junior Order of United American 3 Mechanics. to Wabash Seeking Renown. The Wabash Dealer a column and a half to the chemical light which Er W. Ha who claims Wabush as b's home, says he has invented.

Halderman is an old soldier, and for some time was in the hom*o at this place. Marvelous. The results attained right here at home hare been. marvelous. lundreds of your neighbors who have used Wright's Celery Capsules are Dow well.

They Cure kidney, liver and trouble, WHy pay $1 every two weeks for a bottle of medicine when you can get treatment at 1 cent a day! Wright's Cel. ery Capsules give 100 days' treatment for $1. Easy to take, no bad taste, do not gripe, backed by a bank, to cure you, or refund your money. Sold by Frank- Rigdon. druggist.

-Caring for Orphans. The commissiuners have allowed the (bill of White's Institute for the quarter for $379.50. The Orphans') Home was allowed $1,417.25 for the quarter just passed. Granted License. Vance (r ham med 1.

Mar- I phy were granted liquor license by the commissioners this morning. Fluent; "editor of the Journal, Ohio, muffered for a pumbor of years from a tism in his right shoulder and Fle says:" "My right arm at times Was. entirely I tried" Chamberlain's l'ain Balm, and was surprisd to receive relief almost immediately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since, and is nover fails." For sale by Siddons Bros druggiats. From Converse to Anderson.

Anderson Herald." The National Car Coupler Co of Chicago is auxious to move the fastory it has at Converse to Anderat son, and a of the pany will be here in a few daya to took about; Tho steel plant giveren-t ymant. to about serenty-five meu. Food doos more harm than good when not digestel. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It provents wanting diseases and cures stomach troubles, It cures tion, sour stomach and belobing, and A warnout stomach real 1t acts Instantly.

Frank Riggs' city drug store. FAIR MOUNT: Mias Frances Wilson left Wednes day morning for Wabash, where she will be the guest of Miss Lucy Miles. Mrs. Al P'aulus returned Wednesdar from. a two weeks' risit at Kozomo.

Alt Hasting is very ill at the bome of his parents, south of this city, and his recovery is despaired of Louie Schulz has his posiwith ities Window. will re the remainder of gibe Gre at company at City, and the Bell in ibis city. U. Armstrong was at Lafayette Wednesday on. A business trip.

Alex. Little returned Wednesday from Peoria, 111: Ile reports did Walker, his son-in-law, as rapidly proving? Twia baby girls were born to Fred faith and wife on North Main street Wednesday. some dilliculty account o' high The local shippers are experiencing waters on the Ohio river. F. D.

Oakley, agent of the Big, Four, has refor ceired instructions to load in freight or beyond Cincinnati: Laundry at Middletown. Oscar Trader and Arthur Morris will leave Monday for Middletown, where they will take charge of steam laundry in that city. They will inaugurate au ent rely new plan, making without it any a strictly cash business, deviation whatever. They are both experienced men in this business, and should make a They simply traded plants with Wright. who takes charge.

in. this. city next Monday, DYNAMO HAS BEEN MOVED Light Will Be Furnished Tonight From New Power House. At midnight last night Gilbert Larue put a of men at work moy. ing the dynamo from the old site in the Excelsior mill to the new plant on waler works lot." The foundations have been laid, the engine set and tested and everything made ready.

While the rough streets ME hopes -dark-this to have evening. it in running order by Now as soon the grounds thaws sulliciently the roles for street lighting will be set, "wires strung and lamps, attached and new Fairmount will of hare entered into a epoch history, having her streets lighted after the sun ceases to give light, JONESBORO AND GAS CITY. G. R. VanAnken and -wife of Cleveland, are in Jonesboro the "guests of Mrs.

Van Acken's mother, Mrs. Robe. Brush reiler Miss Martha Bailey, of Anderson, in C. Toothing house and family. Al McKeever has secured the tract for the addition to Mra.

Shafer's house and will begin work Extra copies of the Chronicle may be bad by calling at the Journal office in Gas City or at the postollice The Lyric club was entertained by Mrs. Chas, Eshelman of Gar C.ty. this afternoon. A number of guests from Marion were present to enjoy the Wm. Garrity real front and A Jos.

extreasurer of Jay county, were in 'the twin cities Wednesday earoute to Anderson. Mra, W. A. Faber and Mrs. Waller Ellis went to Warren Weduesday and will visit there until daturday.

No MoreCigar At the meeting of the Gas City council Tuesday night an ordinance was passed probibiting the operation of cigar. wheels, and when the dealers were notided Wednesday not an ob: jection was raised, but every one thanked the council for their action. All wheels and machines have been removed front counters, A New Order, The Royal Templars of Temperance is a new order It was Wednesday evening in the Odd Fellows' with a charter mem bership of twenty. Ave. Col.

W. H. Crampton of New York was the organizer. The following oflicers were chosen: Elect councilor, Rev. J.

A. Dunkle; vice councilor, Mrs. Della C. Smith; past councilor, David Britchaplain, J. lI Cone; financial secretary.

A. L. Cray: recording sec. rotary, liarry Smith; berald, Mrs. 8.

(). trustees, Mira. liarry Wellman, A. 1. Cray and F.

C. Canders: surgeon, 1. Waitson. A flashlight picture of the members was taken. Another meeting will bs held next at the same place to on time of and place.

TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. FURNISHED BY The Abstract Office of Thom Co. E. to Rira. pt now li 20- 60 And Hi lot 31 1,300 Come Notting.

n. Aparty Id on 1,037 "LUMBER PRICES GO UP. Will Cost More to Build Houses This Year Than Last. It will cost you- more to: build house this year than it did last. Lumber dealers have been notified of another advance of 50 cents 1,000 feet on common lumber and per 1,000 feet on all good lumber.

This is the third advance since the of January, and lumber la from $3 43 higher per thousand feet since year was ushered in, Lath and gles have advanced from 20 to cents per 1,000, and everything enters into the construction of a has advanced. This is made neressary Lin order that. "lumber mag business with a pront. "This in attributed to a scarcity of seasoned timber and they fact that manufacturers are compelled to higher prices. They claim that for lumber to them.

The advance, thought, has been made at practically, no profit will he permanent and it inay higher. An Interesting Entertainment. A very interesting entertalument was given by the Toadies' Aid society of the. First U. B.

church at church on Delphi avenue Wednosday night. The program consisted of lecture and stereopticon views Mesara Bennett. music by the Manhattan quartette, composed of. Mesara, Kirchney, Harvey, Stretch and. Pagan, and guitar.

and mandolin music by Messre. Prine, Reed and Dobsone: The ladies realized Lover 105 from the entertainment. An Unfortunate Accident. Mrs. C.

0. Hudson, of Elkhart, wife of the presiding elder- of-the Goshen district of the Af. E. church, while transferring from one railroad the other at Alexandria, Wednesday was run down by a Big Four switch engine and her right arm was cut off. She was traveling alone from Muncie to her bome.

New Millinery. Establishment. In the wast roonr of the building formerly occupied by the Model drygooda store, on the northeast corner the square, Miss Fu, Webster is arranging. to open a retail millinery establishment. Mrs.

Emma Hurd Wilson has been engaged as manager trimmer and just returned terday from Cleveland where she pur. chased the spring goods. Granted Liquor License. Today war liquor license day at the county commissioners -court, and the following applicants were granted the necessary privilege to retail liquor: Christian Kohlenberg, Jas E. Dully, Johnson- Herring.

McCarty, E. J. Mabatfey, Chas. Christian, Li Barth, Adam Rosegnol, Joseph W. Couch, Jas.

Rowan, ConBrunka. Geo. B. Bigna'. John lI Mallaner, Wm.

Cashman, Jacob Mil-. Miss Improving. Miss Lesta Pegan, who. was shot Th by George Keplinger, is improving steadand will be able to go about These in about her neck, but it is thought this will gradually pass away, that she will be all right again. ists have been riding over a proposed route interurban.

lice. from Fairmount through Liberty townebir. Local street car people say they know nothing of the proposed line. Fairmount to Kokomo. ICis reported.

that. Marion capital- Will Return to Marion. Mr. and Mrs. -Karl Ross have writ.

ten friends in Marion that they will return to this city next week and in a short lime Mr. Ross will open up dental 'Another Gusher A Another big gusher bas been struck: in Washington township, Blackford county: It said to rival the immense well recently advertised as the "best ever." It is very bard to stand idly by and see our dear ones while await. ing the arrival of the dcetor. An Albany (N, dairyinan called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not Anding the doctor in, he left word for dim to come at once on his return: lIe also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until the doctor should arrive.

In few hours be. returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, say's the family has since recommerded Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Lo their neighbors and friends until he has a constant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale by Siddons druggists.

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure what you eat." Frank City Drug Store, FRENCH ARMY Admitted by Defreycinet to Be In- terior to Germany's. Paria, March the chamber of deputies yesterday the debate on the army budget led to the usual references to the necessity for proparedness agninet Germany and to comparisons of the two armies. Tho members of the house, vehile complaining of the budget, which aggregates 875,000,000 francs, admitted the impossibility of retrenching in the face of the necessity of meeting Ger. many increases by corresponding addition. The minister of war, M.

Dofreycinet, admitted that the French effective army was inferior to the German, but he pointed out that it was impossiblo to this owing to the lack- of popu Ration Fire minister expressed flie belief that mere numbers, cabore a cortain point, did not add to the effectiveness of the army, AN: the excesa beyond. that point could only act as reserves, and he waS convinced that the fate of a conflict wonld bo decided before the reservos could be employed. It is not necessary, therefore, tho ninister said, to be alarmied abont neighboring increnses. France mast meet quantity by quality. The rifles and guns of the French army were without their equals, and the country, might await the futuro with confidence.

TWO MEN KILLED Neveral Injured and an Oil Well Burned. Parkersburg. W. March 9. -Anexplosion occurred on Whiskey Run, neur here.

yesterday afternoon, in which two men vero instautly killed, an oil well burned and other damage It was caused- by nitro used in drilling. (leorge Wrench, James. and Tom Carroll, John and and Charles Blair were dangerously injured William Hopkins was seriously in-jured. The well is located on tho Curtlan Oil compuy's lease, three wiles north of Ellenborough. COLONEL CHINN Hag a Dilloulty With ex Senator Bronson.

Lexingtou, March -The' cratio stato convention has been for Louisvillo June 21, with county to Colonel Jack Chinn publicly attacked terdny. "A tragody was nurrowly averted by both boing placed under bond. both 010 prominent in politics, trouble was caused by a suit brought Brouson against Chinn, and not tional difference. Change In Classification of Mall. March impor.

tant change in classification of matter will go Into effect in about days' time. The present fourth cluss, which fixes the rate on closed parcels to fivo pounds in weight at 6 cents four ounces, is abolished and the present fifth class will- become the fourth. decision hay been reached in order confusion and to bring the other classitication into with countries in the postal union. is such classifeation as tho which other being ubolished, in recoguized couutries. The Texas Senute.

Austin, March -Tho senate yesterday by the close 14 adopted the house resolution indorsing Congressman Bailey's course regarding members in of congress who" accopted commissions the army, but not until the resolution was amended so.tint it should not be construed as a reflection on Con- Advance Guard of Court of Inquiry. guard of the board of inquiry into advanco the Chicago, March 9. The beet supplies of the army reached Chicago last evening. The party consisted of General G.

W. Davis, Lieutenant Colonel (. 3. Davis and stenographer. James F.

Wado will arrive today from Washington Gilles pie is already hero. Raised tho Price of Brooms. Chicago, March -The convention manufacturers of brooms, after a 2-day's rossion, adjourned yosterday having deaided to raiso the prices of brooms throughout the United States GO cents dozen. dozen on all grades under $3.50 por -Nino Persons Drowned. Brest, France, has ure been yucht regaived off the of the Brittany capsizing of a pleasconst, drowning nine persons, among them Ave Fronch military officers, $50,000 and Assets $70.

Tolado; March V. -Edward Thr. ley, formerly furrier of this city, has fled a petition of voluntary bankruptey, the potition showing $50,000 liabilatios and $70 assets. BRIEF DISPATCHES. at destroyed $75,000 worth of property loston yesterday.

in The Western Stove Manufacturers are session In Chicago. The P'rincess Kalualant of Honolulu 1A roported co bo dying. There are over 1,000 dogs 'on exhibition at Chicago's canine show. M. I.

Haywood, Republican, has Goon cleated senator for Nebraska fir place of Sanator Allen, Popalist. l'ater Sovala, arrosted at Nowport, for the murder of Frank Hayne at slog, Mich and then suicided. in The P'ort Arthur (Tux.) ahtp will practically comploted on the 20th luat. The event will two celebrated in a fltting manner. A BuenoR Ayro9 dispatch says that Henry Warron of the Methodist church of Now York la suffering from Bishop Warren In that country to ntiend a conference of the church.

Strong Drink is Death DR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS Are Drink the only positively anaranteed ramedy by strong Habit drink. Nervousness and caused to WR GUARANTEE FOUR ROXEN anter cure any or rue with a positio ritten appetite for refund the voner, and to destroy the intuxicating THE A TABLETS NOWLEDGE CAN OF BE GIVEN WITHOUT THE PATIENT. -of we will mall Deaths STRONG DRINK you tour Stualo boxes $3.00. Post office Drug Store, sole agents 119 W.

4th Marion, Ind. A a at ill D. A is of: for is Comer are guesta of Mrs. M. ll.

Crowell on Branson Brown Anderson was here last night for the Rebekah banquet Shon recording secretary of the Anderson lodge. While here the was the gnest of Mrs. 8.0. Gonld of South Washington street. Mias Turner of the Leader -will go Chicago next Saturday for A visit with her brothers Bart is here from Indianapolis.

will locate in Marion in the will follow him here within week for Ex-Benator Lafe. "Johnson has resumed his old business, glass cutting, at the Andersou glass factory Azariah Doggett of Arcana, is renaving to the Bud" larris: place, south of the citv. 4 Ilis is at present. visiting the home of G. Doggett, in the (F, Me) If, G.

Owens, I. Kern and I Tate of Montpelier are in the Mrs. Barah Evaus ia visiting at City and Marion. She has been, iting at Montpelier, and is now on Mrs. Harry Bag of Hartford visiting here with- Smith is at Anderson every day this week attending a law Mre.

Florence l'atterson and daughter, Miss Minnie P'atterson, are bome from a few days' visit with Anderson A. Tracy of Hartford City was in Marion yesterday, Pearl Bogue returned home this afternoon from a business trip through the Mias Jessie Lease carne back yester. day from Indianapolis. Sho will take a position as trimmer in. 8 Summitvine store, Jack Sheehy left.

Tuesday for a visit in G. B. Campbell is attending meeting of the Fortnightly. club home Mra. Ellen Bowen and children are here from Montpelier, Mrs.

Nora Kerlin is home from Muscio where she has Leon Visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Leonard for the past few Messrs. Mark Fully, A.

Acker, Dr. M. F. Baldwin, J'atrick McKinney and J. 0.

Frame represented Converse in this Mrg. Horace Murphy returned Wahesh Tuesday, after. A brief visit. in Miss Met Ballinger has returned to "her home in Liborty, frieNds Mrs. Allen Christman in entertain: bor sister derson for A few Mrs.

Dr. LeER Hunter is reported better after a sickof two weeks with la Mrg. (. W. Neal has returned to Iddianapolis after visiting relatives in Marion for a few Mrs Charles Mclicker of Chicago is at Hartford City to Mrs.

Thomas bliss l'owers has returned from Montpelier, where visited Mrr. T. C. Miss Marie Bond of An. derson is visiting Mira.

C. O. Faris. Thursday, statement in Wednesday's Chronicle that the papering of the l'a'ace restaurant was done by Al Ullom is a mistake George King was the man who received the W. E.

Robinson, formerly of the reportorial tail of the Morning News, nowain the name. department of. the Louisville Commercial, who has been visiting friends here for the past fow days, returned to the latter place yes(terday afiernoon. ad. Mira D.

l'ennoch of Battle Creek. arrived, iu the city last evening Tor an extended visit with her dauzhter Mre. A. C. Baxter.

of 312 South Boots Mrs. Bert Ervin and three daughters, Edith, Lucile and Margaret, are the guests of friend. in Hartford Girl' Mission Band of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Miss Nary Anodgrass on Fri day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. J.

Cors'ock Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Lack wood will rive from Washington at 7:40 this evening, having been delayed at Cincinnati by the high Mrs.

D. C. Jenkins and Miss Ada. Jenkins of (treentown were the guests of Mins Nellie Mc. Wednes Miss Virginia Merrill of Wabash, who la: been viaiting friends here for the past low days, has returned ra IL.

A. Worden weut to De ca'ur, this morning for a Mr and -a 0. 01. Paris are enter. Miss Marie Bond o' Mrs.

Thomas. Bryan Braves week for ber old. home at New Or. a A 1 C. O.

FARIS FOR EYE GLASSES. FARIS FOR SPECTAOLES. llave your eyes tested a by the most improved methods Crystal and lenses always in stock C. FARIS the 109 Weit Fourth street. Try our expert watchmaker.

See Alva Duncan, Attorney and Counselor at Law, i -TOR-: STRAIGHT MONEY LOANS FARM and PROPERTIES amount. at 5, sad 0 per cont, num, aa ya wally. Call and before going elsew hatre. Once over Price's bard way store. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTANE.

il No. 1358. -Notice legatees is of hereby Mary given J. to Appear Grant ward. doorased, the Biat day of Mn 1809, conct.

held. at show accounts cause, If any, why estate the anal settlement. not lie approved; and of maid decedent ship and to receive then and there diatributive make proof of maid. beirs day Witness, Perk of said- court this our their Clerk of Grant T. March 10 Circuit Court, SHERIFF'S SALE.

me By directed virtue from certifted the cops clerk's of a decree Grant anperlor conrt, In A chums wherein. the Chariea plaintiffs. M. and Tompkins and Ray Tompkins are FAlls the Ellison Aunt are of defendanta, hundred requiring mo to make dollars and forty- two cento, ninety-six with Interest ($100.42) sale, to decree the and highest costa, bidder will expose at public Saturday, the lat day of April, An De 1899, court house 11. of of said day at the door of the the rents and profita said for Grant 'a county, Indiana, term not exceedhalf seven luterest years, of an equal undividal.

oneestate, to- wit: tp the following deecribed real 3 Lot ard 9 4 in in block 22, lo5 ond 11 lots in block lots 1, 2. in and blork all of said lots being interest in 23, 24, 25 and 24 Atty a of part Marion, of the Kinpire addition, to the State of Indiana to the County of Grant and anficient much ronta and pronts will not sell fora to entisty auld decree, Interest Land expose coals real publio male the fro of Ball frient to or so much thereof as may be Hufdischarge said decree, interont and. from Hand male valuation will be mado with relief whatever. or appraisem*nt C. O.

BRADFORD. "Henry El' lott, Sheriff attorneys. of Grant March 10, 1800, Licensed to Wed. Barney Fundersburg and Ola Doles. Geo.

B. Love and Minta A. Tippy. I. A.

Herrold, Toler. a Geo. 1'. Seabright and, Mary Miller Chas. Tolen and Nellie Geo.

W. Rader and Dora Campion. G. Johnson and Freela M. Rerdr T.

C. Altice and Addrey. in Two Girly Leave Home Vada Spaulding and Lizzto Bales, two sixteen-year-old girls of Mont-" pelier, have left their homes, and their parents 'are very much worried their disappearance. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Bears al the Signaturo al Tho I.

of Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR NEW YORK CITY. SE to Mas and are: a to a fu 11 14. A -L 1' 3.

The Marion Chronicle from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.